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Success is a hell of a lot easier when you have support
People need definitions to make sense of things. Jobs and hobbies are no different. We cage them behind glass panels to look at (admire?) with neat labels. If you work in accounting, you spin math. If you nurse, you’re a giver. Tennis players are athletes. Chess makes you smart. So what about us? You know, […]
The Writing Process: Get Sh*t Done
You know what they say about excuses? They fucking suck. Yet we still use them. Maybe we’re guilt-driven, time-exhausted dreamers who – as much as we don’t want to admit it – put everything outside of our writing careers first. Who has time to sit down and write when the house hasn’t been vacuumed in […]
Anxiety and fear have no place in writing
Anxiety and fear suck, but they’re also the great equalizers. We all suffer them in various forms. Confronting challenges isn’t a ‘you’ problem, it’s an ‘us’ problem. This shit constricts the chests of writers and editors – men and women – across the globe. The difference between successful writers – the ones you admire – […]
8 ways a writing coach helps you get killer results
Imagine Jane, slaving over a blank canvas every day, by herself. Forgoing meals and sleep in the name of her craft. Barely getting by on whatever meager income her paintings bring in. It’s all for my art, she says. The epitome of the starving artist, right? Well that sucks. And too many writers are doing […]
My mom, tenacity + goodies for you
In the summer of 1980, my mom was eight months pregnant with my brother. The house – a split-level in the woods of New Hampshire – needed to be painted. So she did it. By herself. I remember watching from the driveway, looking up at her perch on the ladder to the second story, as […]
The Mother of All Query Letters
by Guy Bergstrom Dear Agent Sir or Madam, I am writing to you, or your agency, to acquire literary representation in Manhattan, Hollywood, London and wherever else such deals are made to publish books and turn them into movies. Why? Because my 333,333 1/3rd-word fictional novel (Book One of a 1 million-word trilogy) is guaranteed […]
Sometimes, you have to cross the streams
As the world mourns the incredible comedy genius of Harold Ramis, let’s recount the badass things he taught as Dr. Egon Spengler. Ladies and gents, I give you the top five take-home lessons from the single best movie of the 1980s, Ghostbusters. #1 – Dr. Egon Spengler: Vinz, you said before you were waiting for […]
Difficult doesn’t make it good
by Guy Bergstrom While in the Belgium, home of the world’s finest chocolate and 250 types of beer – 250! – I saw something that made me think. No, it was not the beer. Though the beer was excellent. This is what made me think: a concert on BBC or PBS or whatever with a […]