This is for all the rebels WITH a cause…

The rule-breakers and thought-leaders, healers and mentors, creatives and wild women intent on making tsunamis of change…

You’re passionate about helping people, standing for something and making a massive impact.

You have something to say, and you know the world needs to hear it now more than ever.

You’re ambitious as hell, have a clear vision, and you’re intent on forward movement no matter what.

There’s only one problem…

You start and stop so often, you aren’t getting traction.

You have a huge, inspiring vision to help people, yet you stop short of being fully invested and declaring your message and your worth.

You believe you don’t know what to do next – to make more money or more impact – or how to get the big dream.

Your mind creates bullshit stories and excuses – about how you’re too busy and working too hard as it is, or how you tried that strategy before and it won’t work for you, or how the level of success you want just isn’t available to people like you.

And with all that shitty self-talk, it’s no wonder you’re not making waves.

Three things contribute to success as an influencer: Supreme confidence, a competitive edge and an aggressive mindset.

High performance and elite results – when they matter most – are never an accident.

They happen when we commit full-on. And ONLY then.

And let’s face it: No one can commit at that level if they also believe the lies their mind is spinning. (See above for a small sample.)

You MUST trust yourself. 

You MUST stop seeking the next secret strategy.

You MUST rely on you.

So how do you get over the bullshit and buy into yourself?

This is a six-month program for smart, savvy women entrepreneurs who can’t seem to breakthrough to the next level.

You have the strategy down. You’re all over social media. You’re doing all the “right” things, but nothing’s changing…

OR despite some success, you’re riddled with uncertainty, self-doubt and anxiety about being able to “make it.”

Game-Changer is for you.

What you’re missing is a rock-solid success mindset.

No one can commit to extraordinary success with old ways of thinking.

And new perspectives, which lead to new behaviors and new solutions, require conditioning, training, practice. Just like an athlete.

The Tom Bradys, Vanessa Williams’ and Leo Messis of the world practice more than anyone else, especially when they don’t feel like it. The concept of a day off is foreign to them – because they know the result will only come if they continue to DO it so often that it becomes automatic.

So they hammer various moves and plays into their bones. They build muscle memory. They study opponents and study themselves. They are profoundly aware of their own physical and mental weaknesses, and they constantly strive to improve.

They have committed to a lifestyle that maintains their agility and ability, physically, mentally and emotionally.

And they do all that so that when they get on the field, they don’t have to think. Because there is no time to reflect on what’s coming next in professional sports. They have less than a second to make a decision.

They have to lean in, believe they already know what’s coming, and that they can handle it.


If you want confidence, a competitive edge and an aggressive mindset, you need to create it and then live it.

This is not something you do once and forget about. This is something you choose to do day after day after day after day – until you ARE the woman who believes in herself, has extraordinary confidence and poise.

Because NOT making that choice means staying where you are.

The elite athletes and top CEOs of the world trust themselves. They rely on the countless hours of time they put it to guide them through and ensure they come out on top.

Less thought. Much, much more instinct.

We become the best by virtue of repetition – physical, mental and emotional.

So if you have no experience believing in yourself or your ability, you’re kinda screwed.

Running a 7-figure business, showing up and putting your message out there, going full-on? None of it will last if you’re not conditioned for it and choosing to live a life that keeps your mind conditioned for it.

  • Fuck Facebook ads
  • Fuck 7-figure funnels
  • Fuck the next super secret strategy

Work on yourself. It’s your only unique selling point. Your only advantage. And your ONLY potential weakness.

The truth is few humans ever commit to anything at this level because it takes consistent effort.

You have to notice your limiting beliefs and excuses. And you have to choose to stop believing it.

THEN you get to transmute that pile of nonsense into a series of gifts – for yourself and the world.

In order to do all that, you also need two things: A new way of thinking and expert guidance.

Everyone needs support. Our habits and limiting beliefs are hidden from us in our subconscious which, ironically, drives our behavior. So if you’ve never done this work before, you probably won’t see language and behaviors – the deeply ingrained patterns – that are sabotaging your best efforts at success.

It can feel damn near impossible to do all that learning about yourself, while struggling to grow a business.

That’s why I created Game-Changer.

Humans always revert to old habits – unless we change them at the root.

If you grew up broke, you may find that no matter how much you make, you’re always broke.

If you grew up hiding, you find it physically painful to show up online. And yes, you can push through for a little while. But eventually, you may quit.

If you grew up believing success is for other people, you’re going to sabotage your own results.

Unless and until you take the time to study yourself and change at the core, the success you seek will not be sustainable (if it even arrives).

What if someone taught you a whole new level of self-reliance and a million-dollar mindset? So that every day, no matter what happens, you knew you could handle it? What if, at your core, you understood you were self-reliant and unfuckablewith?

You can make all the money you need. You can navigate BIG business like a CEO. And you can handle relationship drama, kids and money like a pro.

But first, you need to master your mind.

Confidence, a competitive edge and an aggressive mindset take time and effort.

