Day 8
Welcome back!
In today’s session, Get Unstuck, we’re talking about how to get past what you’re seeing in your current reality – the appearance of things – to what’s underneath it.
We all experience difficulty or struggle at some point. Most of us see it, react to it, fight it, and therefore get stuck in it. That’s no fun.
Most people look at their life as it is, don’t like what they see and resist it. Or they let their current conditions determine what they think, feel and how they behave. And that’s a problem because it sets up al lifetime of lack and limitation.
If you don’t already know: What you see on the outside is a result of what’s going on in the inside. So today’s work will help you see how you created your current reality, and the lesson it’s trying to teach you.
Once you understand the lesson, your mind expands, you release the pain and you can move on.
To begin, listen to the audio here.
Grab your journal, press play and dive in.
– Becky
Remember to download your journal here.
And finally, don’t forget to join us in the private Facebook community here.