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7 Benefits of an Online Retreat
Online retreats offer a deep connection and profound experience, sometimes more-so than in person. Physical proximity is not a pre-requisite for powerful and moving group conversation, understanding or inner-standing (shifting perspective of self for the better). Some badass benefits await inside online retreats that you simply cannot get in person. 1 – A sacred, private […]
Everything old is new again
That quote has been attributed to Jonathan Swift, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, and a character in a Stephen King novel. It doesn’t matter who the author was. The point is salient. The idea, of course, is that everything has already been created. Every story has been told. Every idea has been put out there. All […]
Awakening Your Intuition
Some argue our capacity to hear our own inner voice has decreased with the advent of social media and the internet. We’re drowning in noise and too much information. Some argue the opposite: that our capacity to hear ourselves has increased because our culture has more awareness now than in previous generations. Neither is wrong. […]
Face it. Feel it. Let it the F* go.
Excuse me. *taps glass* I think it’s time for a chat about spiritual bypassing. This is coming up more and more in our industry and, frankly, it’s f*cking horrible. For those not acquainted, spiritual bypassing prevents people from acknowledging what they feel and distances them from both themselves and others. An example might be avoiding […]
6 Money Mindset Changes You Need to Make Now
When it comes to making money, it’s more about what’s in your head. To be clear, you cannot sit on your ass and manifest $1M. But you can be doing all the right things and still not make the cash because of a belief. I see it all the time. So what can you do […]
WTF is Scrying?
Scrying is the practice of staring into a reflective surface – a mirror, stone, even water – to catch glimpses of the future. It’s a divination technique that has been used throughout the ages. Historical examples: Nostradamus practiced scrying by staring into a bowl of water which reflected light to see the future while he […]
Intention Setting Rituals
An intention setting ritual can be done just after the New Moon to focus energy into your intentions. (The next new moon as of this writing is May 30, 2022, at 7:29 am EDT.) An intention is a guiding principle with which to live by. Your intentions should define how you want to feel, the […]
Energy Healing: How To Protect Yourself
Energy Vampires Energy Vampires are people who literally suck the life force out of you. They can be your family members, your friends and your co-workers. And YOU may even be one yourself. They suck your vital energy, deplete you and cause emotional, physical, mental and spiritual pain. Spiritual purification and cord-cutting are some tools […]