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25 inspirational quotes for writers
° ° ° “You don’t have to be great to begin, but you have to begin to be great.” – Unknown • • • “Do what your heart truly desires because they’ll damn you if you do and they’ll damn you if you don’t.” – Eleanor Roosevelt ° ° ° “If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t […]
Fear: I want to write, but …
She says: “I need help finishing this manuscript. I’ve been working on it, off and on, for almost four years. I don’t know where to go next.” What she means: “What if I suck? What if no one reads my book? What if I’ve wasted four years on this already?” He says: “I’ve never written […]
6 things you can do NOW to get your writing unblocked
Fear is basically a combination of two things: not knowing the outcome and not believing in yourself. And that’s exactly why I launched this site – to show you how to write on your terms and to boost your confidence. Writing can be scary. But so is ignoring the little voice inside you that screams […]
Who the hell is Rebecca T. Dickson?
This site, and really my entire existence, is about helping you take the knowledge you already have and translating it onto the page. Everything here – from simple free-writing exercises to private writing sessions – has been painstakingly designed to help you get your words flowing. No one needs a guide to become a “real […]
So there
Today, we’re talking about sentences that begin with the word “there.” There is. There are. There was. There were. There have been. There will be. Can you feel me cringing? Technically, it’s not wrong to begin a sentence that way. But it is bad style. Using “there” phrases is passive. It’s boring, often confusing, and […]
“Show. Don’t tell.”
“Show. Don’t tell.” What it means and how to do it. The post for #writers. Read. Share. Thank me later.
The writer’s super power
If you’re a writer, you already have a super power. Use it to write on your terms, in a way you feel good about, with your own honest-to-God, gut-wrenching voice.
Because, if you let it, it will change everything.
If you love a writer …
So, as a community service, I’ve decided to write up ten suggestions for all the people who love a book author who’s been fighting the publicity odds. (Fellow writers, feel free to forward this link or add your own suggestions in the comment section.):