Tag Archive for: limiting beliefs

It’s long past time to kick self-doubt in the ass

Not so long ago, I didn’t think I deserved my career.

I wondered when someone would walk in and tell me I was a phony, a cheat and liar.

And believing those thoughts made it really freaking hard to do my job.

I exhausted myself running in circles, only to be sleepless later, overworked and underpaid.

Sound familiar?

Self-doubt is poison.

Once I finally reached the frayed end, I knew continuing down that road would lead to Groundhog Day. And quite honestly, shit sucked enough that I knew I needed to do something different.



Because if I wanted to feel and earn and be changed, I had to transform something.

That something was me.

Clarity, clients and cash. That’s what I wanted.

Our stories might not be the same, but I guaran-damn-tee you want those too.

If you’re tired of doing the same thing, only to find yourself panting and penniless, it’s time to step away and step up.

Today, I give you a 12-week program for women coaches who want – you guessed it – clarity, clients and cash.

Which is worse: rejection or regret?

You’ve heard the word no enough to know it won’t break you.

But regret? It puts us back on that machine, running in place. And maybe you think you’ve tried before. You’ve taken courses from coaches who claim to help women like you get shit done, only to feel like nothing helped after throwing more money at your problem.

That’s where this is different.

If this note doesn’t hit you in your gut, you’re either blind to your problems or you don’t need me. Either way, I can’t help you.

For those of you who feel that airless pocket in your throat, like a jab that leaves you breathless or opens old wounds, it’s time to make a change.

The CCC experience was created to help women make their business gorgeous: Attract better clients and bigger money. And you won’t do it alone. Other women, just as powerful as you, will be there to help jumpstart this shit.

CCC is for women who are tired of scraping by.

This is for you when you have no clue if you’re doing things right (and your bank balance reflects that sentiment).

When you want to stop spinning in circles and actually make MONEY doing what you LOVE.

Sure, it includes all the practical stuff most business courses throw at you, but we go much deeper than that.

CCC has THE missing piece most online coaching training ignores: the part where we figure out what the is truly blocking you from success.

So let’s …

  • get ridiculously clear on who you are and what you do. By the time we’re done, it won’t matter who does the same kind of work. You’ll finally recognize YOU offer something no one else can.
  • start making a consistent income of $5K or more a month.
  • understand deep inside you deserve to have a business you love that makes money.

If the thought of success doesn’t buckle your knees, the intensity of CCC might be too much.

But I don’t believe that shit.

That’s why you’re here, on my list. Because you’re the type of woman who is ready to make the world better by offering yourself to it without apology.

We all fear. We all want and question.

What makes the successful people stand apart is that none of those things stop them. So don’t let them stop you.

This is an invocation for beginnings:

VIDEO LINK: http://youtu.be/RYlCVwxoL_g

And if that doesn’t set your ass on fire, DO NOT click here to learn more about CCC.

– Becky

The most powerful thing you’re not doing for your business

Why is something so seemingly simple – believing in yourself – the most difficult for most of us?

Because we live in a world where we’re taught to be humble, to be appreciative of others and value ourselves for what we’ve done — but not what we’re destined to do.

All of that can hinder our ability to truly tap into our potential. Instead, we end up avoiding the limelight, in fear we’ll be seen as selfish or boastful.

I don’t exactly know where the line is between being too proud and being proud enough, but most of us never get close to it.

We don’t give ourselves the chance to celebrate our own successes.

And because of that, we don’t believe in ourselves enough.

  • Staying in a job you hate because you’re not sure you can hack it as an entrepreneur.
  • Feeling bad about taking time to do something for yourself, instead of only devoting time to your family. It’s not really that big of a deal to take a shower instead of that bath you’ve been dreaming of for weeks. It can wait, right?
  • Wearing cheap shoes to avoid judgment from people in your life who knew you before your income increased.

These are ways we show we’re uncomfortable with earning, with our potential and ourselves.

It’s really fucking hard to do well in business when you carry these negative beliefs. If you don’t believe you’re special – that you can do something no one else can – why the hell would anyone want to do business with you?

So let’s get comfortable with success and dreams.

Once you do, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of reaching in your career and your personal life.

Start by making a list of times you were stronger than you imagined you could be. On the same page, write when you were more successful than you ever dreamed. When did you reach your goals?

Next, write two times you failed, and then picked your sweet ass up and carried on.

Detail the biggest compliment you’ve ever received. What three skills are you most proud of?

On a second sheet of paper, write every self-doubt you have.

Once you’re done, hang the positive moments somewhere you will see them daily.

Read them. Every. Damn. Day.

And burn the page with all the negative beliefs. Really. Burn it.

Release your fears, your sadness, your insecurities and self-doubt. Giving yourself permission to rid yourself of negativity will set you free to focus on what you’re doing well.

And when you know what you’re worth, so will your clients.

• • •

Did you know we designed a 12-week program that tackles mindset issues for entrepreneurs and shows you how to bust through blocks, get clients and make money?

Check out Clarity, Clients & Cash. You can’t even buy it yet. But I wanted you to see what’s coming so you’re not surprised when we open and close the doors at the end of the month. It always fills up super fast.