How to Manifest with the Moon

The moon holds tremendous power.

Harnessing that energy at the right time and for the right spells and manifestations brings incredible results.

When we do this, we are working with natural forces to call in what we want most – whether it’s love, business, money or anything else.

When you commit to learning how to manifest with the moon, you ultimately live more in sync with your natural environment and with your truth as a woman.

But let’s be real.

While the moon has its magic, manifestation is a process.

What you want doesn’t arrive overnight. It takes time – and it’s your job to trust the timing.

Tuning into the phases of the moon gives us a framework that empowers us.

One of the best ways to connect with the moon and start leveraging its energy is with a moon ritual.

The Modern Moon Ritual

Moon rituals are an ancient practice that originated in Egypt, where moon worship was a part of the culture.

The phases of the moon influence the growth or decline of plants, animals and human life. So basking in the moonlight was seen as a necessary part of every cycle.

Today, moon rituals carry just as much sacredness, something we desperately need to ground and center (and get off the electronics).

The beautiful thing about rituals, especially those related to the moon, is they invite you to get quiet. They ask you to plant seeds of intention, and be one with the energy of our environment.

The moon has 8 phases. But the most potent are the new moon and the full moon.

The New Moon

During this phase, the moon and the sun align. This is the time to go within:

  • Setting new intentions
  • Starting new manifestations
  • Create and plan to draw things to you and build up to something

The Waxing Crescent Moon

The days that follow a new moon are a waxing crescent. This is a time to anchor into your intentions. Focus on one thing you want to bring into existence.

  • Practice visualization.
  • Write out a new moon intention and read it every day.

The Waxing Quarter Moon (Also known as the First Quarter)

This is a time to look at the challenges you face and make decisions about how you want to move forward. This is the time of the moon cycle when the sun and the moon square each other, meaning they form a 90-degree angle. Looking at your challenges allows you to see the issues full on. Then you can adjust your plans accordingly.

  • Find workarounds
  • Commit to moving forward

The Waxing Gibbous Moon

Here we have a high energy time, just before the full moon. This offers perspective. Things should start to feel like they are aligning. This is the time to ramp up your energy.

  • Take massive action
  • Go after it with your whole heart

The Full Moon

Full moons are great for release and introspection. When the moon is full, we are at a peak of creative energy and often have powerful intuitive breakthroughs. The full moon accentuates everything you’ve been working on during the waxing phase. Take time to reflect.

  • Power
  • Blessings
  • Harvesting
  • Charge up your energy

The Waning Gibbous Moon

After the full moon, it’s time to consider what you need to release. Reflect on what may be blocking you from receiving the outcome you want. Pay attention to any energetic leaks or roadblocks.

  • Release what doesn’t serve you (emotions, beliefs, ideas, and sometimes relationships)
  • Become introspective

The Waning Quarter Moon

Waning means less powerful. This is when the moon continues to shrink in the sky. It’s a call to go further within and seek answers. Become more committed to yourself during this phase. Emotions can often be encrypted with messages during this time: Where do you need to speak up or perhaps make changes?

  • transition
  • readjustment
  • evaluate

The Waning Crescent Moon

This is the final phase of the entire moon cycle. It occurs just before the next new moon. Here’s your opportunity to reflect back on the whole lunar cycle.

  • What did you learn?
  • What happened?
  • What didn’t?
  • Reread your new moon intention and evaluate how you’ve changed since you wrote it.
  • Consider how you want to reorganize for the next new moon.

A New Moon Ritual

The new moon is a blank page. A fresh start, a moment to turn inward and consider what we want to call into our lives and what we need to let go of. It’s a time for rest and reflection, so the perfect ritual would be in the comfort of your own home.

How to Begin:

1. Set the environment

Before starting any ritual, clean and organize your space. Ditch clutter. I like to burn sage, light candles and clear energy.

2. Craft a connection to the divine

Call upon a connection to the source energy you feel supports you the most: guides, angels, or any divine entity.

3. Sit comfortably and write

Grab paper and write down the things in your life you either wish to call in or are ready to release. This could be certain feelings, fears, or barriers—anything you know is not serving you. Then consider what you want to call into your life. This could be a relationship, more more, more clients, an international trip.

4. Declare

The next step is to read what you want out loud. Speaking them out loud plays a BIG role in bringing them to life. You may notice they evoke even more emotion when spoken, and that feeling is critical to manifestation.

5. Meditate and complete

Now that you’ve let go and made space for what you truly desire, sit quietly, follow your breath and visualize your desires coming to fruition.

Set the intention to stay open to these experiences coming into your life, and any other growth opportunities you may need along the way.

A Full Moon Ritual

When the full moon arrives, it’s time to create space to take stock of what has and hasn’t come to fruition just yet.

A full moon ritual is a time to get quiet, reflect, give thanks and celebrate. Unlike the new moon, the full moon represents completeness and brings with it a lot of energy.

Here’s how to approach your ritual:

1. Be calm.

By starting from a place of calm, you can harness the full moon energy to your benefit. Take a few cleansing breaths, sage your space and chill.

2. Write it out

Reflect on the past few weeks. What went on? Were there successes? What did you bump up against? Where do you see opportunities for growth and expansion?

3. Release and Declare

Once you’ve clarified what’s come to fruition and what hasn’t, write down and release what is getting in the way of the experiences that haven’t arrived yet. I like to burn the list – in a safe way!

4. Self-care

Dance, bathe, nap, sweep it off, get it out.

