What Is A White Witch? 15 Signs You Are A White Witch

This article is re-printed here with permission by Insight State’s Editorial, originally written September 7, 2019.

White witches do not cast spells to do selfish things for themselves which would involve intentional harm to others. Rather, white witches are those who practice benevolence and goodness in all they do.

List Of 15 Signs You Are A White Witch:

#1 You Are Opening Up To Your Spiritual Powers

You feel you have psychic powers, your hands offer relief to others in the form of hands-on energy healing, your ‘clairs’ are opening, you often think of someone and find the person gets in touch, you manifest what you were thinking of, and you ‘know’ things intuitively.

All these signs show that you can be a white witch.

#2 You Have Ancestors Who Were Medical Herbalists Or Healers

Many cultures believe that the gift of being a white witch is inherited and can only be passed down through several generations.

Of course, in today’s world, it’s almost impossible to know whether any of our ancestors were healers as our recent ancestors, much like ourselves, never claimed and cultivated this white witch gift.

#3 You Feel Called To Help Others

Fueled by compassion, you often find yourself offering to serve others.

From helping with a task at hand or offering a shoulder to lean on, you are a sincere helper. Occasionally, you may even be too quick to put other people’s needs before your own, however, it is always driven by the impulse to serve and give love.

Actually, for you, simply coming to this Earth and living life is not your goal. You want to help create a positive change in global consciousness which is in fact what the whole world needs.

#4 You Are An Introvert

White witches are multi-dimensional beings, so if you’re of the white witch archetype, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms, that may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home.

#5 Your Energy Is Positive

Your body/mind/soul energy is positive. When trouble looms, or you feel blue, or it’s a terrible day, you see beyond that.

Moreover, you understand that we must experience negatives in order to appreciate positives. Maybe you feel down or sad sometimes, like everyone else, nevertheless, it just never leaves you permanently marked.

#6 You Have Vivid Dreams

Some dreams will give you ideas about what may possibly happen.

You think that whenever you do this, this is a coincidence, however, it is because you can access information from your spiritual guides much easier than others.

#7 You Hear Voices

You hear voices and whispers, but there is no physical source.

You’ve ruled out mental disorders, therefore, it’s likely that you have clear hearing (clairaudience) abilities.

Note – it is up to you whether you develop this ability further by delivering the messages to those they are intended for, or whether you shut-down this ability.

#8 You Sense That You’re Meant To Participate In The Global Shift In Consciousness Which Is Currently Underway

We can all feel it, this impending shift that many spiritual teachers have talked about for decades.

But white witches don’t just feel it, they feel it pulling them, like a magnet, towards leadership positions which help facilitate this transformation of human consciousness.

#9 You Feel A Strong Connection To Nature

White witches understand “the web of life” – that everything on the physical plane is deeply interconnected through the web of Spirit.

Nothing embodies this understanding better than nature, how it nurtures us, and how we nurture it in a mutually dependent relationship.

#10 You Capture People’s Vibes Instantly

White witches tend to have levels of empathy which are much higher than the average person.

Note – the term ”empathy” refers to the ability or capacity to imagine oneself in the situation of another, experiencing the opinions, ideas, and emotions of that person.

When they are with people, even if they do not read their facial expressions or know them very well, they can still determine what vibes they are letting out or how this individual feels.

That is why you might find it incredibly daunting to hang out with individuals who tend to dramatize every event, or who are constantly sad.

#11 You Have A Well-Developed Intuition

Intuition is also known as a strong hunch or gut feelings. Your body, everyone’s body, is actually an antenna.

It is sensitive to energy. Every individual can tune into their intuition, however, most people choose to ignore it.

You don’t make decisions logically, although you do consider that your way is logical. You have learned that your intuition has guided you well throughout your life.

Tip – to test out your intuition, next time you have to make a decision, place your hand on your solar plexus (found in the pit of the stomach) and become aware of the feeling in your body when you consider each choice laid before you.

