*For all the women out there that are on the fence… “DO IT”!! This is life changing work and Becky is the best I’ve ever worked with!! It’s hard to remember who you are, but having someone guide you through the process, priceless! I can see a light inside that I forgot was there. I am starting to remember and shed the looping and stories. This work isn’t easy but MAN!!! It’s worth it, especially with an amazing person like Becky in your corner. – Jennifer V.

“What I really valued was how you built the practices each week and you could really start to see the process unfolding as we went on. It felt layered and that really helped me each week to build. It was also so simple and easy to follow which makes a difference. The journaling questions were a wonderful way of supporting everything we were doing and I will continue to use them.

I have waited a few years to work with you and I was not disappointed! Everything I value in your approach was there for me – the straight talking, the support, the clarity. 

I loved the somatic practices and I use them in my own work as a coach, so they really worked for me and supported everything I do… Thank you so much Becky. I will definitely work with you again in the future.  Much love.”  – Sarah Dodsley

Absolutely NO ONE does it better! You have opened me up to myself, held my feet to the fire to do the work, championed me when I thought I couldn’t do it, made me laugh and cry (sometimes at the same time) and made me believe in myself as a coach and mentor. Thank you, thank you, thank you. XO – Victoria C.

The 6 week Shadow work intensive with Becky was amazing! She helped me release and heal from years of trauma that I’ve been holding onto. She guided me towards solutions on any type of problem and dug deep.

This program helped me tremendously become more self aware of my thoughts, heal and move past the pain.

I have learned so much about myself and have a better understanding about the why on certain issues that I could never figure out…

She truly is a gifted healer, so smart and one of the most compassionate people I have ever met.

Anyone questioning if they should do this please do! It is the best thing that I have done for myself. I can’t wait to work more with Becky in the future! She’s the best! I can’t thank her enough for helping me. – Jessica W.

My time with Becky is nothing short of phenomenal… Becky enabled me to bravely step forward and let my guard down. Working with my shadows and bringing them into the light.

To bring forward and see your shadows with love & curiosity took courage. It brought deep emotions for me with it, but Becky held the space with trusting beauty. It gave me the courage to be vulnerable and work through all that came forward.

Navigating the terrain having Becky has really been a magical expansion. – Emma C.

I can’t say enough about how glad I am that I did this for myself, in a whole lot of ways. I am a better person for it. Noticeably different is my anxiety level. It’s almost nonexistent. Becky is 100% on fire when it comes to shadow work. And she’s not a bad mindset coach either LOL. – Elizabeth A.

It’s been just over a month now since the last Intuitive Leadership call and I have been thinking about what I would say to someone considering taking this experience.  The first words that come to mind, as always, are DO IT! I didn’t know what to expect and I would say to someone thinking about this to suspend your expectations and go in with an open heart and mind.  There will be lightbulb moments and there will also be moments where it feels like a fireworks display going off in your head and body.  The shifts in beliefs and the energy in your body are amazing and hard to explain and the ripples continue long after the 6 weeks (which go by way too fast) are over.  A month later, I am still feeling shifts and changes happening in me and my life.  It’s a beautiful experience to spend time with Becky and her herd in so many ways. So, again, I say, DO IT. -Krista Marie

Each and every time I work with Becky, my life transforms. This time was no different. She took me deeper into the stories that I have held onto for way too long. I have done a ton of work on my worthiness and still Becky was able to assist me in remembering who I am at my very core. And, it’s not just about remembering it, it’s about letting the ego of lies go so I could step fully into who I really am … my superpowered self is BACK! Yippee!

Denise Hansard

The clarity and healing were unlike anything I have ever experienced. Becky’s ability to listen and then dive into what’s behind your words is profound. It creates so much self-awareness and deep mindset shifts.
She also does it with such compassion and love that it allowed me to completely open up and speak my truth. I am so deeply grateful for my time with her. She is a gift.

Holy fucking shit, go work with Becky. Now. It will be the greatest gift you give yourself.

