How to get paid to write

I lost count of the number of emails I receive each day asking how to make money writing.

The answer is surprisingly simple.

If you want to get paid to write… How about you don’t suck?

How about you stop worrying about how to make money and start focusing on how to be fucking good at what you do?

Write something people want to read.

Write the thing that sets you on fire. Because your readers will feel the burn, too.

Be a better writer by showing your passion.

Forget about finding the storyline that will magically sell millions. If you don’t believe in it, if you don’t like it, no one else will either.

If you write about the thing that wakes you up at night, leaving you sweaty and short of breath, the power of your words will come through. The same thing happens when you write what you hate. Readers see it.

And if you don’t believe in what you’re writing, why would anyone else?

Which brings me to my second point.

bad_a$$Be yourself.

You might be able to hide how you feel for a little while. You may even be able to write like someone else for a short time. But readers can tell when you’re not genuine. And it never lasts.

One of the easiest ways to be a better writer is to be YOU.

Don’t waste your time and energy faking it. And it takes an enormous amount of energy to pretend to be someone you’re not. Plus, it’s a disservice to your readers. It prevents you from showing off your story and unique voice.

As Michael Xavier always says, “No one can tell the story like you.”

Don’t be stingy. Show us who you are and what you have to say, as only you can.

Be brave.

Accept that everyone WON’T love you or your words. And know that’s perfectly okay.

Be true to yourself, to your voice, and you will succeed.

If you were a prostitute with a meth addiction, say so. If you were abused, tell us about it. If you had an idyllic childhood and managed to fuck up your life anyway, say that.

Hiding facts, altering the way you might normally say something, leaving out details you find embarrassing – all of that cheats your readers. And they know when you’re holding back. (Just like you’re mom knew when you were lying.)

Example: Plenty of people get upset about my swearing, especially my mother. For a while, I tried to clean up my language. I really did.

The whole time, I felt stifled and suffocated. More importantly, my work noticeably suffered.

I tried to change an aspect of who I am – my potty mouth – so my work would be more palatable to more people. What I learned instead was editing a part of my voice meant altering all of it.

Changing one aspect of how I wrote slowly permeated the rest of my voice. I became neutral, gray, fucking boring. Not me.

Bottom line: Shitty writers can market all day long and won’t earn a cent.

You want money for your work? Earn it.

Being a good writer is not easy. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult professions. It’s scary as fuck to put yourself on display, present your innermost thoughts with conviction and let go of what everyone else thinks.

But it’s the only way to do it. Write now.


Subscribe in the upper right hand corner and grab my free book A Writer’s Voice, designed to help you write like YOU. So you can say what you want to say, how you want to say it – and stop worrying about what everyone else thinks (and quit writing like a pretentious asshat). It matters.

Facebook giraffe SPOILER, being yourself and Halloween

Happy Halloween, hookers.

Two completely unrelated things for you on this fine Pagan – or Celtic – holiday, depending on your belief.

First, this giraffe shit on Facebook is not cute or funny. SPOILER ALERT:

Don’t get it? Good. I like you already.

Second, and this is so unfuckingbelievable I almost can’t stand to say it:

I let someone else define me.


Years of ranting atop my soapbox about being who you are, discarding the naysayers and believing in YOURSELF, and I fell into the trap of listening to someone else.

It happened so innocently too. But doesn’t it always?

I was moseying along, doing my editing and coaching thing, when BAM. A dear friend said, ‘Hey, you’re not writing anymore. You’re not a writer.’ Of course, I paraphrase. She was much kinder than that. Regardless, it sent me into a tailspin.

Because I have precious few close friends, and even fewer whose opinions about my work actually matter.

Anyway, those two little sentences made me rethink everything. For far longer than they should have.

Is she right? Am I not a writer? Should I hang up my pen? Does my journalism career count for nothing? What about the three books I published – including the #1 bestseller?

I am not writing a new book at this moment. Does that mean I’m a sham? Should I remove the “author” part of my title from my website and social media? Am I being disingenuous to my clients? To myself?

And on and on… Monday, when I posed the question to followers on my Facebook page. One person in particular engaged in a lengthy chat about it. The result was this:

“You’re taking a poll because of her? Take a look at the answers. Sure, she’s a friend, perhaps a good one, but she’s wrong. And on some deep level, I think you knew she was wrong. Don’t… Ever… Let… Anyone… Define … You.”

And that was that.

So yeah, I’m not writing currently. And if that means I’m not a writer, I’m okay with it. I will always have light bulb moments and thoughts that carry me to my ever-present notebook. I will always have pages upon pages of crap to undoubtedly spin into stories and eventually more books.

Just not right now.

Because NOW, I’m enjoying the hell out of editing and coaching YOU. I’m jazzed about playing with other people’s words and helping them make shit shine. I fucking love my job. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

Also, if I’m not a writer, I am totally a witch – and I proudly wear the costume to prove it.

But tell me: What are some beliefs from others in your life that you’ve bought into? Share in the comments.