#12 You Have Had A Mystical Experience

Have you had an NDE (near-death experience)?

Perhaps you have experienced something which you cannot explain, possibly miraculous healing. If you answer yes, then most likely you have cured yourself first.

Upon healing yourself, you emerge from your unwellness with a better ability to cure others.

#13 You Feel You Must Give Something Back To The World

From an early age, you have felt the need to give to humanity, especially to those in need.

Others come to you for advice and you are the one who is always there to help.

Occasionally you lose your own sense of self in this giving process and are looking to find balance, to find yourself within your calling.

#14 You Are Content With Alone Time

While many people constantly need to be surrounded by other humans or crave attention, you are happy to have time by yourself.

You love people, but you are content spending time alone. As a matter of fact, this solo time is what typically “recharges” you as it gives you space to connect more deeply with your inner world.

#15 You Are Self-Aware

White witches are not only aware of their emotions, but also their actions and thoughts, and how those things affect both the people around them as well as their outlook on life.

© Copyright 2020 INSIGHT STATE

Recognize the signs in yourself? Check out Witchy Women® Magic Shoppe for all your metaphysical supplies, spell kits and more.

How to stand out in a world that asks you to fit in

Nothing is more liberating than being yourself as fully as you know how.

You can stare down the potential for rejection with less fear than what is stirred when you stare down living as an imposter.

Real people do not allow that fear to prevent them from being their own, unique person. And they are constantly focused on being true to themselves. Every moment of every single day.

To be bold takes daily practice and it is a choice. It means choosing not to hide when things get weird, and – in turn – becomes a gift in that you will feel confident in being yourself in front of anyone.

How badass is that?

It’s easy to feel intense amounts of discomfort when we are expressing how we feel. No, I have never met anyone who enjoys being uncomfortable. But the people who face this and move forward anyway are the ones we like to call bold.

They are the people who live big, bold beautiful lives.

There are several ways I’ve noticed these people differentiate themselves from the pack, and I’m going to list them here. If you’re reading through this list and you begin to talk shit to yourself, just know that feeling like you aren’t bold right now doesn’t mean you can’t get there.

Again, it’s all about the work you’re willing to invest in yourself.

You want it? Go get it, sister.

I’ll explain how afterward.

1. Stop apologizing for, or hiding how, you feel.

Don’t EVER pretend you feel any way when you, in fact, feel a totally different way. Pretending to be someone else (or feeling like you need to apologize for being you) means you aren’t sitting with that fear we’ve already talked about.

You will shine when you let yourself be vulnerable.

In a dizzying world, there are wonderous moments of beautiful life you couldn’t make up, but there is also a shit ton of imperfection. Often, we apologize for thoughts and feelings without even knowing if they are detrimental – mostly because we don’t want to displease anyone. When we do this, we are sacrificing our own voices and saying someone else’s feelings are more important than our own.

We are diluting ourselves for the comfort of others.

But through it all you know you’ll change, you’ll learn and shift paths again, and you’ll meet people who will completely transform your life for the best and worst.

Make sure you’re not changing for the sake of another person’s comfort. You don’t have enough time on this planet to worry about what others think. In the end, if you truly feel like you’ve done someone else a disservice, apologize for your mistake, ask for forgiveness (or forgive others), and choose to still feel completely and totally proud for never apologizing for something that doesn’t deserve apology.

2. Challenge Convention

According to the 2014 Forbes article, “Why the Future of Work is All About Challenging Convention,” Jacob Morgan explains that challenging convention actually means going against the commonly held assumptions our generation’s businesses are built on. Because, for the greater part of the last century, our business strategies and standards have sat stagnant.

With five new trends shaping the future of our work force – whether in entrepreneurship or not – these are things you need to be aware of as you build your own business.

The ease of finding information online, building communities and connecting with others makes your business much more public, more of the time. Plus, we have smart phones that make this information even more readily available.