When you have those, you launch and sell with ease. You show up consistently. You are the best version of you. You stop giving a fuck what someone else thinks and start paying a whole lot more attention to what you know is right.

That’s what Game-Changer is about: How to build an ironclad success mindset from the ground up.

We dive into how to…

  • Demand what you deserve
  • Create boundaries
  • Craft extraordinary independence and self-reliance
  • Stake your claim in your industry 
  • Divorce yourself from others’ opinions
  • And much more

If you want to lead, you MUST understand yourself, your flaws, sabotage mechanisms, strengths and weaknesses.

This is the single most important characteristic of a true leader, bar none. To learn how to gain this level of self-awareness, join me in Game-Changer NOW.

The next round of Game-Changer begins April 13, 2020.

Seats are limited. Apply early.

I only work with highly committed women who are interested in being the 1%.

No one wins alone.

No one wins being a victim.

No one wins when they give a fuck what other people think.

They don’t call me the Bullshit Slayer for nothing. 

I won’t lie to you. I won’t sugar-coat for you. This is your opportunity to stand up and say, “Not only can I take the truth, I want more of it so I can grow.”

If that’s you, join us.

Here’s how it goes down:

We have two live calls each week. One where we go in-depth on one pillar of a rock solid success mindset. And three more, where I answer questions and offer support. (That’s 48 live calls, roughly 96 hours of intensive training – before we get to the 1:1 calls.)

You have access to me 24/7 in a private Facebook community to guide you through your own bullshit.

We pull apart your perceived weaknesses, leverage your strengths, destroy old mental constructs holding you back and replace them with those that support you embodying your dream.

PLUS you receive almost $7,650 in bonuses, including…

  • THREE (3) private 1:1 sessions with Becky (Value: $7,500)
  • 90 days access to MORE, Becky’s private membership community (Value: $150)

My commitment to each woman who joins: We take an in-depth approach to your mindset and your business, and help you create a highly-customized blueprint to create your own bulletproof mindset. If you implement and do the work, you will be unstoppable.

From that place, you will have the ability to generate results on demand.

If ambition, persistence, commitment and rebelliousness give you pause, please do not join.

This program is for the woman ready to breathe fire.

The Laws inside Game-Changer:

  • We unapologetically know and declare what we want
  • We actively take steps every day toward those things
  • We take care of ourselves first
  • We say no to anything not in alignment with our vision
  • We never get complacent
  • We celebrate the fuck out of wins

If you are not truly ready to work on yourself in a much deeper and more honest way than ever before, this is not right for you.

I’m specifically calling in women who already know strategy and systems will not get them the results they want. The women who are ready to examine their own shit, take responsibility and make change within – so they can have what they say they want – belong in this program.

Seats are limited and only available via application.

The next round of Game-Changer begins April 13, 2020.

Seats are limited. Apply early.

If you’re ready to finally embrace the challenge, walk through the fear and own your reality, then hit the big red button above to apply.



Anyone serious about their online business should be in this program. This is good stuff! – Fariha Masud

I have had TREMENDOUS personal growth in the time that I have worked with Becky. She is one of the most honest, kind, open-hearted individuals I have ever met. She will lead you through the depths of your shit and won’t let you off the hook until it is handled. Do yourself (and your marriage, your business, your friendships) a favor and invest in yourself by working with Becky. Trust me, it will be one of the best decisions of your life. Jami Principe

I am amazed at how easily and quickly things shifted in my life since I started working with Becky. I am calmer and healthier (I’ve lost 25 pounds so far) and my asthma is continuously getting better. I’m making about 50% more, working half the time. I’m also happier in my relationships and proud of the example I’m setting for my kids.

If you’re considering working with Becky, do it. It has been the best investment in myself I have ever made. Heather Stephens

Becky helped me TRIPLE my income in a few short months.

When I came to Becky, I was doing okay. I absolutely loved what I was going – don’t get me wrong – but I wasn’t showing up fully. I was still hiding.

I had these mindset issues. I felt like I wasn’t ‘polished’ enough to start attracting the 7-figure clients. I felt I wasn’t good enough still. Anyone relate?

I worked with Becky for 5 weeks in an intimate, small group setting and also did her 90-minute intensive.

The result? My MONTHLY income has gone up from $20K to $50K with just the mindset work and her faith in me. I actually had to stop promoting because I was at capacity.

All of this happened because of our own Business Dominatrix – Becky Dickson – and I’ll be forever grateful. That. is. all. – Marya Jan

The “Becky Experience” is for serious entrepreneurs who are willing to do the inner work that is vital to achieving success in both business and life. Becky’s powerful coaching has enabled me to confront all of my blocks and limitations and armed me with a way of thinking that powers me forward like no strategy on earth can offer. She ‘gets it’ every time. It’s truly mind-blowing.

I recommend you hire Becky if you want to go the distance, if you’re ready to up-level your business to new stratospheres and give yourself the gift of total control for life. – Sanae Floyd