You are your own solution

Can you believe we’re 5 days out from Christmas and less than two weeks from 2018?

No idea where the year went, but I hope yours was insanely great.

We’re wrapping up 2017 with a gift for you (and a few more coming in January). All, of course, designed to show you how now, more than ever, you have the power.

Time to step up and into your dream life? Oh hell yes.

Here’s what one lovely woman recently told me…

“I just want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating the opportunity for a budding entrepreneur like myself to be able to participate in the magic of this weekend. I can’t even tell you all of the ways that I will never be the same. My thoughts, language and expectations are forever changed and this is just the BEGINNING!”

Welcome to You Are Your Own Solution. 

Because you are. 


The comment above came from a woman who joined us virtually for a weekend program on the power of your thoughts, language and beliefs. 

It was such a profound experience for all of us that I’ve decided to share it with all of you — for a very short time at a stupid low price.

Inside “You Are Your Own Solution,” you receive a 4-part audio training and meaty 19-page workbook on how your thoughts and beliefs create the life around you.

How to use those things to achieve goals, accomplish what others believe is impossible, and feel amazing. 

No hustle and push here, babes. 

Oh, and it’s just $97. (Normally $597)

I’m not shy about touting my success and that of my clients all over the world. They (and I) got here by using these tools on the regular.

When you know how to run your mind — how to feed it the thoughts necessary to get shit done and feel amazing — you can’t fail.

Using your mind like a tool, allows it to help motivate you. You have more energy, more focus, more drive, more conviction and more awesomeness. Which always means better results. 


Go here to check it out.

And it’s less than $100.


But don’t wait. This offer is limited in number and expires on Sunday, December 24th at midnight EST.

6 things people with anxiety need to know

Many women I know who have anxiety don’t appear to have it.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a weepy, exhausted, or panicking mess. I mean, severe anxiety can leave you with many of these symptoms (and more, if you’re anything like I was when I was at my worst), but plenty of other women out there fake it well enough to hide their anxiety.

Those people suffer in silence, quietly dealing with their diagnosis through tactics society promotes. They see self-care activities, anti-stress strategies, and plenty of people willing to talk about how their anxiety debilitates them, and so they feel a mixture of a few things:

  • Relieved they aren’t alone
  • Partially comforted that these strategies exist
  • Annoyed that there’s no cure and they always have to do something — or avoid something — to feel normal

And while the first two feelings listed are logical, the last one is based on a cultural belief that simply isn’t true.

Because you can cure anxiety. 

Yes, it can be completely gone and it doesn’t take years of therapy to make it happen.

Here are 6 things I wish people with anxiety knew about – DUH – anxiety.

1. It doesn’t have to run your life

If you are one of those people who avoids crowds or public events because of worry, fear and even physical symptoms…

Or if you’ve been diagnosed and are now convinced you have to suffer, it’s time to change that mindset. Anxiety does not have to be the first and last thing you think about every day. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be something you keep.

I know this probably sounds insane, but can you imagine it? Can you imagine a day when the decisions you make are not based on what you worry will happen later? When you don’t have to work around something that will trigger you? If you can’t, it’s likely hard for you to imagine the possibility.

Keep reading.

2. Talking yourself out of emotions doesn’t work

This is not to say you shouldn’t talk about how you feel but, instead, that talking shouldn’t be the only form of help you get. Plenty of types of therapy are out there that do not solely rely on talking about how you feel. And they tend to work faster than individual, conversational therapy because the thoughts you share or express are used in a more structured way, working in conjunction with how your brain works.

As science and research evolve, so should strategies on how to deal with anxiety. Talk therapy might be great at helping you feel less shame, blame or even guilt, but it doesn’t eradicate the actual emotion you’re talking about. There are better ways to do this.

3. Fear needs to be heard, seen and expressed

If you’re human, you feel fear at some point — whether or not it’s the first emotion/reaction to surface. Fear is almost always at the root of what holds us back, and it can annihilate connections we have with other people. Women often fear they are unworthy, unlovable, unable to execute, undeniably broken.

See what I mean? And even in acknowledging why we may feel unworthy, we don’t often talk about why that’s so scary.

As a business consultant, fear is what held most of my clients back. As a writing coach, fear was what made getting words on the page and pressing publish so damn impossible for my writers. As a human, fear is what kept me stuck in a job I wasn’t happy with, in marriages that weren’t working, and inside my own anxiety when I didn’t believe it was possible to make it better.

When you give a voice to the fear that goes along with your negative belief, it helps eradicate it quicker.

4. Anxiety is curable

Search online for anxiety treatments and you’ll find thousands of articles about how to cope. You’ll also find blog posts helping family members and loved ones.

What you don’t find is a cure for anxiety.

This drives me more batshit than anything else now that the torturous anxiety I had for 15 years is completely gone.

I wake up daily without worrying about being a shitty mom to my kids while working hard on my business. I wake up knowing my marriage is safe and so is my sanity. I am happy. I know I can handle shit. I don’t suffer physical symptoms or worry they may appear at the worse possible times.

Bonus: It’s not scary to be vulnerable and share real emotion with people.

My anxiety is completely gone, and yours can be too. I struggled with it and fought it, just like everyone else. I read the books and tried the mantras. And then I found a new way to approach anxiety.

5. RTT helps you demolish anxiety

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid therapy that offers results like nothing I’ve ever seen in my life.

It is essentially a combination of the most effective principles from several types of therapy, including hypnotherapy, NLP, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

The technique was pioneered by Marisa Peer, who has been fine tuning it for over 30 years. Clinical trials have begun on this method because of its stunning success.

Marisa is a goddess when it comes to helping others heal. I witnessed her skill first-hand when I dropped thousands and cajoled her into finding a slot for me in her extraordinarily busy schedule. In 90 minutes, anxiety was erased from my life for good.

You better believe it was the best money I ever spent: It not only completely cured my anxiety, but it also made me a full-time believer in her work. That’s why I trained with her, got certified, and now offer RTT to my own clients. (100% success rate, by the way)

6. You can turn off anxiety forever

Stop telling yourself you can’t get rid of it or that your case of anxiety is too severe.

Stop believing you’ll be stuck carrying this baggage with you for the rest of your life.

Stop calling it yours. “My anxiety,” or “I have anxiety” tell your mind it’s part of you that you will never be free of, and that’s a big, fat lie.

Anxiety is such a bitch, it feels impossible to believe you can be healed as quickly as I’m telling you, but I promise you it’s true.

All you must do, to turn it off forever, is commit to a trained, professional RTT professional. You have to believe that it’s possible and sign up for a session.

The bottom line? There is a better, more finite way to rid yourself of crippling anxiety once and for all. RTT is exactly what so many people need.

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Got questions? Hit reply.

You’re not stuck with anxiety forever. You don’t have to turn your world upside down to “deal” with it. It’s not permanently part of you.

Unless you want to keep it.