– Joanne Mosellen

“I loved the Holy F*ck! Becky offers an in-depth approach for others to gain a new perspective about how they can reframe their thoughts, feelings, removing mental blocks and how to approach any situation by using different tools and exercises that she provides in the calls.

She encouraged us to take  the lead in situations where self-doubt was involved and to set healthy boundaries and move forward and to remember to breathe. The weekly exercises helped me dive deeper into my thinking and ask the questions that I either have avoided or had never thought about. They helped me take a deeper look into my thoughts and actions, and gain a broader perspective to do a major mental shift in order to move forward in future decisions. Becky took her time talking to each one of us. She answered and offered reframes for any questions or issues that we needed help on.”  – Jessica

I grew as a result of Becky’s knowledge, seemingly 24-hour support (How the hell do you do that? When do you sleep, woman?), and the safety of that group. Becky’s beautiful heart created a lovely, fun, safe, and supportive environment. As a VPP (very private person) I could share…or not…and still grow, learn from, and support every other woman in there.

I also value the new friendships I found there (Becky included) as we are all a little too old to hang out at the playground and make new friends. Instead, I found this virtual playground where I could ask questions, try out new ideas, and bring some of my dreams back to life. And after I dusted those off, I added some newer, bigger dreams that I am actively working on and those babies are now dreams in motion. So, thank you, Becky, and my new Believing friends. We are on our way up together, and there is plenty of room at the top for all of us.

What are you waiting for?

What are you ready to find out about yourself?

Signed, The Trauma Mama ? (My new name was born in there.)

Aka Celeste Himanek

When a person who considers herself a wordsmith has trouble finding the words, you KNOW it’s good!

…After multiple other courses and coaches and even multiple day live events, I have found a home in Becky’s tribe that I may never leave.

Not sure which course or program or intensive is right for you? Just get in! Whatever you can join, whatever you feel ready for, or drawn to – DO IT NOW!

There is no compartmentalization with Becky – she will tell you exactly what you need to hear, what step to take next, and where you are struggling – even if your ego is telling you that you have no issues. And if fear has you by a stranglehold and is keeping you small – the #BullshitSlayer Becky will help you conquer it head on. I assure that every fiber of your being will grow in working with Becky. Your business will thrive, your income will soar, but most importantly of all . . . your Soul will SMILE! Thank you seems so pithy, Becky, but THANK YOU.

– Lisa Hubbard

The Rock Solid Self Belief program is worth the investment in yourself, your business and your life. The transformations I saw in every one of us was mind blowing.

Rebecca’s mindset coaching and compassion made it easier for me to share, even in this group setting. Her coaching style truly got to the root and helped me unearth some deep limiting beliefs holding me back.

…I loved Rebecca’s style of coaching before, but I am completely and utterly sold now. She is truly an inspiration on how to live your life on your own terms while being a kick ass coach. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

– Jacquie


What can I say – I love Becky! She isn’t just any old business & mindset coach. Working with her 1:1 for less than 60 mins lit me up and inspired me to take action in a way that no other coach has. She truly cares about her clients and is super committed to helping them work through their blocks and achieve their greatness.

– Hannah Gorvin

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something had me stuck. Oh, I’d read the popular books about motivation, leadership, and being a badass but ultimately the lasting change and progress I was seeking eluded me. Then a good friend told me about Becky just in time for her “Rock Solid Self-Belief” course.

I jumped in with both feet and found out that what was holding me back were stories and beliefs in my head that I didn’t even know were there. Becky’s diverse skill set and intuition helped me unearth the ones that were no longer serving me, the same ones that were effectively keeping me from fulfilling what I was created to do and shred them completely.

This course helped me rediscover who I am at my core by clearing away the debris that had accumulated over decades. Becky’s methods will embolden you and give you clarity about yourself that you haven’t had before. Seriously, if the end result is to unleash the best you possible, can you afford NOT to take this course?

