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Change is a Gift
Most people are uncomfortable with change. It’s the whole lizard brain/primal instinct thing that makes us squirm when circumstances and places are new to us. But without NEW behaviors, thoughts and actions, without changing what we belief and what we are doing, we get the same results. This is super important for women in business. […]
Let me share one of my dirtiest, darkest little secrets…
Are you actually a successful owner or do you just play one when it’s convenient? I know you are looking for the break that will catapult you into success – because my inbox is full of emails asking me to reopen CCC to get you to the next level. We all want to earn the […]
Stop Lying To Yourself and Leap
Entrepreneurs have a lot of shit on their plates. And maybe that’s an understatement. As a former writing coach, I know “a lot” is vague. Anyone in business for themselves is already shaking their head in agreement. It’s those of you who are on the sidelines I’m talking to. You, the lady stuck in a […]
It’s long past time to kick self-doubt in the ass
Not so long ago, I didn’t think I deserved my career. I wondered when someone would walk in and tell me I was a phony, a cheat and liar. And believing those thoughts made it really freaking hard to do my job. I exhausted myself running in circles, only to be sleepless later, overworked and […]
It’s here (Doors are open)
Ring-a-ding-ding. As you heard earlier this year, my signature program, Clarity, Clients and Cash® is like Steve Perry — it’s back and better than ever. Who’s stepping in the ring? Until Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. ET, you can get a seat in the hottest and most comprehensive women’s online business-building program in […]
The most powerful thing you’re not doing for your business
Why is something so seemingly simple – believing in yourself – the most difficult for most of us? Because we live in a world where we’re taught to be humble, to be appreciative of others and value ourselves for what we’ve done — but not what we’re destined to do. All of that can hinder […]
I’ve never done this before… (time sensitive)
Today is PRETTY exciting because I’m unveiling something that’s been under wraps for a while — until now. You’re about to discover the secret behind reaching your own and your business’s fullest potential. Whip out your new notebooks. I’m inviting you to my NEW, free 4-part masterclass series, and it’s the shizzle. Click here to […]
How to Make your Mindset Matter
It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily bullshit of entrepreneurship. Yes, I’ve had many days when I felt giantly annoyed by bits of my business. Working alone can be – well – lonely, and having nobody to bounce ideas off of made my passion feel like work. Nobody who works for themselves wants […]