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Cut It Out: Self-Editing Basics
Hey there, bombshell. Brace yourself. The topic is self-editing, which I normally despise. But this kind of editing you do AFTER your brand-spankin’ new manuscript is finished and you’ve celebrated with too many cocktails, tequila shots . . . and perhaps bottles of Veuve Clicquot. Once the hangover is gone and you’ve taken some time […]
The Others and the Extras: The Importance of Secondary Characters
A guest post by Scott D. Southard Oh, the lament of the poor minor character. Pushed to the sidelines, knowing full well they are not the focus of the story. Love is probably not in the cards for them. They are the ones injured in the line of duty or acting as a living joke. […]
114,000 words later, THANK YOU! (And more gifts)
Yesterday, we celebrated our one-year anniversary. And HOLY SHIT did you ever join the party. More than 60,000 spit-shined words came across my editing desk in 14.5 hours – Twitter bios, Facebook profiles and the first 100 words of your works in progress – from hundreds of writers all over the country. Ranee Dillon gave […]
Real editing isn’t automatic (Track Changes is evil)
As a reporter, I had the privilege of working with some of the finest editors in the country. I also worked with some real assholes. But I knew who was working on which night and planned my schedule accordingly. Some editors want to help polish stuff and some want to cut up your work to […]
The Quick + Dirty Surprise (edited, never censored)
On December 2, we’re celebrating the first anniversary of this fancy fuckingtabulous place with all kinds of awesome. And free shit. For everyone. Number One: Free edits and personality amp-ups on social media outlets. Número Dos: Free edits of the first 100 words of your work in progress AND a quick and dirty plot + […]
Readers don’t give a shit about you – unless you show them how YOU are like THEM
Stephen Elliott, a ridiculously talented author who I admire greatly (adore), was interviewed recently by The Believer Logger. The piece is titled “The Reader Does Not Give A Shit About You.” It got me thinking. Yes, yes yes yes yes. He is dead on. Readers don’t care if we writers live or die. But that […]
The evil secret to all writing: editing is everything
by Guy Bergstrom Editing is everything. I don’t care who you are – you need an editor. And you always will. In fact, the more successful you are as a writer, the more editing you’ll need. Here’s why: 1) The time crunch. You’ll never have as much time as you did when you were struggling […]
Why the Semicolon must DIE
In my head, all the snarky, badass, ridiculously talented and fucking hysterical writers hang out in one corner. They cheer me on and make me laugh – almost always at myself. I aspire to be like these people. Today, I get to introduce you to one of them. BALLER. I met Guy Bergstrom on Twitter […]