This is an invitation to release what needs to go, create more inner capacity and open your mind to possibilities.

Gather in person for the kind of connection and growth you’ve never seen before.

Soak up the natural beauty of the Northeast Kingdom in Vermont. Be in connection with the land and the herd, and lean into revealing your true self – so you can drop into receiving wisdom, healing and the invitations available to you.

Leave with new insights, tools and ways of being that fundamentally change how you show up and what you experience everywhere.

September 13-15, 2024, in Craftsbury, Vermont



A blend of horse wisdom, impeccable beauty and nourishment in wide open spaces, where you can share in uninterrupted conversations or rest under a tree by the brook.

Two and a half days of joy, freedom and wisdom for YOU to relax, reconnect with yourself, reclaim your wildness, and recalibrate with your soul.

Shed the layers that get in the way and expand into your own wisdom.

Tap into the power and wisdom of the land, horses as teachers, and be among a meaningful community of like-minded women.

Lean into your freedom in this sacred space as we explore the wisdom and wildness in horses and in women.

A weekend retreat designed to offer you a soft landing and a powerful space to lean in, as you receive wisdom and clarity for the path ahead. You will be held and supported in all ways.

To heal, to receive what you seek, to listen yourself. To play and dance. To be free and untamed.

We focus on three core principles


This ONE thing – awareness of your body – gives you important feedback about how you’re feeling. It also gives you valuable information about the situation at hand. In cases of dysregulation, your body signals also serve as an alert that your internal balance is off.


Your body is asking you to take action by doing something to restore the balance & help your body feel more comfortable. Every time you notice and act on behalf of your body, this creates new neural pathways of understanding. The more often you check-in with yourself, the stronger the pathways & the more safe you feel.


Horses, by nature, are extremely sensitive to their environment. They respond to what is presented to them by reflecting how it feels. When you show up, they will display behavior and body language in response to you. And you might be startled by what you see before you.

The benefit of horse medicine is it puts you back in your body, noticing your own signals. By honoring those, by giving yourself what you may not even know you needed, you build stronger self-trust, confidence and competence. All of which makes you a better human and a stronger leader.

This retreat is for any woman called to nature, curious about the energy of horses, and wanting to deepen into an exploration of thriving as women trailblazers.

We spend two days immersed in nature with a herd of horses that live on 60 acres. We join them in their space to receive the purity of their wisdom and insightful interactions, and to receive the teachings they have for us.

All the experiences are done on the ground, in relationship with the horses as our guides. If you have a fear of horses, that’s okay because you’ll learn how to safely be with them.

Learning to move with your healthy boundaries of safety is just one of teachings you’ll take away.

We enjoy afternoon sessions with the herd, allowing them to show us what we need while savoring the opportunity to be in their energy and wisdom. There is no agenda other than to be in their space and allow what is needing to take place to take place. It always does.

The horses and the creative play sessions give us an opportunity to learn what it means to be driven by authentic connection, our intuition and our cycles and rhythms.

In this natural state of being with the herd and ourselves, we are shown what we need to learn and what our own body is asking of us.

Time and space is always set aside for exploration and integration through creative play sessions, journaling, coaching and also by being on the land.

We’re so looking forward to welcoming you.

Sept. 13-15, 2024, Craftsbury, Vermont

Want to read more? Grab this gorgeous guide we created for you.

Claim Your Spot Here



The wisdom of the horse is in its allowing of your genius to unfold on its own. Insights and revelations arrive based on what you observe and how you interpret it.

They elicit powerful growth, healing and soulful experiences. Simply being in the presence of horses has been proven to regulate the nervous system and offer a powerful experience of coherence.

The level of connection available to us while interacting with horses encourages exploration and integration of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This is particularly important to busy, successful women who often don’t have room for reflection in their daily lives.

Spending time with a herd of horses allows you to experience their way of being. You become deeply aligned with their nature and the cycles of the natural world, as well as how they relate to others and inspire authenticity.

In our intimate sessions with horses, they teach us about communication, community, timing, agility, energy conservation, power, transitions, boundaries, leadership and more.


