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The Ancient Magic of Natural Elements
Dear Diary, In the realm of witchcraft and spiritual practices, the use of natural elements holds a deep-rooted significance. People see cartoons of cauldrons and people with black hats and have no earthly idea how potent the rituals, ceremonies and practices of a well-trained witch can be… I prefer to work with the elements of […]
Dear Diary, Today, I did a 90-minute live training for a group I mostly don’t know. I despise video, but apparently they liked it. Then I watched my friend and colleague, Jenna Faith, blow up the internet with her new series about the coaching industry. Go give her a follow on FB for more. It’s […]
So uninspiring
Dear Diary, Today, I am gearing up for a month-long free series I’m teaching. I love teaching. I love helping people. I fucking hate video. Hate. It. I lose concentration. I get distracted by whatever is going on in the background at my house. The noise, the dogs in my lap, the cat who always, […]
Dear Diary
I woke up today with the idea that this blog should be a diary. Yes, just like when you were 12 and used pink glitter pens with fluffy cotton on the eraser top. And since I’m my own boss, I can do whatever I want. (Highly recommend.) Dear Diary is the new blog. You will […]
People like us
People like me, who come from less than nothing but a bucket of emotional trauma, aren’t supposed to build 7-figure empires from scratch. We’re definitely not supposed to do it in our bathrobes, while smoking cigarettes, on camera. We’re not supposed to make it up as we go. We’re not supposed to trust our instincts. […]
I did a thing and I’m doing another
A while back I was feeling down post-surgery about all things business related, pissed at myself for not doing more – even though the doc said to do nothing for 8 weeks. We all have an inner bitch. Mine is absolutely sinister and unrelenting. So I thought about things I could actually do while resting. […]
Why you shouldn’t be an entrepreneur
For every person out there who goes after her dream, ten more sit on their hands and whine. Trust me. I hear from them every day. I work 12-hour days. I’m exhausted. I have kids and a husband and a full-time job. I don’t know how. Who would listen to me anyway? But who am […]
An entrepreneur’s routine means sweet f*ck-all
I know entrepreneurs who get up three hours early every day to get shit done before the world interferes. Some schedule things down to the minute. Some can only do work while in certain environments. Some are convinced early morning is the ONLY time they have to work on the business. Some swear they get […]