– Lynda Malka

I worked with Becky at the beginning of my business. I remember the interactions before we even got on a phone call led me to have a fire deep within me that I never knew until Ms. Becky Tsaros Dickson walked into my life. Even her accent moved my income forward. She reminded me to not take things so seriously, to own my power, to release what wasn’t serving me and raise my rates and to believe in myself more than my mom ever knew how to teach me. She was like mom to me in the first stages of my business. I was at a $13k a month with zero investments when I started working with her and, within about 3 months, had broken to consistent $20k months, and have increased ever since.

The income wasn’t the thing that I was grateful for. It was the raw, animalistic rage that came out of me that had held me down for decades that HAS since led me to become the exact version of myself I had dreamed of.

If you want the coach who gets the best income results, she’s got the street cred. But if that’s all you are focused on with working with this woman… You’re screwing yourself. Read this last part over again. At least 5x.

– Molly Sapp

Rapid EXPANSION – that’s what 2 coaching calls with Becky have produced.

In one week, I have been invited as a guest on 2 Podcasts, Landed 2 Clients, and Launched my FIRST online program.

Becky NEVER promised me quick success, she NEVER said that I would attract clients at a rapid rate, she never said I was going to become an overnight rockstar with a line of people knocking my down door for my services.

What she did say is show-up- EVERYDAY. Stop saying “it’s hard” she exchanged that with “How can this be easy?”

I have tears streaming down my face as I type this… There are millions for people out there claiming to bring you overnight riches, massive success, immediate results. There are FEW that call you on your shit without shaming, who get you so uncomfortable in the sidelines of your “safe zone” that you are willing to batter-up, even if you strike out again and again. 

This woman isn’t for everyone. She is for the the people who want to LEVEL UP, who are willing to go all in, who are ready to train for a mindset marathon that will bring you to the finish line of a changed life.

I bow in gratitude.

– Dana Vacchelli

I have been working with Becky for about a year and a half. I have had TREMENDOUS personal growth in the time that I have worked with her. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a 2 day retreat at her home. Becky is one of the most honest, kind, open-hearted individuals I have ever met. She will lead you through the depths of your shit and won’t let you off the hook until it is handled. She has helped me grow into a more open, peaceful and self-loving goddess in my time with her. Do yourself (and your marriage, your business, your friendships) a favor and invest in yourself by working with Becky. Trust me, it will be one of the best decisions of your life. – Jami Principe

When I first started working with Becky this past January, I had hustled and overworked myself to the point of being sick for 6+ months. My asthma was so bad I couldn’t even have a conversation without coughing.

Within weeks of working with Becky, I cut my workload down, started scheduling time for fun, taking pottery classes, and indulging in frequent naps.

I found it easier to put myself first in some areas, like work, but I was having a harder time doing it with my relationships. So I did an “intensive” session with Becky to work on it.

That one call with Becky condensed what would have been years of inner work into one morning. She helped me see how a few beliefs I formed as a child, have held me back my whole life. She also coached me on a few new skills I could apply to my relationships, like how to lovingly speak up for what I need and want.

I am amazed at how easily and quickly things shifted in my life since I started working with Becky. I am calmer and healthier (I’ve lost 25 pounds so far) and my asthma is continuously getting better. I’m making about 50% more, working half the time. I’m also happier in my relationships and proud of the example I’m setting for my kids.

Becky, “thank you” doesn’t begin to express how I feel. I’m so grateful for your help.

To anyone else reading my review, if you’re considering working with Becky, do it. It has been the best investment in myself I have ever made. ❤️ – Heather Stephens 

Prior to my session with Becky, I was experiencing unrelenting anxiety in all areas of my life. It’s something I’ve dealt with so long, I had stopped thinking about it, assumed I could deal with it on my own and just let it “run its course” without realizing how profoundly it was impacting me and the goals I have set for myself.

Having never done something like this before, I was extremely nervous but quickly found I had absolutely no reason to be. Just as she does during her coaching sessions, Becky has an amazing ability to cultivate a safe atmosphere within mere seconds of beginning the call, allowing you to be completely open and vulnerable without fear.

In less than 90 minutes, I got to the root of the issue, which had been showing up in every area of my life for almost my entire life, and in less than a week after our call, I’ve been able to completely adjust course with new thoughts, beliefs and actions.