When we sit quietly in a horse’s presence, we allow ourselves the time and space to integrate their innate ability.

We remember how to to remain grounded and fully present.


About Your Host
Rebecca T Dickson & the Herd

A 57-acre farm in Craftsbury, Vermont (20 miles south of Canada). The journey here itself will be a rich part of the weekend.

Along with the beauty of the forests, streams and fields, the property includes a herd of horses that combine to create a powerful immersive experience.

Join us for a one-of-a-kind retreat for unparalleled self-knowledge in an environment of unparalleled beauty.

Sept. 13-15, 2024, we are hosting an intimate group for exceptional women leaders who want to go beyond any current ceiling or sticking point.

Allow the horses to mirror for you the guidance you need most. With the herd, you come home to yourself.

Be held by the land and the herd. Remember: you have the power. You always have and you always will.

Rebecca T. Dickson Inc. was founded in 2008 to facilitate women in online business. Since that time, we have served tens of thousands of women globally with strategy, community, mindset, neuroscience, psychology, horse therapy and more.

We believe a woman who is in touch with her body is unstoppable. We also believe re-attuning to your body’s wisdom is best done in working with horses. They show us how to show up best in community by honoring ourselves.

The property will be available from 10 am until 7 pm both days. Craftsbury is loaded with stunning airbnbs, even entire homes. (One is across the street from us. We will send you a lengthy list of local accommodations.)

Expect casual gatherings, facilitated horse medicine, lunch and rejuvenation.

Enjoy quiet time on your own or with friends around the property. Explore the forest, hang with the herd or sit by the brook. (Yes, there is a fabulous brook and a swimming hole.)


Your Retreat Includes

  • Daily sessions and experiential activities to help you connect with your inner self, envision your desired experience and release what no longer serves you
  • Druid Tree Meditation to soothe your nervous system and help you cultivate greater mindfulness and presence in the moment.
  • Movement to get the energy flowing and build your strength and agility as you chart your course forward to the life you want to live.
  • Delicious lunches and snacks throughout the day, prepared with the freshest local ingredients.

This is a chance to break out of your shell, supercharge your network, hit that pressure release valve, and return home recharged – with some actionable takeaways and countless life-altering convos with humans and horses.

Call your relatives, cancel all your plans, book a babysitter, change your name…  This is a new beginning and one event you do NOT want to miss.

All you need to do is say yes and show up.

We’ll send you a list of local accommodations and travel options.


Opening ceremony is Friday at 5:30pm (arrive from 4 pm onward).

Closing ceremony is Sunday at 4 pm.

  • Catered lunches and snacks
  • Facilitated group sessions
  • Personalized activation codes
  • Personalized handmade auric spray



– Welcome ceremony & meet the herd
– Forest bathing introduction (it’s not what you think)
– Druid meditation and tree workings
– Horse safety and body scan
– Intention setting
– Self-leadership with the horses

– Horse safety and body scan
– Intention setting
– Horse medicine
– Oracle eggs
– Closing ceremony



Your investment in YOU and this experience of a lifetime is $2500 USD

To claim your spot with a $500 deposit, simply register HERE.

If you’re unsure or have any questions at all, send me a message at

We’re so looking forward to welcoming you.

Sept. 13-15, 2024, Craftsbury, Vermont

Want to read more? Grab this gorgeous guide we created for you.

Claim Your Spot Here


What others say:

The full-bodied emotional release I experienced was so powerful, I can’t put it into words. There were tears and so much tension melted out of my heart space, back, neck, and shoulders – horses have a way of getting you out of your thinking mind and into our bodies, like yoga.

Their hearts, vibrational frequency, and resonance is so much larger than ours – their presence has a profound effect on the human nervous system. Observing them in their natural state like this – unbridled free and pastured in a herd – they can be potent mirrors to see into our own blind spots.
– Becca Fox

“My session with Becky and her beautiful horses was truly incredible. The energy, empathy, and intuition of the horses created an instant calm and sense of safety. Through the horse’s innate power, they helped me understand and confirm a few unconscious fears I have been experiencing as I continue to expand and uplevel in my impact and business.

