
“Becky is not just ANY writing coach – ohhhhh no. If you’re experiencing stuckage around your writing ability, she is THE writing coach brave enough to give you the loving kick up the ass you need to put pen to paper again and again and again. I’ve hired her twice. And I have no doubt I’ll hire her again – sooner rather than later. Becky is the kind of bombshell you NEED to have on your team. Pure ‘n’ simple.”

– Nikki Groom | Chief Ink Slinger, The F Factor

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“I just want to say you are amazing. I have worked with LOTS of editors, and your speedy focus and changes rock my world. So glad we are working together. Thanks for helping my work shine.”

Shannon Kaiser | bestselling author, international travel writer, contributor for the Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen and The Daily Love


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“Rebecca T. Dickson transformed my career. She unearthed the true power of my writing by banishing mediocrity, forcing efficiency in my language and holding me accountable for every word. Dickson is relentless in her drive to bring out your best. After working with her, I feel proud, confident and accomplished.”
J. Thorn, Amazon Top 5 Horror Author

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Guy1• • •

“I could throw a rock and hit three editors who are plenty good at fixing dangling modifiers and split infinitives. Becky is the rare editor who can superpower your creative side, even when it’s something as short — but important — as queries.”

Guy Bergstrom | author, speechwriter, former journalist

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Andrew1“Going into this class, I was big on ideas but low on what I needed to do to run with them. Becky and Ranee not only coaxed the writing out of me, but gave me the tools necessary to continue the process after class wrapped. Their editing and critiquing was honest and excellent, and I feel like I’ve emerged a stronger writer thanks to them. I had lofty goals going into this course, but I had no clue whether I could achieve them. I’m now confident that I can.”

– Andrew Berrigan | author of an as-yet unnamed work-in-progress

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Lucy1• • •

“Deciding to take the plunge as a first time writer is scary enough. Finding someone to help who knows what they’re doing is even worse. I looked for someone who would be brutally truthful and found Becky and Ranee… They explained what didn’t work and why with infinite patience, humor, straight talk and a side of cheerleading. Yes, it was tough. But it was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. If you are serious about your writing, finding your voice or resurrecting your mojo, this is the class for you.” – LucyLit

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“I was in a writing rut and I needed some help (read: climbing gear) to get out. What I got was much-needed tough love (from Becky) and emotional support (from Ranee). This proved to be a winning combination. I leaped out of my rut and produced more writing than I have in months. Better yet, it’s writing that’s true to me, my voice and my series.

– Clare Davidson | author of #1 Amazon Bestsellers Reaper’s Rhythm & Broken Bargain

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“Becky Tsaros Dickson’s writing is as ripped and lean as a Greek god, but bursts inside your heart with emotion that is both tender and authentic. Should you attend Write Raw sessions? Only if you want to sweep away the fluff and write straight from your soul. Only if you want your readers to say that you’re writing their own thoughts in your work.”

Jacob Nordby | author of The Divine Arsonist: A Tale of Awakening

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JD1“Apart from the edits, which are really great – she does not miss a thing – most of what I like about Becky are her questions and her humour. Not only does she love to edit, she makes it fun and she makes me laugh, which is no mean feat. She’s also extremely efficient and professional and will stick to the task regardless of anything life throws at her. She really is a Wonder Woman, but be warned all you exclamation point and cliché fiends – she will tie you up in her magic gold rope for using them.”

J.D. Mc Glacken | author of Honey, have you seen my REALIA?

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Kellie1“I still don’t know how Becky actually does it, because she doesn’t do the writing for you. Only YOU know the story and no one can tell it like YOU, she says… I went from a dead-end of 2,000 to stampeding my way past 8,000 in a matter of days. It was amazing. A month later, I’m well over 20,000 words.
I have many times looked to Becky’s work for inspiration when my pen was dry, knowing that she would ignite a spark and motivate me to want to write again. Working with her, she never failed to inspire. She encouraged me to just write and do it without fear. I admire her talent and enjoy her enthusiasm. I’m certain you will too.”