Move any stagnant energy out of your body and bring more lightness and joy inside.

Carving out space during both moon phases to go inward and take stock of what’s showing up for you, creates the opportunity to create intentions and find rhythmicity in your own life.

Moon Magic

Commit to at least three months of moon rituals for best results.

Want to learn more about how to manifest with the moon and live your best life? Check out Witchy Women I. This is a six-week program where you step into your magic, take control of your power and truly perform witchcraft that works.


What Is A White Witch? 15 Signs You Are A White Witch

This article is re-printed here with permission by Insight State’s Editorial, originally written September 7, 2019.

White witches do not cast spells to do selfish things for themselves which would involve intentional harm to others. Rather, white witches are those who practice benevolence and goodness in all they do.

List Of 15 Signs You Are A White Witch:

#1 You Are Opening Up To Your Spiritual Powers

You feel you have psychic powers, your hands offer relief to others in the form of hands-on energy healing, your ‘clairs’ are opening, you often think of someone and find the person gets in touch, you manifest what you were thinking of, and you ‘know’ things intuitively.

All these signs show that you can be a white witch.

#2 You Have Ancestors Who Were Medical Herbalists Or Healers

Many cultures believe that the gift of being a white witch is inherited and can only be passed down through several generations.

Of course, in today’s world, it’s almost impossible to know whether any of our ancestors were healers as our recent ancestors, much like ourselves, never claimed and cultivated this white witch gift.

#3 You Feel Called To Help Others

Fueled by compassion, you often find yourself offering to serve others.

From helping with a task at hand or offering a shoulder to lean on, you are a sincere helper. Occasionally, you may even be too quick to put other people’s needs before your own, however, it is always driven by the impulse to serve and give love.

Actually, for you, simply coming to this Earth and living life is not your goal. You want to help create a positive change in global consciousness which is in fact what the whole world needs.

#4 You Are An Introvert

White witches are multi-dimensional beings, so if you’re of the white witch archetype, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms, that may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home.

#5 Your Energy Is Positive

Your body/mind/soul energy is positive. When trouble looms, or you feel blue, or it’s a terrible day, you see beyond that.

Moreover, you understand that we must experience negatives in order to appreciate positives. Maybe you feel down or sad sometimes, like everyone else, nevertheless, it just never leaves you permanently marked.

#6 You Have Vivid Dreams

Some dreams will give you ideas about what may possibly happen.

You think that whenever you do this, this is a coincidence, however, it is because you can access information from your spiritual guides much easier than others.

#7 You Hear Voices

You hear voices and whispers, but there is no physical source.

You’ve ruled out mental disorders, therefore, it’s likely that you have clear hearing (clairaudience) abilities.

Note – it is up to you whether you develop this ability further by delivering the messages to those they are intended for, or whether you shut-down this ability.

#8 You Sense That You’re Meant To Participate In The Global Shift In Consciousness Which Is Currently Underway

We can all feel it, this impending shift that many spiritual teachers have talked about for decades.

But white witches don’t just feel it, they feel it pulling them, like a magnet, towards leadership positions which help facilitate this transformation of human consciousness.

#9 You Feel A Strong Connection To Nature

White witches understand “the web of life” – that everything on the physical plane is deeply interconnected through the web of Spirit.

Nothing embodies this understanding better than nature, how it nurtures us, and how we nurture it in a mutually dependent relationship.

#10 You Capture People’s Vibes Instantly

White witches tend to have levels of empathy which are much higher than the average person.

Note – the term ”empathy” refers to the ability or capacity to imagine oneself in the situation of another, experiencing the opinions, ideas, and emotions of that person.

When they are with people, even if they do not read their facial expressions or know them very well, they can still determine what vibes they are letting out or how this individual feels.

That is why you might find it incredibly daunting to hang out with individuals who tend to dramatize every event, or who are constantly sad.

#11 You Have A Well-Developed Intuition

Intuition is also known as a strong hunch or gut feelings. Your body, everyone’s body, is actually an antenna.

It is sensitive to energy. Every individual can tune into their intuition, however, most people choose to ignore it.

You don’t make decisions logically, although you do consider that your way is logical. You have learned that your intuition has guided you well throughout your life.

Tip – to test out your intuition, next time you have to make a decision, place your hand on your solar plexus (found in the pit of the stomach) and become aware of the feeling in your body when you consider each choice laid before you.

#12 You Have Had A Mystical Experience

Have you had an NDE (near-death experience)?

Perhaps you have experienced something which you cannot explain, possibly miraculous healing. If you answer yes, then most likely you have cured yourself first.

Upon healing yourself, you emerge from your unwellness with a better ability to cure others.

#13 You Feel You Must Give Something Back To The World

From an early age, you have felt the need to give to humanity, especially to those in need.

Others come to you for advice and you are the one who is always there to help.

Occasionally you lose your own sense of self in this giving process and are looking to find balance, to find yourself within your calling.

#14 You Are Content With Alone Time

While many people constantly need to be surrounded by other humans or crave attention, you are happy to have time by yourself.

You love people, but you are content spending time alone. As a matter of fact, this solo time is what typically “recharges” you as it gives you space to connect more deeply with your inner world.

#15 You Are Self-Aware

White witches are not only aware of their emotions, but also their actions and thoughts, and how those things affect both the people around them as well as their outlook on life.

© Copyright 2020 INSIGHT STATE

Recognize the signs in yourself? Check out Witchy Women® Magic Shoppe for all your metaphysical supplies, spell kits and more.