9 Ways to Make Your Editor Love You

Let’s make this quick and dirty. The way I like it.

1 – Respect the deadline. You’re busy. Your editor is busy. If you agree on a start date, or a date you’ll be ready for round two of your edits, BE READY.

2 – ‘s is not plural. I’ll say it again another way: apostrophe ess is NOT plural. We don’t say “there are lot’s” or “he has too many dog’s” or “his arm’s are buff.”

3 – If your reader has to guess at what you’re trying to say, she’s done reading. Don’t be coy. Don’t be mysterious. Spell it the fuck out. Editors can always cut. It’s hell to create something from nothing. Write extra. We will love you for it.

4 – Exclamation points blow. Don’t use them. Ever. I have a writer friend who insists using them is along the same lines as laughing at your own jokes – when they aren’t even funny.

5 – Same goes for semicolons. My go-to phrase: “Exterminate them like the vermin they are.” More here.

6 – Yes, you can. Even when you think no way in hell those words will come out, they absolutely will. When you doubt yourself and you’re caught up in the moment of frustration, pause and look at your hands. Twenty bucks says they’re fidgeting over the keys. That’s YOU working it out. Keep doing it. You’ll find a way. Writers are badass.

7 – ASK. Don’t know how to do something? Not sure of the mechanics of what you’re trying to pull off? Not sure some plot twist will work? We are here to make your words sing. If you don’t ask, we can’t help.

8 – Choose clarity over cleverness. No one cares – or even recognizes – how slick your words are if they don’t understand what you’re saying. (Tweet that!) Technically, this is the same as #3. But it’s worth repeating.

9 – Build your writing around who you are and your message. Don’t bend for anyone or anything else. Your reader will be able to tell. And it’s no fun for editors to shred your shit in order to show you where you’re being disingenuous.


Want tolearn more about writing like YOU? I’m polishing a new product that will teach you exactly that. Join our subscriber list (upper right-hand corner) to hear more about it and get a discount when it’s released.

On nickel and diming, giving anxiety the finger and WRITING

So yesterday, I announced my editing rates will double on March 1st.

Today, we talk about what that means.

As your editor, I perform a developmental edit, a copy edit AND a proofread on your manuscript. It’s all included in one package. Don’t know the difference? Go here and read.

It’s the same editing process I’ve used forever. The only difference is now I’m actually (gasp!) charging for it.

Why didn’t I charge for it before? Because I was shit-terrified to ask for what I am worth – and stand by it. Read yesterday’s post for more on that.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • I don’t nickel and dime you. I’ll never have one rate for proofreading, another for a line edit, and a third for a developmental edit, or various others that combine services.
  • My fees don’t incrementally jack up because you want a manuscript that fucking shines. (Because frankly, who doesn’t?) A great plot means nada if your book is rife with grammatical and spelling errors – or vice versa. You need it all. A compelling story that makes sense sans grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
  • I don’t charge by the hour. Your project takes what it takes. One flat rate gets ‘er done.
  • You hire me, you get 150 percent me at your disposal. Your success is my success.


“Becky Tsaros Dickson is not only a talented writer, but she has a rare gift of seeing the worth of a writer and pulling out the root of their work . . . Send her your words and expect honesty and bluntness. She’s one of the best teachers out there today.”
michaelxavier | author, director, contributor to The Paris Review


“I could throw a rock and hit three editors who are plenty good at fixing dangling modifiers and split infinitives. Becky is the rare editor who can superpower your creative side . . .”
Guy Bergstrom | author, speechwriter, award-winning journalist



Do you still edit chapter by chapter?

Answer: Hell, yes. As each one is finished, I send it over to you with overall impressions and suggestions for improvement. (I’ll tell you how to make it sizzle.) That way, you can keep working while I move ahead. You’re never forced to wait a month for feedback. In fact, I speak to most of my clients every day.

Have you finally relented and started to edit with track changes?

Answer: NO and never. I use bold, strike-through and highlighting. I get right down in the trenches beside you. Because THIS.

What if I don’t need a proofread? I only want you to developmental edit.

Answer: Sorry. My brain doesn’t work that way. Also, I don’t want to be listed as the editor of a book with a flawless storyline and five million typos. The internet is chock-full of editors who breakdown their services that way.

Are you saying your work is always error-free?

Answer: I’m not that dumb – or crazy. Of course I’m not saying my work is 100 percent error-free. Actually, you can pretty much count on mistakes. I’m human. What I am saying is I bust my ass for my clients. I do everything within my power to help. (And my bag of tricks after more than a decade among the best in the biz is far from small.)

Aren’t you worried your clients will find someone cheaper?

Answer: Nope.

Are your consulting and coaching rates increasing as well?

Answer: No and no. Those stay the same. (I’m also creating a new video series I hope to launch in the spring.)

But Becky, what if you and I are so entrenched in a manuscript, it’s not practical for you to do the proofread?

Answer: Yeah, it happens. We get too close to the work and stop seeing the mistakes. If we (you and me) feel that is the case, I’ll hire a proofreader FOR YOU. At my expense.

What else do you offer with an edit?

Answer: In addition to unlimited email support, you also get a one-hour call per week, access to our private writer Facebook community and first dibs on any new products.

Bottom line

If you want to be challenged, inspired and goddamn glowing with pride when your book is finished, hit me up.

P.S. The rate increase goes into effect March 1, 2014. Previous clients can reserve an editing spot with the 2013 rate for any time this year, but you have to book it before March 1st.