An invitation to succeed

And why do you need an invitation to do something that’s your birthright?

Because many of you seem to have forgotten you can have it all.

You’re spending far too much time worried about others in your industry and not nearly enough improving yourselves and your business.

A bold statement, yes?

Here’s how I know:

On any given day, I receive emails and phone calls with words strung together that go something like this:

[insert name] said not to work with you. She said people are talking about how your clients don’t get results.

[insert name] asked why I would want to work with you instead of her. She said it was a big mistake.

[insert name] keeps asking me about our game plan for my business. She said she has better ideas than you.

Let’s put aside for a moment that most of these “[insert name]”s are women from my own community – women whose very careers I helped launch.

Let’s also put aside that the remainder of the “[insert name]”s are women I’ve never spoken to and, often, never even heard of.

I’ll get right to the point.

I launched this business and my collective Facebook communities (now in excess of 12,000) to create an army of women who have each others’ backs.

The goal was, is and always will be to have positive and supportive spaces for women all the time – and I’m hyper-vigilant about keeping them that way.

I don’t believe in competition. I never have. Five billion people are on the internet. If you can’t find a client who resonates with your message – without trashing another coach – then the problem is you.

The fact remains women entrepreneurs who struggle to get traction in their online businesses come to me to fix that. They come to my Facebook groups to be surrounded by like-minded women who will help them. They want to know they aren’t alone and that it’s safe to talk about their struggles.

So if you’re in my groups or on my email list and you don’t have anything nice to say…

…kindly get the fuck out. Now.

Don’t flood my inbox with bullshit.

I don’t care about gossip, hearsay or any negativity really.

And neither should you.

This represents a much more troubling and over-arching theme among women – one I will continue to tackle head-on as long as I live.

I mean, it’s a sad state when women who came together to support one another start tearing each other down. I could wax philosophical all day about patriarchy and how society sets us up to fail by making sure women do this very thing. But I’m guessing you’ve heard it all before and just forgot.

I could lecture on the concept of “divide and conquer,” but again I’m sure you’ve heard about that as well.

And given that you already know society expects women to eviscerate one another, why not take a step back and ask why you continue to participate.

What’s so scary about a woman’s success that makes you come out with claws extended?

Do you not understand that every woman’s success before yours blazes a fucking trail to make it easier for all women?

Don’t you get that by trashing your colleagues, you make yourself look petty and small?

Why are you helping society perpetuate the myth that women cannot lead because they’re too busy comparing, fighting and trying to out-do one another?

Allow that to sink in. Really. Absorb it.

Every second you spend on that is time taken away from bettering yourself.

When you process that and see it as true, your business will grow, your mindset will improve, you will have more clients and make more money.

And you’re better than trash talk, aren’t you?

This is an extraordinary time to be a women entrepreneur. Look up the statistics. See whose ahead of the game in online business. (It’s not men.)

Give yourself permission to be yourself. Dissolve the fear that makes you attack other women. Delete the programming that leads you to believe someone else’s success means your failure.

You are me and I am you.

When you understand that, you will succeed.

On Gratitude (Yeah, thank YOU)

If swallowing a magic elixir meant you’d be happier, get visible in business and have an assembly line amount of get-shit-done, would you need a chaser to shoot that concoction back?

Yeah, I didn’t think so.

We so often look for the easy fix in every stressful situation. We hope and pray and want for an answer, but we’re not ready to put in any effort because the risk is perceived as greater than the reward. (Fear is a dickhead.) What we overlook in our own lives and businesses is just as powerful as the sought-after easy way out. It will bring you buckets of joy and, crazily enough, a full bank account.

Ladies, no potion is more powerful than that of gratitude.

Yes, this post is timely with the U.S. celebrating Thanksgiving, but it’s not about the surface shit your family makes you announce at the dining room table every year. This type of gratitude is long-lasting with incredible results.

Did I mention this shit is free?

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know I not only do 1:1 business coaching, but I also work on clients’ mindsets and manifestation skills. (In fact, Manifest Now – the live course – is open now and we start December 1st.)

Because no matter how talented you are, how capable and creative and competition-worthy you can be, you’ll never reach your potential without finding out what bullshit stories keep you hostage.

One of the cornerstones of my programs and of manifesting everything you want is the art of gratitude.

Here’s why:

Gratitude attracts what we want. If you’re into the law of attraction, you know we draw everything into our lives, even the crummy crap. In fact, whatever you’re focusing on is what you’ll pull in.

Stop worrying about how fat you look in those jeans and start thanking your body for giving you a vessel to explore the world in.

Quit bitching about only attracting low paying clients and be thankful people notice your work and trust you enough to sign on.

Avoid telling everyone your family is crazy and love them for the lessons they’ve taught you (in their own weird, fucked up way) so their bat-shit tendencies will subside for a bit.

A simple act of changing your perspective can serve as a soothing balm on your fears and business struggles, and it can also improve your personal relationships.

By focusing on what you’re most thankful for, by filling your life with love and appreciation, you’re sending a message to the Universe that you want more cherry goodness in your life. Then, voila, you’re attracting the very things you adore.

Negativity? Gone.

Frustration? Hard to hang onto when you’re thinking of the good in your world.

Problems? Easier to navigate when you’re not so damn jaded.

But, Beck, how do I do this? I mean, I’ve been a negative Nancy my entire entrepreneurial life?

Well, gorgeous, it’s so simple you’ll be thankful you can start today.

  1. Make a gratitude list

I tell all of my clients in Manifest Now exactly this. It’s critical to begin manifesting anything into your life. Pro tip: don’t overthink it. If someone at the coffee shop told you your phone case was cute, you can definitely be thankful for that. If you had a shit day and something tragic happened, at least be thankful for every breath you take.

  1. Soak in the sweet, sweet goodness of your list

Allow yourself to feel the vibes associated with everything good that happened in your day. Reflect on what it would be like to feel that gratitude and happiness every second. Soak up the joy like a sponge.

  1. Say thank you.

If there is someone in your life who made your gratitude list that day, be sure they know. Text them, send a Facebook message or carrier pigeon. It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re showing your appreciation for whatever bettered your life. This should also be done with the Universe, thanking it for another day, the wonderful gifts you manifested and the life you are living.

While this is a great building block in your gratitude practice, I highly encourage each of you to spend more time working toward manifesting the life you want. No more I can’t or I’m scared or I’m just not lucky.

Let me be very clear about one thing:

Gratitude is an integral part of manifesting anything you can dream of. Without it, you’re not going to reach goals or gain clients, clarity or cash (see what I did there?).

If you’re interested in learning more or are ready to take your manifestation game to the next level, Manifest Now registration closes Monday, Nov. 30th and class begins Dec. 1st. We’re doing it live this time, which means you get four calls with me, ready to answer the burning questions you have and get you that green, girl.

Got questions? Email us at