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How to Manifest with the Moon
The moon holds tremendous power. Harnessing that energy at the right time and for the right spells and manifestations brings incredible results. When we do this, we are working with natural forces to call in what we want most – whether it’s love, business, money or anything else. When you commit to learning how to […]
What Is A White Witch? 15 Signs You Are A White Witch
This article is re-printed here with permission by Insight State’s Editorial, originally written September 7, 2019. White witches do not cast spells to do selfish things for themselves which would involve intentional harm to others. Rather, white witches are those who practice benevolence and goodness in all they do. List Of 15 Signs You Are […]
How to stand out in a world that asks you to fit in
Nothing is more liberating than being yourself as fully as you know how. You can stare down the potential for rejection with less fear than what is stirred when you stare down living as an imposter. Real people do not allow that fear to prevent them from being their own, unique person. And they are […]
How to Make Money as a Coach
I’ve lost count of the number of emails I receive each day asking how to make money as a coach. The answer is surprisingly simple. If you want to make money as a coach… How about you don’t suck? How about you stop worrying about how to make money and start focusing on how to […]
20 Reasons You’re Addicted to the Hustle of Make Money in Biz
In my last blog post, I shared the top 20 reasons you think you don’t have time to work on your business. (You can read that one here) Today, I give you 20 reasons you’re addicted to the hustle of making money in your business. ? 1. You let other people tell you how to […]
20 reasons you think you don’t have time to get your biz off the ground (or make it the forking empire you dream about)
Consider this the first of MANY installments where I systematically attack your bullshit excuses. Today we talk about how you have “no time.” 1. You are letting people tell you that you should be doing other things with your time. 2. You can’t live with the level of clean that your family accepts as normal. […]
Be someone worth following
When it comes to entrepreneurship, everyone talks about marketing, sales, products, team, content… But I don’t see a lot of talk about self-mastery — being a better human in order to lead millions and make millions. After all, if you want to lead, you have to BE someone worth following. Leadership, to me, means taking […]
5 habits that made me successful
I started my business Christmas Eve 2008. My husband told me to cut the shit and get a job. My family thought I was nuts. I had no idea what I was doing. Zero knowledge of sales, social media, copywriting, graphics, and on and on. But I did have a dream. I KNEW where I […]