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Welcome to the World of Writing: My Advice for New Writers
A guest post by Scott D. Southard I wrote my first collection of short stories at 16. I have always loved writing. My mom still tells the tale about how, on a car ride home at age 6, I made up an entire story. (It involved a ghost watching his grieving wife, I believe.) She […]
Crap someone should have told you writers by now
Sometimes, you don’t need preamble. Sometimes, you need someone to give it to you straight. Hi. *waves* This is for every writer on this whacked out planet. • Your early work will suck. • Your later work, in its early drafts, will still suck. • No one cares about your writing unless you’re at (or […]
What I learned from having a literary agent
A guest post by Scott D. Southard For five years, my books were represented by a big agency out of New York City. While I don’t want to name any names, I think I can safely say that this agency has a long history and has been associated with such writers as Harper Lee, John […]
Why you shouldn’t be a writer
For every person out there who writes the book he’s dreaming of, ten more sit on their hands and whine. Trust me. I hear from them every day. I’ll never get published anyway, so why bother? I work 12-hour days. I’m exhausted. I have kids and a husband and a full-time job. Good, then go […]
Even editors need editing
There’s a new red pen in town. Scott D. Southard is the latest and greatest to join awesomeness with us at Why? Because he’s brilliant. Obviously. And because I am but one person and cannot keep up with demand. Scott’s a professional editor, the author of six books (one of which I had the […]
13 ways to be a better writer
Because we writers all share the same unending, cavernous, soul-sucking struggles. And because 13 is my favorite number. (I was born on a Friday the 13th.) Here’s what some famous and insanely talented writers say about keeping your writer mojo. Yo… Ray Bradbury In his 2001 keynote address at Point Loma Nazarene University’s Writer’s Symposium […]
You may never be ready
Not so long ago, I was a slave to my anxiety. Afraid to leave the house. Afraid to stay home. Afraid to write. Afraid not to. Afraid to take care of my kids. Terrified of what it meant if I didn’t. At times, I was afraid of eating and sleeping. I was afraid of being […]
YOU are the story. Write now.
by Ranee Dillon The story goes that some U.S. Patent official resigned years ago because everything already exists. His alleged reasoning was since every idea has already been generated, no one needed a patent office. Though this rumor still exists – and I giggle at the thought – it reminds me of something a college professor told […]