Why writing is like Duck Dynasty
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I want my novel in the top 100 Amazon.
I want to be a famous author.
I want everyone to love me and my book.
Things we hear and see every day from writers all over the world.
What we don’t see is the follow-up. We don’t hear about the work they are putting in to make their book the best it can be.
What do they plan to do to make their stuff stand out?
Last night, I had the rare luxury of watching part of a Duck Dynasty marathon. I don’t like TV. I don’t have time for TV. But I made an exception after the hell that was last week. I was about halfway through the episode where Jas and Willie take their wives hunting when my husband came in and started talking over it. Not just a few words. Not a quick reminder about something. An actual conversation he insisted on continuing even when I asked him to wait for a commercial.
“What? Like you don’t know how it will end? Their taking their wives hunting. There are no surprises here,” he said.
Which is true.
“But it’s not about the end,” I said. “It’s about the telling of the story.”