When she says you can find freedom through hypnotherapy, this is not just a marketing tactic. It’s a truth that you will find immediately and never look back. – Autumn Anderson

OMG! So much shit dug up that I had zero idea had any connection to my behavior, beliefs, feelings… all of it. So a lot of connections made really quickly – big awareness. AND THEN — moving to release them in a matter of MINUTES YALL. I’ve been doing mindset for 2+ years and this accomplished more in a couple hours than I made progress on over months and months of work. – Erin Monaghan 

Becky helped me TRIPLE my income in a few short months – On track to hit half a million dollars this year with just my one-one premium Facebook ad strategy service.

When I came to Becky, I was doing okay. I absolutely loved what I was going – don’t get me wrong – but I wasn’t showing up fully. I was still hiding.

I wasn’t calling out my ideal, perfect clients and suffice to say I was playing small. I had these mindset issues. I felt like I wasn’t ‘polished’ enough to start attracting the 7-figure clients. I felt I wasn’t good enough still. Anyone relate?

I worked with Becky for 5 weeks in an intimate, small group setting and also did her 90-minute intensive.

The result? My MONTHLY income has gone up from $20K to $50K with just the mindset work and her faith in me. In fact, February, I had my biggest month at $54K and I enrolled a dream client (who happens to be a multi-7 figure business owner). I actually had to stop promoting because I was at capacity.

(This was money received – as in money in my bank. Not including any split payments.)

And this month, I am on track to hit $60K. And we aren’t even halfway through.

All of this happened because of our own Business Dominatrix – Becky Dickson – and I’ll be forever grateful. That. is. all. xoxo – Marya Jan

I first heard Becky speak in a live Facebook feed and was instantly hooked by her no-nonsense, cut right to the chase attitude and the warm, genuine heart that guides everything she does.

I’ve been calling her “my coach” ever since, despite whether I am working with her in group programs, self-study, or just reading her Facebook posts and sucking up the motivation from afar. That’s how much of an impact she has. It gets silly sometimes. I find myself thinking ‘what would Becky say?’. It’s just that she gets me, in a way no other coach or ‘guru’ ever has. In the same way Bill Murray always makes me laugh, and my husband’s smile gives me butterflies.

I recently had the pleasure of doing a 1:1 intensive with Becky. We seriously got more done in 90 minutes than most people do in 90 days. I was floored. Becky revealed to me how valuable my experiences, knowledge, and services really are. I’ve been fighting myself for way too long, not believing I am qualified or ready and undercharging as a result, and she showed me the truth to get rid of that shit forever.

I was surprised by how intuitively she asked the right questions and how effortlessly she turned my rambling into powerful, effective statements that I can use to effortlessly sell my services. I expected to dig deep and gain clarity on my target niche and messaging– I did not expect to develop an entire action plan and system with everything I need to get started right away.

The result so far: I know exactly what to work on over the next few months and how to implement, I am raising my prices by an obscenely sexy amount, and I am more confident than I’ve ever been in my ability to make a major profit with my business.

I can always tell when I’m upleveling, because I literally get shaky and wiggly all over. My heart feels like it drank 10 cups of coffee. It’s like the opposite of a panic attack.

The fact that Becky gave me this powerful feeling in just 90 minutes is a true testament to her talents as a coach.

You’d be a damn fool to pass up an opportunity to work with Becky. – Becca Fox  

Going through Becky’s 1:1 coaching 90-day program is not for the faint-hearted. The “Becky Experience” is for serious entrepreneurs who are willing to do the inner work that is vital to achieving success in both business and life. Becky’s powerful coaching has enabled me to confront all of my blocks and limitations and armed me with a way of thinking that powers me forward like no strategy on earth can offer. She ‘gets it’ every time. It’s truly mind-blowing.