Kellie Elmore | author of Amazon Bestseller Magic in the Backyard

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In short, if you want to

•  push past the bullshit
  believe in yourself as a writer
•  write what you want to write

Then come on in. I can help you with that.

Click here.


Christie1“For anyone serious about honing the craft of writing, this is a unique and valuable opportunity to collaborate with the best. Becky shares her unparalleled knowledge, talent, and craftsmanship in a rich, one-on-one mentoring environment. Your learning process will be greatly accelerated in a setting of highly-skilled and honest feedback. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to fine tune your writing skills with Becky Dickson’s “Write Raw Workshop”

– Christi Moon | poet, writer … work in progress.

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“You will be pushed. It will be uncomfortable. But, you will see your writing breakthrough to the next level. Other coaches have told me how to improve my writing, but Becky has shown me where my writing goes wrong and pushed me to write with abandon. That’s where the magic happens.“

-Laura Howard | USA Today bestselling author of The Forgotten Ones

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sara1“From the authentic and inspiring voice of author Rebecca Tsaros Dickson, comes Write Raw, a course designed to help writers get in touch with words in a way they never imagined possible. Writers are pushed to test boundaries and write boldly, under the mentorship of Ms. Dickson, a sensual and truly fearless writer. Ms. Dickson is a master of painting pictures with words, and she is offering her expertise to anyone ready to write raw and uninhibitedly.”

Sarah Elle Emm | author of the YA fantasy series, HARMONY RUN

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“Write Raw. Just Write. Whatever Becky calls what she’s doing, the simple fact remains, her prompts broke me out of my writers block. She got me writing, and she’s keeping me at it – gong on three weeks now. She’s an absolute muse, even though I’m a notoriously stubborn, often pig-headed, student – a ‘difficult writer to edit.’ I admit it. I’m a real struggle, but Becky gets it done. Just imagine what she could do for a writer like you.”

Charles Bivona | poet, author, writing professor

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“We’ve all felt at one time or another that our writing is lacking. Maybe you’ve got a project that is lingering painfully or you’re struggling to find your voice. Write Raw is an exciting concept for authors who want to explore a new depth in their work. In her Write Raw Workshop, author Becky Tsaros Dickson will help you reach deep inside and find your inner rawness and bring it out into your work. Her four week workshop gives you a one-on-one experience that will challenge you to put your best words forward.”

– Toni Rakestraw | editor Rakestraw Book Design and co-author of Titanic Deception.

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“The first time I read one of Becky’s stories, I took in a sharp breath and let out a small, ‘Oh.’ And then I thought, “It’s not just me.” Reading Becky’s writing is a mind/body experience: I hold my breath in anticipation, my heart breaks over tender details, my stomach clenches when I get to the familiar emotional truths. I always forgive her for sweetly putting me through the wringer, even when her words make me suspicious she’s been reading my diary or secretly living in my head.
Based on what Becky writes, it’s easy to trust that she’s absolutely the right person to help you bring out the deep, raw, good stuff, twist it and let it live on paper.”  – Cara Ellison Halbirt | owner and designer at Studio 219

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“Becky can help you find your voice as a storyteller. You may learn more about yourself than you already know. This could be a hard thing to find, for some. But Becky will go with you, shine a light for you – whatever you need – and not only will this improve your writing, it will improve your knowledge of yourself, and maybe your outlook on life.
Becky understands how to get down to the nitty-gritty of emotion, of thought, and of how to turn those experiences into words. Imagine the limitless possibilities…”

– Brian Furr | author Hidden City Star

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“These days just about everyone wants to write what they are feeling, whether it be a blog, FB status, or that book people keep saying you should write. And with this course you can gain the knowledge and confidence to move forward with a creative, intelligent writer herself. Check out her work and you’ll be captivated immediately. Everything she says about this course is right on. I know she will deliver.”

– Billy Amendola | associate editor of Modern Drummer Magazine

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Get the words flowing on your terms, without apology.