The POSTER – Crap someone should have told you writers by now

So I wrote this post about Crap someone should have told you writers by now. And my website sort of blew up. Then I thought: Well, fuck me, why not a poster?



Click on the image at left and it will enlarge in a new window.

The posters are 18 inches by 24 inches, printed on classy 100-pound matte paper.

Frame it. Glue it. Tack it. Paste the sucker to your monitor.

Mailing tubes protect their awesomeness. Want a personal note from moi? Mention it in checkout and IT SHALL BE DONE.

Price: $20.00 USD

Oh, and the price includes shipping in the U.S.

Get one for:
• The writer in your life. Duh.
• Yourself.
• Your subscribers. Excellent SWAG, peeps.

Shipping skinny:
• Price includes shipping in the U.S.
• $11 extra for my Canadian pals. Eh?
• UK and Australia, $13 to get it there.


5 replies
  1. Honor
    Honor says:

    Awesome! Love your site. Will be purchasing things when I get paid. Struggling artist and all that, ya know?
    A friend (Cindy Ray)suggested you.

  2. Denise Z
    Denise Z says:

    Love the poster and of course all the sharing from your posts. I really enjoy the emails and just the tag line gets me opening it every time they appear. As soon as the budget gods open the purse strings will be nabbing my copy for my office 🙂

  3. Joseph Romano
    Joseph Romano says:


    Back in 2009 I never imagined you would move in this direction; offering your knowledge and services, but so glad you did. EP asked me a little more than a year ago if I needed an editor. Damn right I do, coaching as well. I will be purchasing the poster in the next week or so. If you would sign it good….sign it real good. I’m so happy for you and your success. I’ve always loved your writing I think you know that.

    From the heart



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