My body had been aware that something was lying beneath, and this session confirmed exactly what I was struggling with. And now that I’m aware, I can shift it. Becky horse’s are truth tellers. Becky is the bullshit slayer. Together it’s an unparalleled match. If you get the opportunity to do this, DO IT. Oh, and did I mention it was virtual?!” – Tracy Litt

“I had a 1:1 session with Becky and her beautiful herd of horses via zoom, and it has taken me a full week to even begin to grasp how to share this experience. This session was so quick to get to an issue I have been struggling with for years. Boundaries are a seemingly never learning experience, but working with Becky and her horses leaves zero space for bullshit. The message was so clear and acute that it penetrated deep into the subconscious….

Working with horses is a game changer, their wisdom, intuition, telepathy, and insight is like no other. Please do not wait to experience a session with Becky and her herd. We all need this so damn much. Especially now. Ready to open the gates of your own power?” – Diana Gonsalves

“Yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Becky and her herd. The connection was immediate and over the course of our time together, there were many insights and confirmations for me, as well as a very big release. If you have the opportunity to work with Becky and these beautiful creatures, DO IT! I promise you will love it.” – Krista Marie

“I am still buzzing inside after our session a few days ago. Results are instantaneous, and horses don’t lie… if you are still fighting for your limitations, they will keep working with you until you “get it.” Each horse in Becky’s herd has its own medicine, and will show up just for the lesson you need. And after you get it, your block is gone – GONE. It’s cleared… it’s no longer there. Reach out to Becky and book your session. It’s truly life-changing.” – Katya McEwen

“Working with horses is magic. This work uncovered blocks and limits I had no idea I was holding. It’s the next layer beyond consciousness… There were times when I was shocked at what came up. There were times where I made huge internal progress in my own growth and development. And the process taught me the incredible value in learning how animals can support me in resetting my nervous system.” – Corrina Snow

In coaching with horses, it is not about using the horse to learn something. It is about allowing their presence and naturalness to illuminate what’s inside of me.

My learning with the horses, individually and as a herd, was not about aggressively facing down fears.

It was the recognition that I can choose not to worry about getting hurt, or feeling stupid, or doing the wrong thing. I have my purpose and I am well equipped to fulfill my purpose. Get over myself!

No drama, no trauma, no judgment, especially self-judgment.

The learning was fast, clean, clear, and took me places my conditioned mind would never have ventured. It was amazing how the horse would confirm what I was thinking or saying, or walk away when I was caught in my own bullshit.

I recommend this coaching for profound life and leadership breakthroughs.

– Carla Sanders


With a weekend of Becky’s horse work, it was made clear to me – almost instantly – how much internal chaos I’ve been creating that’s keeping me from real peace. The clarity here was more powerful than anything I’ve ever experienced. The peace that comes with boundaries, my true lack of boundaries everywhere, and how I continue to allow & create chaos in every area of my life.

This is something I’ve been trying to unravel for years – always looking externally to manufacture it with money, accomplishments, relationships, whatever… And I finally saw exactly where I was holding myself back. Puzzle pieces clicked into place, and now I get to be an active creator in my own peace.

To be honest, I didn’t really get it going in. I didn’t understand the energy at play. I just know whatever Becky does, it works. And being curious and willing to open up to possibilities gave me a massive amount of understanding in an area of my life that has been a struggle. I can’t wait to do this again. If you have the chance to get into the horse healing space with Becky, do it as fast as possible. Expedite answers for yourself.

– Erin Monaghan

“…Horses and Becky teach you a great deal on leadership. For me, becoming more aligned in my vision and my beliefs; setting much needed boundaries for me to grow and thrive; and trusting my intuitive abilities & understanding my intuition – all of these things have happened for me and that’s the tip of the iceberg. I walked away from this program with more clarity in myself and in my work, which has brought me more clients with deeper transformation in the work. Thank you, Becky and your team.”
– Denise Hansard