I recommend you hire Becky if you want to go the distance, if you’re ready to up-level your business to new stratospheres and give yourself the gift of total control for life. – Sanae Floyd

Six weeks in working with Becky Dickson, my mindset, my clarity around what I do and who I serve, my website copy, my visibility and my confidence have all dramatically transformed. If you want all of that, plus, someone who is there to pick you up and dust you off when the self-sabotage kicks in, who will make sure you get what you are going after, then hire Becky NOW – before it’s too late. – Niahm K. 

I was just reflecting today on how it’s only been a year since I hired my first coach, Jessica, and my life began to transform. When I read your email I thought back to last December when I joined CCC and had two calls with you. At the time, I was just visiting my partner Jon in Tennessee. I knew the visa that I now have existed, but I didn’t have the money or the know how to make it real. As I write this email, I’m no longer using the attic space as my temporary office. Instead, I’m sitting in my freshly painted office that Jon made beautiful for me. I’m fully legal to live and work here in the US, I have a whole team supporting me and my dreams, and I’m charging 4 times what I was charging at the start of CCC. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! – Siobhan McAuley

Thank you for CCC. More than just a weekly call to listen to? I made incredible relationships, partners, friends. I learned so much about how to be ME. I learned how to OWN MY SHIT. I am amazing. I didn’t believe it but since the moment we spoke over PM in April, my life has been so different. I jumped for joy over a month totaling $1000 in sales in Jan-March. I didn’t even hit $1000 each time. Now? $26,105.91 in sales in one month ALONE. $55,591.33 since we spoke in April. I can’t even express how incredible this experience has been and how much I’ve learned. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. – Alyssa Gavinski 

When I found Becky and listened to her audio trainings, I had no idea how to make money as a coach. I’d been dreaming about my own coaching business for 10 years. Within a month, I earned over $6,000. How she broke down creating packages and charging for your services finally made sense and it was what I needed to get started. Seven months later I am able to leave my corporate job to run my own thriving coaching business. – Tara Newman 

You inspire me, surprise me and scare the shit out of me sometimes.
I stumbled upon (Becky) through a friend back in December and my life has completely changed still. Just about every belief and perspective I had about myself, my life and my business has been turned on its head – thank the fucking lord.

I am listening to the latest gift you’ve plopped on us over the past few months, Manifest Now, and I’m sobbing because another layer is shedding. I am earning money and it’s growing, I roar with confidence inside and I fight my inner naysayer on a daily basis just by scrolling through the magic I read in this group. You’ve brought me lifelong sisters and pillars of support. Thank you doesn’t suffice it but I haven’t figured out the words yet to replace that.

You built the dream. You spoke about what was percolating then and you fucking did it. And that helps me build mine and my fellow lions in here build theirs. Bless you, thank you and may we all keep shining our lights on each other to light up the whole damn world. – Shari Teigman 

I have worked with more than a few coaches in my life, since I was 17 to be exact. Becky, by far, is one of the most profound, authentic, brilliant coaches I have had the pleasure of working with. When I first started working with Becky, my business was doing pretty good. I was making $10K consistently per month. I was getting clients pretty easily, but I knew I was ready to step into something more, that there was a ceiling I was ready to breakthrough – and Becky was going to help me do that. She blew me away not only with her powerful, concise laser-coaching, but with her ability to be in tune with where I was in my business, listen to my unique needs – and I was blown away by the heart this woman carries into her sessions and her journey with her clients.

She cares deeply and she gets results. My first month working with Becky, we raised my rates to a place that felt scary but good, created amazing copy and I had my best month in my business yet at $22K. She is real, she is honest, she is authentic, she knows her shit and she will take you to a place where you are standing and living your potential. Best investment I have ever made in my business, and one I would do over and over again. Thank you, Becky, for believing in my vision as much as I did, holding me to the fire of my potential and kicking my ass to get me there. I am indebted to your mastery and grateful I had the opportunity to experience it. – Hillary Schneider 

Cassie Howard
Want to make a shit ton of money with your business? Hire Becky. I heard about the results Becky got her clients and truth be told, I was skeptical. But something told me to go for it – and am I ever glad I did! In just 2 months, I went from a handful of clients to being almost fully booked. Becky got my head on straight, called me out on my bullshit and gave me the direction I needed. Thanks to her, I’ve made over $25K and counting – in just a few short months.
– Cassie Howard 

