Recharge, reflect, regenerate – tackle the shit out of the year’s end

As December settles in, I hope you’re taking time to recharge and reflect.

Though New Year’s resolutions are often seen as cliché, giving yourself permission to reinvent everything is powerful.

Setting an intention. Activating inspiration. Igniting creation.

2015 was a whirlwind for me and my business. I launched three programs, earned 7 figures, found myself a total babe, and learned how to navigate life while managing my empire.

What Happened:

  • Some of my clients earned six figures, while others are well on their way.
  • Fiercely loyal CCC participants raised each other up in times of need and in epic celebrations. A tribe, they are.
  • 1:1 packages were restructured and are more powerful. I’m having a love affair with the six week sessions.
  • Manifest NOW came back as a live course (we start today).

And while I’ve celebrated some major wins, I’ve also reflected on what I want to change.

Transitioning can be hard (even for big dogs). Shifts spark fear and scarcity. And honesty and vulnerability are two of our biggest assets, no matter how much we fight them.

Mindset work is still exhausting. (I told you, it’s a continuous process.) I humbled myself by realizing content creation led me to disappearing a few times, even though I promote visibility as a way to make money.

A chink in my armor last year, but something I vow to continue working on as my business grows.

Trends and strategies change, and if we don’t pay attention we can become yesterday’s news. This is why courses, conversations (without the competition) and clients’ needs are the pulse of our businesses.

But Becky, why are you sharing what some might consider weaknesses?

Because nobody can grow without looking at what they could have done better. And I aim to keep rocking the entrepreneurial world well past the next 365 days.

While this message finds you at the beginning of a new month, remember you’re 31 days away from a symbolically important shift: a time when we’re able to reinvent anything we want, a new beginning (especially for anyone suffering) and a time when you can make the choice to change your life for the better.

That doesn’t mean it will come easy, and I’m certainly not the chick who promotes flowers and rainbows all the time. Shit storms can’t be fixed with potpourri, but an even shittier attitude just makes things smell worse.

But how can it possibly get better if you don’t try?

Even though this year wasn’t perfect, even though every single goal I wanted to reach (personally and professionally) wasn’t met, that doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to what 2016 will gift me and – in turn – gift you.

Thank you all for being the best damn group of women I’ve ever known. For being as big a part of my journey as I am yours. For being thought leaders, truth-tellers and cheerleaders in different moments (you brainy, brazen and boisterous b-words).

Respond and tell me what you’re gearing up to do, because – like I said – I served up radio static for a bit (and, dammit, I really fucking missed you).



Stop Lying To Yourself and Leap

Entrepreneurs have a lot of shit on their plates. And maybe that’s an understatement. As a former writing coach, I know “a lot” is vague.

Anyone in business for themselves is already shaking their head in agreement. It’s those of you who are on the sidelines I’m talking to. You, the lady stuck in a corporate job trying to build her business while still earning a steady salary. You, the woman who leapt into business ownership but works a bridge job to make sure her bills are paid (and does very little to build the business she wanted). And you, the woman who feels her throat tighten as you wait for me to call you out in your exact spot, wherever you are that makes you unhappy.

This post is for the non-believers and the ladies addicted to fear.

It’s time to stop lying to yourself and take the leap, dammit.

If you’ve ever said:

“My husband won’t let me quit my job without showing I can truly earn money as a coach first.”

“I know I need additional support, like a ghostwriter or CPA, and I can’t afford them right now.”

“I’m afraid I’ll fail.”

“The market is full of other really great coaches who do exactly what I want, so why bother?”

It’s time to face the fear and leap anyway. Because while all of those excuses might seem completely factual in your mind, they are only blocks, only things to keep you from facing the fact you don’t feel ready to do it solo.

So what’s it going to take for you to feel ready?

  • A steady income from clients?
  • The approval of your spouse, partner or family?
  • 100% certainty that you won’t fall on your face?

The bad news? You’re never going to have exactly what you want before you begin.

The good news? You’re never going to have exactly what you want before you begin, so you can start at any-fucking-time.

See, the truth is, nobody who goes into business for themselves has all of their shit together when they start. A perfect plan isn’t what makes successful entrepreneurs money. Instead, it’s their ability to take the leap, watch what happens when they do, and respond to whatever happens. A good startup includes being proactive in your approach, noticing what earns you money and what doesn’t and then modifying your plan.

The plan does not determine your success. Your flexibility does.

One of my very favorite videos to show people enrolling in services with me (whether it’s 1:1 coaching or CCC) is by ZeFrank. It’s not because he says anything other than what I’m telling you now, but it’s because he does it in such a simple, beautiful way that people can get on board.

Jump the shark, ladies.

Use metaphors.

Give yourself the grace and forgiveness you show to others, especially when they fail.

At 1:55 in the video, ZeFrank talks about perfectionism (don’t worry, I’ll link it at the end). About how we hate the quality in others, yet we expect it in ourselves. If there is one thing you should know about entrepreneurship, it’s that nobody has everything figured out. NOBODY.

Not me, not any other big names in any industry. We’re all just doing our best to stay two steps ahead of our clients, so we can better serve them (and they’ll continue needing us). When you think about it that way, it’s not as scary, is it?

All you need to do to take the leap, is make sure you’re two steps ahead of the people you want to serve. If you can stay there, you’ll never have to worry about finding people to help or providing value to your clients. Ever.

This fear we let choke the courage out of us? It’s normal, but it becomes detrimental when we let it stop us.

So, if you’re sitting at home reading this, shaking your head in agreement (like my fellow entrepreneurs were up top), then it’s high time you stop allowing your fears to dictate your life.

Instead, let your dreams take a shot at it.

If you need help, you know where to find me. I’m always here or on Facebook in Entrepreneur Incubator.

Enjoy new beginnings. They’re always a little scary, but they’re so damn worth it.