Tag Archive for: limiting beliefs

6 Money Mindset Changes You Need to Make Now

When it comes to making money, it’s more about what’s in your head. To be clear, you cannot sit on your ass and manifest $1 million. But you can be doing all the right things and still not make the cash because of a belief. I see it all the time.

So what can you do to straighten it out? Change your thinking. It’s that simple and that hard. Here are six ways to tweak your money mindset right now.

1. I can be filthy rich

If you start from a point of self-defeat, what do you think you will get?

I’ll never pay it off.

Even if I do, I’ll just rack it up again.

This is impossible.

I’m a failure.

Some people think they’re unworthy of financial success.

Other people think it’s too hard to get there, so they don’t try.

Solution? Be positive, motherfuckers.

Don’t whine, complain or talk badly about your finances.

Focus on the negative and your brain helps you find more negativity.

Want the good shit? Focus on that instead. Your brain will also be more than happy to help you find more reasons to be positive.

2. Good things come to those who get off their ass

A positive attitude is like a lit match. Taking action is the gasoline. You need both, but it’s the fuel that gets shit GOING.

“Good things are happening for me and I am ready for the next step.”

What can you do right now, today, to move toward your goals? Create new packages? Design new social media campaigns? Interact with clients in a forum? Write a value-packed newsletter?

Keep going forward. You cannot fail unless you give up.

3. The Universe has MORE than enough to go around

Some people have this messed up idea that if they are doing well, others are suffering. As though the world doesn’t have enough for everyone? I don’t get it. You doing well doesn’t take anything away from someone else.

Forget for a moment that the U.S. mint prints money every single day. Consider the Law of Attraction: A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

Want to be broke? Keep thinking about not having money. Keep focusing on debt. Keep worrying about not having enough.

Want to be rich? Think about how much you HAVE. Focus on what IS available. This is what they mean when they say, “Gratitude changes everything.”

Which leads nicely into…

4. Be grateful

Why would the Big U give you anything if you don’t:

1- appreciate what you already have?

2- manage it?

Nothing will make you feel like more of a success than simply being grateful. Every night for years, I wrote 100 things I was thankful for. Every. Night.

I reminded myself of everything I was blessed with, created space to receive more and showed the Universe I was thankful.

When you need something, look inside.

You are enough. You do enough. You have enough.

5. Act like the rich bitch you are

What would you do today if you knew all your money problems were solved?

How would you respond to client inquiries? Would you be desperate and clingy, practically begging for their business? Or would you lean back and simply tell them what you do, for what price and when?

In business, the difference between people who have money and those who don’t is their ability to relax.

Act like you’re the best in the world at what you do. It changes everything.

6. Be curious

Want to know more about investing? Stocks? Real estate?

Dig deep. Knowledge will never hurt you. But it’s not enough by itself.

Change your mindset about money and the rest will follow.

The Law Of Attraction And How It Affects Your Life RIGHT NOW

Two years ago I would have told you this shit was too woo-woo for me. And I would have said that just as I had to log into my bank account to see if I could afford to send my kid to the Montessori school a county over. But then, on the verge of a lifestyle crisis, I found The Law of Attraction when I needed it most.

And it’s changed my life from one of lack and fear to one of abundance.

The Law of Attraction is quite simple: what you think and feel is what you attract. So, If you’re lacking money – as I did in my example – you’re always going to find yourself scraping together nickels and dimes to make ends meet, unless something changes.

The good news?

If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, paying bills and affording little else, you’re a mind shift away from changing the course of your life.

On a very simplified level, The Law of Attraction is all about energy. The energy you put into something is what you get back. So, if you’re putting positive energy into all areas of your life, then you’re going to receive the same, and vice versa. This theory can be applied to any part of your life:

Your marriage.

Your sex life.

Your income.

Your relationship with friends and family,

Expending positivity in these areas only makes your life easier. You start to see every tiny event that leads to greatness, and you’re a happiness magnet. Seriously, that shit will stick to you.

So how do you start following the Law of Attraction?

Look for the limiting beliefs in your life: the ones that restrict you from the happiness you deserve. Any negative belief you hold about yourself, your personal life or your career can be changed, you just have to dig around and find them.

Then, once you’ve found the belief that holds you back, write down three reasons it isn’t true. For example:

I will never earn what I’m worth.

If this resonates with you, then brainstorm three reasons it isn’t true. Ready?

  • I deserve to be happy with my income.
  • I work to over deliver the best product I’m capable of creating and, so I deserve to be compensated
  • Plenty of people make money doing what they love

We call these negative beliefs blocks for a reason, and it’s because they’re keeping you from living the life you want. Complete this exercise for every block you have in a certain area of your life. Once you have, write down all of your limiting beliefs on a sheet of paper, take it outside and torch it. This is your chance to ignite a different part of yourself, believing negative, limiting beliefs aren’t worth your time anymore.

The Law of Attraction has changed my life and the lives of the female entrepreneurs I work with on a regular basis. Once I set myself free from negativity, I was able to see my true potential and live up to the hype of being the best damn coach I wanted.

This process is still very much a part of my life, and I often remind clients that for every new level they reach, they’ll face a new devil. But once you make this a part of your daily practice, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the good clings to you.

If you’re still not convinced that this can work, it’s time to put this exercise to the test.

The Law of Attraction can’t work for me.

The LoA has changed the lives of countless other people who put it into practice

Nothing bad comes from me changing my mindset to focus on the more positive side of situations

I deserve to be happy and work through blocks

And if you’re still not convinced, there is a comment bar for a reason. Find me here or on Facebook, I’ll help you smash your limiting belief so quickly, you won’t be able to deny that this can work for you too.