Jenn Scalia
I made over $100,000 in 90 days after I worked with Becky. I came to Becky at one of the lowest points in my life. I had no money, no clients, and no real business after trying it on my own for over a year. Her no nonsense approach whipped my mindset into place and I was able to create a business (and life) that I am excited about. Working with Becky has opened doors and opportunities I never imagined. I would definitely work with Becky again- in fact, I still do. – Jenn Scalia

Jo CaseyCrop

Our session was far and away the best money I’ve spent on my business in a long time – it was a joy. – Jo Casey 


I had a session with Becky and one hour changed my direction and my life. It will change who I become a month from now. I have seen rave after rave about Becky and get a taste of her gifts in CCC, but talking to her 1:1 was mind blowing. All of the feedback I have read about her are not just “cult fans” or hyped up “favor” testimonials. They are genuine, raving, jaw-dropping fans and now I am one of them. We will be lucky to say; “I knew her when…” – Marin Graves 


Guess who’s stacked up $9K since we spoke?

Actually, that’s $9K today. Just today. Say what?!?!? Love and gratitude. xoxo – Hattie Brazeley 

I made $2,500 after one hour with Becky. Best hour I’ve spent in my business so far, and it’s only the beginning.

I know with her by my side I AM going to get where I need to be. (I’d say want, but I have a feeling she has bigger dreams for me than I could ever imagine.)

If you’ve been thinking about hiring a business coach, and you’re ready to hear what you NEED to do (not what you want to hear), you MUST take Becky up on this offer. I have no doubt she can help you like she helped me. – Dayna House 

HOLY SHIT. Becky is a genius. I inarticulately rambled for five minutes about what I did and Becky brilliantly boiled that down into a few powerful sentences that completely spoke to my audience in a way I could not find the words for.

She works at lightning speed, over delivers and I’m so glad I took the leap of faith to hire her when I did. Even just an hour will create big shifts that you need. Hire her. – Dr. Jenev Caddell 

If you’ve ever dreamed of having an online business that you fucking love, doing work that fuels you and that keeps you awake at night with giddiness and excitement, all the while getting paid what you’re worth, you owe it to yourself to spend an hour with this woman. She is incredible.

I had a session with her and have totally upped my game in a BIG way. Thank you, Becky! – Jennifer Blanchard 

Becky, you are amazing! Within an hour, you got exactly what I wanted to say in my sales copy – and I feel really comfortable selling at a higher rate now too. Thank you so much.

If anybody is still thinking about hiring you: Do it now before she doubles her rate. – Sandra Pilarczyk

HECK YES to getting in on this! I was peeing my pants at the idea of charging what I REALLY wanted.

In 60 seconds flat, Becky had me stepping up and owning my rates with confidence.

No more playing small. – Ruth Ridgeway

Becky provides MASSIVE value in her coaching. She is laser-focused, no BS (but you’d expect that from her, now wouldn’t you?) and will upend your beliefs about what to charge.

Since I am all about the actionable to-do list, I really appreciated how clear she was about what I needed to tackle point by point.

Don’t hesitate to sign up if you are considering it. Seriously. Do it. – Lisa Sharp 

So much info in one session that your head will explode. Copy work you would ordinarily slave over? Done. Sales emails? Done. Tips for tweaking your site, calls to action, pricing info based on what lights YOU up? Freakin’ amazing.

I’ve never felt this way about my biz, ever. And I can feel the shifts happening on an energetic level already. Do it! Seriously. – Lamisha Serf-Walls 

YOU gave me permission to go where I KNEW I wanted to go. I needed that permission and I needed that perspective. I needed to hear your story, I needed to know it was possible and I needed to understand the difference in doing business online and its potential for my business. I needed to hear that it is not my business what others can or can’t afford.

You gave me clear and actionable plans/ideas to build on what I am working on right now. You didn’t add to my pile, but just turned on the lights.

