Kill writer’s block now
If you’re a writer who is sick of the self-doubt, procrastination and paralyzation, you have no valid excuse not to buy this book. Period.
I realize that sounds pretty bold.
I realize I better be able to back it up.
I also realize that no matter what, someone will always say, “That might work for some other writer, but not for me.”
But we all know that’s a bullshit statement we use when we’re afraid to change.
And that is perfectly okay. Just don’t complain that you’re blocked, stuck, hampered, uninspired and unable to finish what you start.
136 pages of “f*ck yeah” content, exercises, samples of my own writing, instructions and videos to inspire.
The Definitive Guide to Writing on Your Terms, Using Your Own, Honest-to-God, Gut-Wrenching Voice is a digital book that includesFull disclosure: I initially estimated this book would be 150 pages. It’s actually 136.
It is for writers who need help breaking out of the anxiety and uncertainty, and who want to silence the internal editor.
It’s information, challenge, inspiration, strategy, tips, and practical advice on how to be genuine and clear. How to get past the voice in your head that says you suck. How to just write.
In the time it takes to read the book, you will learn what it took me more than a decade to figure out.
At $24.95, it is also the cheapest alternative to working with me in my month-long Write Raw program, which goes for $499.
Bonus: The one and only badass Erika Napoletano – aka Redhead Writing – has written the foreword.
What you get
• How to identify and eliminate the ways you hold yourself back.
• A detailed guide showing you everything you need to put an end to writer’s block.
• A checklist to help you get writing NOW.
• Specific instructions on how to quash the internal editor forever.
• How to avoid the number one mistake that causes people to quit before they even get going.
Click here for the table of contents and an excerpt.
What’s it worth to you to do something you’ve dreamed about your whole life?
THE Guide is formatted as a pdf file with embedded videos and links. It will be emailed to you immediately.
This is NOT a book about:
• Author platform building
• Copywriting
• Social media
• Selling your books
• Offering your services
• Advertising
• Newsletters
• Developing online courses
If you don’t want to write, this is not for you.
If you don’t think swearing is funny, this is not for you.
If you want to learn how to diagram sentences á la 6th grade English, discuss verb-noun agreement or the merits of the Oxford comma, this is not for you.
This is a book for writers who want to succeed. For writers who want to get their most honest and authentic words on the page. For the ones who are tired of holding themselves back. Click. Buy. Get unstuck. Thank me later.