
Calmness is mastery. Self-control is strength.

Danu is about 15 and is, frankly, unflappable.

She helps us get to the place where other people and things do not affect our energy, mood or actions. She also supports us when we need help not allowing our emotions to overpower us. ‘Nonreactive’ is a great word for all that she represents.

She’s a soothing balm for the nervous system, extremely grounding and certain.


Joe was the first horse I ever got, a super sweet and loving boy who craves connection. He’s about 29 now and has been with me for almost 10 years.

His role in the herd was always as support lead to Ace and even to me when I need bolstering in confidence or taking up space. He is a gentle soul with deep intuitive gifts.

Since Ace’s passing a few years ago, he has taken over as lead gelding. He brings strong “backup” medicine to me and displays what true leadership looks like from a calm, certain place.


Chiron is a 12 year old Appendix retired from showing due to a mild injury.

He is a character and a half. Most days, he is seen playing with Joseph. He loves games an is full of a tremendous playfulness and joy.

He is also sensitive and calm, adaptable and eager to please. He often appears when clients need to remember how to have fun and throw off the shackles of everyday life.


Delphi (the Oracle) is a 21 year old thoroughbred mare. She’s been with us since December 2022, when she arrived from our friends at the NH SPCA.

Her medicine is to show us how to find new purpose, create a new path, and forge ahead into the unknown. She often appears in the paddock with clients who believe they have outgrown their purpose. She reminds us there is always more to learn and more lives to powerfully impact.

And she is ALWAYS the dirtiest horse in the land.



Ace crossed Rainbow Bridge Nov. 12, 2021, after 7 years with us. He was over 34 years old, which is really, really old for a quarter horse, yet remained lead until the end.

His medicine is to show us how to lead, take up space and get our needs met. He is also especially effective at showing people how to preserve energy, not waste time or emotional bandwidth on insignificant events or circumstances, and only tend to what the leader needs to tend to in order to keep the herd alive.

Even though he has passed over, his energy is still with us and his lessons are present in other herd members, especially in his best friend, Joseph.


Storm passed Oct. 28, 2022, after a long battle with DSLD, a genetic disease that is crippling and painful. There was no reason for her to suffer through another winter.

She was my unicorn — the horse I could literally ride bare back through the fields. Nothing phased her, ever. As a lower horse in the herd rank, she helped us see we don’t have to take things personally.

She was an incredibly affectionate, calm and loving. A large part of her medicine was reminding us that softness is strength and she displayed it daily in her interactions with the herd.

Sponsor the Herd

Level One

Choose your contribution amount. (Starts at just $25)

Level One gives you an opportunity to give what you are guided to contribute to our herd.

It comes with a personalized message from our herd delivered to your inbox.

Level Two

One Month of Horse Care $250.00

Level Two gives you an opportunity to contribute to the care and feeding of one of our horses.

You can choose which horse you would like to sponsor, or make it a general sponsorship for the herd.

In exchange, you receive a personalized spell jar (hand-crafted in a ritual setting, with a piece of horse hair from a herd member of your choice), plus a personalized message from the herd, and a photo of the horse you chose to sponsor. Local Level 2 sponsors are welcome to come and visit the horse you sponsored in person.