Tag Archive for: Rebecca Tsaros Dickson

Don’t Stop Now

Whoop! Whoop!

We’re up to tool #6 in #30daystorise.

Today is all about persistence. ‘Cause it matters if you just won’t quit. (See what I did there?)

Make this your theme song. Seriously.

Tool #6: Be freakishly persistent

In August 1977, Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman were interviewed together by New York Times journalist Susan Braudy. The two had co-written the Oscar-winning screenplay for “Annie Hall.”

During the interview, Brickman said, “I have learned one thing. As Woody says, ‘Showing up is 80 percent of life.’ Sometimes it’s easier to hide home in bed. I’ve done both.”

The simplicity and depth of those words is remarkable.

How many people stop after it gets hard? When results don’t come fast enough? Or not in the way we planned?

How many fall into the depths of mental hell, full of despair, dashed hopes and self-pity?

It’s easy to stay in bed. Anyone can do that.

It’s much harder to actually have your own back.

The truth is life happens and we often have zero control over shitty events and outcomes. But we always get to choose whether or not we show up.

If you have the patience and persistence to move through difficulty, you will eventually win. (Again, it matters if you just won’t quit.)

How many people start online businesses and close up shop in less than year? How many podcasts, blogs, YouTube channels are started, and just as suddenly stopped?

But if you keep taking steps – especially when you don’t feel like it – you’ll regain momentum.

How to know if you are using this tool:

  • In your life, where have you given up too early?
  • Right now, what circumstances or events are hard to deal with? Are you thinking about walking away?

How to implement this tool:

  • Your task today is simple: Remind yourself you won’t stop. No matter what, you will show up. All in is all in is all in.

– Becky

P.S. Game-Changer starts April 8. This is my brand new 12-week program, where I help you create use tools like this to craft a bulletproof success mindset. It’s for serious players. Once you master yourself, and commit to showing up as you 100% of the time, you can’t lose. Check it out. Doors close in less than two weeks.

P.P.S. If you haven’t yet, be sure to join my private Facebook community, Tune In. Turn On., where I show up live to go in-depth with everything I’m sharing in the series.

Study Failure

Today, we continue on the journey of self-mastery. It’s time for tool #5 in my arsenal for developing a bulletproof success mindset.

This month-long experience – dubbed #30daystorise – was created to arm you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become the industry leader and dominant force you say you want to be as a woman entrepreneur.

Tool #5: Study failure

“Instead of looking for success, make a list of how to fail instead – through sloth, envy,
resentment, self-pity, entitlement, all the mental habits of self-defeat. Avoid these 
qualities and you will succeed.” – Charlie Munger

The point?

Any idiot can see what’s not working and where to improve.

Precious few have the ability to be honest about how they self-sabotage, act like victims or participate in their own failure.

And frankly, how many people online today are shouting from the rooftops that they have the “right” thing to get you to the next level?

Stop looking outside of you for the answer.

Instead, take a hard look at all the things we shouldn’t do. Let’s pay attention to where we’ve gone off track in the past. How have we screwed up?

Study your failures, dig up the reasons for the failures, and commit to not making those mistakes again.

Then study the failures of others in your industry.

Eliminate those mistakes and you’ll be surprised at how much focus and clarity you gain. (Which leads to motivation, momentum and success.)

How to know if you are using this tool:

  • What are the mistakes people in your industry make that prevent them from getting the goal?
  • How many of those mistakes do you frequently commit?
  • Where do you sabotage yourself?
  • Why do you keep repeating these mistakes/self-sabotage mechanisms?
  • What do you need to do now?

How to implement this tool:

  • Make a list of the most deadly mistakes.
  • Avoid them at all costs.

If fear, self-doubt and self-judgement are not on your list of mistakes, go back to the drawing board. Those three literally ARE deadly. They decapitate motivation, make you feel like crap, convince you that you cannot do it and prevent you from moving forward.

– Becky

P.S. We’ve already received more than a dozen applications for Game-Changer, my brand new 12-week program where I help you create your blueprint for a bulletproof success mindset. Seats are VERY limited. We start April 8. Go check it out.