With a generation of people cropping up and showing us their own expectations and standards, we’re going to need to learn to work with the Millennials. Technological improvements and the globalization of business are the last two of the trends he discusses. The first few seem obvious and it might seem easy to question whether or not they are trends, still businesses have seemingly adapted well.

The last few, however, are still questioned and overanalyzed.

Regardless of your thoughts on those trends, know new trends will continue to pop up. New user-friendly platforms will show up to help you with scheduling appointments, keeping track of all of your calendars, and hiring those weirdos who seem to be named Flower and Mable because it’s chic, but I’m getting away from the point…

Even big corporations are considering the monotony and practicality of their former daily practices, and they’re making big changes to the way they work.

So how does this relate to small business owners who are just starting out or wanting to make a big shift in their services?

If what you want to do means you’re going to have to move against the grain, then do it.

Common assumptions happen in day-to-day life and business. We see how someone else built their business and believe that’s the exact route we should take to build ours. Except the problem is you’re starting out at a disadvantage. You are not someone else. And you have no idea how or why that system worked for that person.

Could you possibly make it the same way? You betcha. But you’re going to have to put in the time and you’re probably making it 100 times harder than if you just trusted your own gut.

Let’s be real: Successful people put in decades of time before reaching star status and they certainly don’t follow someone else’s strategy.

The good news in this is also what scares us most. In today’s society, there isn’t one way to do anything. The world is dynamic and rapidly changing.

Collaboration is important. Research is easier than ever. Building a community and connecting via social media has changed the game. And everyone is sharing content constantly.

What does this mean?

Use those things to your advantage and stop believing you MUST do anything in a step by step process.

3. Use your damn voice

Speak and be unafraid when people hear you (yes, even when you’re giving an unpopular opinion). By taking a stand, you’re letting other people know of you and showing them what you’re about.

Make your points loud and clear, avoiding any kind of tone that might lead people to believe you are meek. Use language that conveys exactly what you are trying to say, instead of weakening your message by using words that dilute the power of your voice. No more “just” doing this or “only” certified in a certain way.

Talking shows the world you believe you count and you matter, and it makes you more visible (so finding others who are likeminded won’t be so hard).

4. Mess up

You simply can’t learn if you don’t make mistakes. You’ll never know what doesn’t work and what should be avoided. Stop feeling embarrassed by failure and start learning from it.

And the more you do this, the easier it becomes and the more resilient you feel, making your next move a little more graceful. Eventually, something will stick so beautifully, you’ll be glad you didn’t give up when a tinge of rejection made you feel like an asshat.

5. Take Action

All of the knowledge you have in your brain doesn’t do the world any good if you don’t put it to use. I see so many entrepreneurs buy course after course and hire countless coaches, only to stay in the same place.

They are looking for some magic pill that will eventually lead them to Emerald City. But the truth is constantly researching doesn’t leave much room for actually DOING anything.

And if you don’t DO, you certainly don’t build.

Stop reading books and try the theories you’ve read about. Hell, try something you’ve never read about but feel in your gut might work. This is what I tell my people – and those women act and see results.

6. Trust Yourself

You won’t follow through if you don’t trust yourself, and you can’t succeed if you don’t follow through.

It’s a bitch, right?

So mean and do what you say, and start trusting you’re doing it because you’re going to figure out the entrepreneurial world.

The bonus of doing this is very simple: When you start trusting in yourself more and knowing you can get the job done, you’ll likely start building trust in other people and giving them the opportunities you’ve always wanted to give.

7. Do what you would if you couldn’t fail.

Expect that you will succeed. Believe and envision it happening. See the money in your bank account, hear your voice on the TEDx stage, feel what it’s like to write the last line of your first book.

If you can convince yourself that the best is yet to come, then you can build the endurance and audacity to get up, try again, and brainstorm whatever the hell you want.

Never (ever) give up.

Opposing being yourself and using your God-given, useful and powerful voice is being dishonest (read: fake).