Let Us Burn Your Spell Candle For You – $197

List your intentions, wishes and dreams and Becky will choose the appropriate spell candle to burn on her altar to help bring about your desired outcome.

Before lighting it and chanting for you, Becky will also bless and prepare your candle. Once lit, you will receive photos of its progress and a full interpretation of the burn.

Please note we cannot guarantee results or outcomes.

This is for a candle spell service/working that is burned for you on the altar.

This candle spell service is for a 7-day working. The candle is dressed with the herbs and oils best suited to your petition/request.

NOTE: ONE petition/request per purchase. If you would like more than one request, an additional candle service is required.

The dressed candle (using specific herbs and oils for your request) is lit on the altar and chanted over for 7 days.

Note: Some candles may take more time or less time, depending on the working.

Candle Spell Services are available for:

  • Money
  • Love
  • Career/Business
  • Protection
  • Health
  • Confidence
  • Court Proceedings
  • Luck

What you will receive after the Candle Spell Service:

  • An email or Facebook message on the day the candle is lit to advise that the spell has begun.
  • Multiple photos of your candle each day, with interpretations as needed (if I see something is off, I will start coaching you)
  • Coaching 1:1 with me, as needed, throughout the burn
  • You also receive a final report and interpretation on the burn, soot, timing, and more

Duration of the candle burn may vary depending on the spell and petition, which can take up to 10 days or more to complete.

What to keep in mind for the Candle Spell Service:

Results from spells vary and cannot be guaranteed.

The timing for results vary depending on different situations and circumstances.

Continuing to have faith and belief in the working is a requirement.

Patience and faith are advised to assist with the working.

When will the Candle Spell Service begin:

After receiving your order for a candle spell service, your working will begin within 1 to 2 days.

An email will be sent to confirm your order and at the start of your working.

The candle will be worked on each day for 7 days, or until the candle is completed/burned.

What’s needed to begin the Candle Spell Service:

  • Your full name and a headshot
  • Name of other person (if about someone else) and their photo
  • Your email address (for the final report/candle interpretation)
  • Petition/Desire/Goal for the Spell

** This service is sold as entertainment. Services (witchcraft, candle service) can not be sold and/or performed for anyone under the age of 21 in the US, or under the age of 18 in Canada. Services can not be sold and/or performed for or on the behalf of minors under the legal age of their country. Results or outcomes cannot and are not guaranteed. Results may vary.

This service is not intended to replace or advise on health, medical, legal or financial issues or matters.

This service is non-refundable and can not be re-casted, exchanged or returned.**