I’LL WARN YOU: I’m a woman who goes all the way.

You might end up liking me, or you might not, but one thing is for sure: You won’t be disappointed when I remind you who the f*ck you are and how powerful that is.

I’m what you’d consider a high profile, zero nonsense expert who specializes in profit generation for small businesses. But I NEVER, EVER teach strategy.

I have a soft spot for healers, psychics, therapists and mystics – a group that also tends to de-value themselves the most while bringing incredible value to the world. F*cked up, right?

In my world, broke is a dirty word and not having enough clients is unacceptable.

There are billions of people around the globe, plenty of them with enough money to give to you. My job is to analyze why they aren’t – and then promptly help you fix it.

Things you should know about the way I work:

  1. My job is to get you back to YOU, your true essence. The woman you were before the world told you who to be. In the same way I won’t ever tolerate excuses from you, you’ll never have to tolerate them from me. This is about anteing up.
  2. I’m a former award-winning journalist, Amazon best-selling author and renowned writing consultant. I am also a WITCH, healer, priestess in the Magdalene line and an intuitive. Through the experience of remembering who I am, I found my grit, my gut and my true calling.
  3. I’ve coached tens of thousands of women (not an exaggeration) to help them find their wisdom, truth and confidence – and do it in a way that gets them paid.
  4. I run a Magic Shoppe, where I sell one-of-a-kind metaphysical products, handmade and organic oils and candles, and much more.
  5. Since 2008, I’ve studied, taught and practiced archetypal psychology, shadow work, neuroscience, energy healing, shamanism, somatic work and mind/body connection. This is the shit that changes lives.

If you are:

  • Someone who feels like you’re spinning your wheels over and over and over (and over)…
  • Someone who, if they didn’t know better, would think they didn’t have enough money to bring in a high-level expert to go underneath the hood…
  • Or someone who may not have a ton of balls, but enough to know it’s time for the REAL you to emerge, right here, right now…

…then you have my undivided attention.

You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.

I’ll give you 150% of most opinionated opinions, and whether you simply follow along on the blog, or book me to work together, you can finally start carrying yourself with your head held high, in a way that whispers, “Try me.”

In the last 16 years, I have…

  • been featured in Forbes 17 times (no really), and made appearances in Business Insider, as well as CBS, NBC and ABC
  • hosted workshops (plural) with Jack Canfield
  • written two books (and counting)
  • invested more than $2M in my own growth
  • hired the 1% of the 1% to coach me on mindset, NLP, shadow work, hypnotherapy, horse medicine (equus) and business strategies (Jack, Regan Hillyer, Lisa Nichols, Niyi Sobo, Hillary Schneider and many more)
  • consistently earned 6 figures a month
  • launched a highly successful metaphysical product shoppe
  • and, perhaps most importantly, I’ve fallen down 100 times, made 1,000s of mistakes, and KEPT CHOOSING TO GET BACK UP

Which is why I always say…

It matters if you just won’t quit.

The Team

Alyssa Tolman is our Director of Operations and Engagement. She is Becky’s younger sister, and therefore thoroughly enjoys being her boss at RTD Inc. (No really, she gets to tell her what to do.)

She’s also the freaking Priestess of Organization, holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and has an extensive  background in Human Resources.

If that’s not enough, Becky calls her the Sorceress of Time, since she’s raising three amazing small humans with her husband while busting her ass with all of the above.

She believes that nothing is worth doing unless it is done with love and effort.

Also, don’t fuck with her. She makes Becky look cute.

Nancy Despres is a Holistic RN and Strategic Life and Health Coach who uses nutritional therapy and mindset tools to empower her clients. She is a graduate of Tony Robbins Mastery University, focusing on Health and Strategic Coach training. She has completed training as a Medical Intuitive and also has trained in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) as well as recently completing RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy).

Katya McEwen believes that mindset work is that “not so secret ingredient” that’s missing in your formula of success.

She is passionate about teaching coaches, mentors and online business owners how to use their mind as a tool so they can attract soul clients, increase sales and create the lasting impact that they’ve been dreaming about.


To reach Becky, contact the team at admin@rebeccatdickson.com. Or hit us up on Instagram or Facebook.

If you’re struggling in business, it’s likely
because you don’t know these four secrets.

It’s time to stop doing and saying the same thing over and
over again, only to feel frustrated and alone.

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If you’re struggling in business, it’s likely
because you don’t know these four secrets.

It’s time to stop doing and saying the same thing over and
over again, only to feel frustrated and alone.

Grab my FREE 33-page guide, and learn how to get off the
hamster wheel of hustle, bring tremendous value
to your audience and take your place as a true influencer.

Signup and you’ll also receive the simple hacks I used to change the way I think
and grow a multiple 7-figure business from zero.

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