That Book You Want to Write, Your Middle Finger, and How to Make Them Both Happy

Do you know what it feels like to never settle? Never be able to just put some shit out there for the sake of putting shit out, hitting a deadline, or checking a box?

Yeah. Me too.

My name is Becky and I am a chronic overachiever.

When I do anything, I do it with my whole self. Twice as much as expected. Tenacity at its finest. It’s a disease.

It consumes me. It consumes my clients. It’s why I’m fucking GREAT at what I do – because I become consumed with everything that’s important to them. And I have a long, tenured history of overachieving.

Example #1: In college, I took a full course-load and worked two (2) full-time jobs.

Example #2: When I was a professional journalist, working way more than 40 hours a week, I did it with two kids younger than three, a kennel full of German shepherds – which I still breed, show and train – and severe panic disorder. This is the part where I also tell you I’m a glutton for punishment. (No shit.)

Example #3: In the dog world, I didn’t just buy a couple animals and breed randomly hoping to make some cash. I worked to understand, recognize and strive for excellence. My dogs have beauty and brains, lover. Eventually, I bought and later co-owned the #1 German shepherd in America. My dogs are part of my family and shitty breeders be damned, I always hold myself and my pups to a higher standard. Why?

Because second best won’t do.

And that is to your benefit.

Because you have a book in you – and I’m here to get that book out.

Onto the page.

Not a shitty first draft. A good book.

That’s why I’ve cleared my schedule between now and December for The Writing Mastermind. I’ve cleared my schedule for YOU and YOUR BOOK.

Whatever your reason for not writing that book up until now – frankly, I don’t care. Life happens. Shit happens. But it’s time to ask yourself:

Will I let shit happen to me or am I going to make shit happen?

I’m hoping it’s the latter. The former can go fuck itself.

So, if you’re ready to take that book from the inside to the outside, from Page One to The End, it’s time to apply for The Writing Mastermind. (Click-click.)

Ten weeks.

Me. You. Your idea. On the page. No bullshit.

That’s not for everyone, but you’ll know it if it’s for you.

So – whatever you were doing before this blog showed up in your email or on your desktop, back to it. Or, you can apply for The Writing Mastermind. I have only four slots remaining out of the 10 (some of my previous clients already hopped on the first six). Whether one is yours – hey, that’s up to you.

Ten weeks. Private and group coaching. Exclusive course materials designed to help you write the book you’re meant to write.

And most importantly – that book. You’ll emerge with the book you’ve always meant to write and give your To-Do List the middle finger of all middle fingers.

I don’t know about you, but I like the way that sounds.

Writing is f*cking fabulous. So are you.

How about a little fanfare?

Drum roll. Applause. Oohs and ahhs.

Welcome to the all new It’s fucking fabulous.

And orange.

I could have thrown in some green to make it retro and trendy. But frankly, you know I’m not interested in what’s popular.

Anyway, here’s what we got: Social media icons are at the top of the sidebar on the right. Use them to find me anywhere on the interwebz. Under that is the über-sexy subscribe box. Like you know someone else who has a bitch in back-seam stockings on her blog? It’s so me.

Below that, you’ll see a pretty little purple and orange box that refers to you as “gorgeous.” Because you are. And because you need a quick way to find the deets about working with the crazy sexy editor. (Note that “crazy sexy” has no comma because I’m not crazy – entirely – just so sexy that it’s crazy.) Whatever. Quit procrastinating and click it so we can do epic shit.

Last in the sidebar is a box that proudly says, “Everything you learned in school about writing was crap.” Click that sucker to get the nitty-gritty on my new writing book. It untangles the creative process and gets your words flowing NOW. Assuming you want to write better, which isn’t much of a stretch considering you’re here. Go check it out.

All the links at the very top and bottom of the page are the same as on the old site. Who I am, what I write, how to work with me, blah, blah, blah. If you want to go to the home page from anywhere, just click somewhere on the banner at the top. On Wonder Woman’s face, for example.

Why a site redesign? Because I wanted something as loud and bold as me. Why Wonder Woman? Duh.

As my former co-workers at the paper would say, “Tiny Fury lives.” I’m tiny. I’m a whirlwind. It fits.

So, yeah. Here it is. I hope you love it or hate it. Anything but a neutral reaction.

That’s all I’ve got… aside from towering stacks of manuscripts to edit and writers three-deep in line for their daily ass-kicking. (Oh, and I’ll have an announcement about that later this week, too. The good shite going on over here amazes me.)

Meantime, if you want to say it like you mean it, hit me up.

As always, I thank you deeply and wholeheartedly for your audacious faith in me. Nothing beats waking up every day to do what you love. YOU make this possible.

You can’t see me, but I’m totally doing a happy dance.


P.S. If you need a web demigod of your own, Mark Marshall is all that and a side of “Fuck, yeah.” (With two fingers of Grey Goose. Cranberry optional.)


Want more? Subscribe in the upper right hand corner and grab my free book A Writer’s Voice, designed to help you write like YOU. So you can say what you want to say, how you want to say it – and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks (and quit writing like a pretentious asshat). It matters.