You changed my perspective and that one hour changed my life. No shit. Changed how I think and feel about my business and MADE me believe that it is not about ‘if’ I will earn the income I want, but that it is already on its way.

My debt now looks like a pussycat because, when I put it beside what I will be earning, it is. My job now is to implement what you gave me and keep my eyes on the direction I am going and enjoy the fucking ride. Tantrums and all. Your work is making a difference, Becky, and I am so happy to be part of your success. – Lisa Carpenter 

I am blown away by how much we covered in an hour. I was nervous about the investment, not because I didn’t think Becky was good at what she did, but because after going round in circles over the last few years and doubting myself, I was beginning to believe I was a lost cause. That there was too much wrong with me and my business to get value in an hour.

I was wrong. I got soooo much clarity, advice and amazing copy that I can not wait to get started. Thanks Becky, you are an absolute star! – Julia Harris 

For ages, I thought all I needed was the right tools and the clients would appear. I’m here to help – shouldn’t that be enough?

No matter what I did, though, I struggled to get traction. Becky was the difference. Her guidance took me inwards. I was going in circles because I was on the wrong path – one outside myself. With her help, I moved forward – IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. I gained more ground in six weeks of working with Becky than I did in the six months before. We got super clear on what lights me up, how message is tied to that and who I serve. Becky showed me how it all builds from the right foundation. I’d still be spinning my wheels without her help. She’s fun to work with and she truly cares. If you’re on the fence, what are you waiting for? – Fariha Masud

I never worked with someone as loving and compassionate as Becky.
It is hard to put in words the transformation I already had and that’s just the beginning.
I worked with many amazing teachers, mentors and coaches in the past and I am grateful to all of them, I wouldn’t be where I am without each and everyone of them.
What I experienced in the past however is an increased sense of guilt especially when conversations came to money, to continue to work with them, with commitments I made to myself and fell short on. It always made me feel like I am LESS OF.
With Becky it was totally different, totally in the moment, totally in tune with me. No cookie cutter solutions, but rather deep mindset work with incredible SIMPLICITY.
She calls you on your $hit lovingly and doesn’t get you off the hook, however she does it with such amazing posture, detachment and neutrality and such GRACE, she makes you shift your interpretations extremely quick.
She pours her love into her clients and teaching you how to be self compassionate through all your transformations, through all your challenges.
She is a true selfless servant and #bullshitslayer.
If you are looking for true transformation and not just addicted to more information, don’t wait, contact her today. It will change your life, and that I PROMISE with 100% conviction. -Katya V. McEwen

Becky, ever since I started participating in your full moon ritual, my financeshave steadily improved. April has been my best month yet. I still have a ton of debts to clear, but I have started repaying big chunks of it. I no longer wake up panicking about money. Thank you so much for being there for me whenever I needed it. – AR 

Becky ripped me open. She didn’t stitch me up. She handed me a first-aid kit and taught me how to use the tools myself. Fuck it hurt – but it’s so worth it.
Becky then held up a mirror so I could find me – that wasn’t a walk in the park either.
Becky is brutal. Becky is brilliant. She slices to the bone allowing your soul to shine.
Becky helps you to cut cords and release your anchors – when you let go and allow yourself to be vulnerable she holds you in her hands and welcomes you into her community of incredible women.

Sancha – December 202 – my year of Becky
CCC, MM Retreat, Witchy Women I, 21 Days to Abundance

First TV appearance this week all because of you.Seriously.All.Because.Of.You.
Love you BullshitSlayer /FearKiller/Woman who raised all other women up. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me xxx. – Frances Kelleher

If you’re struggling in business, it’s likely
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It’s time to stop doing and saying the same thing over and
over again, only to feel frustrated and alone.

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If you’re struggling in business, it’s likely
because you don’t know these four secrets.

It’s time to stop doing and saying the same thing over and over again, only to feel frustrated and alone.

Grab my FREE 33-page guide, and learn how to get off the hamster wheel of hustle, bring tremendous value to your audience and take your place as a true influencer.

Signup and you’ll also receive the simple hacks I used to change the way I think and grow a multiple 7-figure business from zero.

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