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My simplest advice for business success
I lost count of the number of emails I receive each day asking how to make money as a coach. The answer is surprisingly simple. If you want to make money as a coach… How about you don’t suck? How about you stop worrying about how to make money and start focusing on how to […]
6 Money Mindset Changes You Need to Make Now
When it comes to making money, it’s more about what’s in your head. To be clear, you cannot sit on your ass and manifest $1 million. But you can be doing all the right things and still not make the cash because of a belief. I see it all the time. So what can you […]
Five steps that changed my life (and can change yours)
Everything is mindset. Straight up: The women who succeed in big ways decide to change the way they think. They choose to believe they can do it and invest in their own futures, not just financially – but mentally too. They make the choice that no matter the external circumstances, they will win in the end. […]
Who inspires you?
My youngest son was born in 14 minutes. The cord was wrapped around his neck three times, so I didn’t really have a choice about the speed at which he needed to arrive. It gave the phrase ‘do or die’ some significance. The nurse plopped him on my chest for about 1.5 seconds before whisking […]
An open letter to Simon Sinek…
Just like you, I wake up every day inspiring people to do what inspires them. I know you’re on a mission to create a new industry to show people how to help others. (I’ve seen the memes and videos about wanting a “Help Others” section in bookstores.) My question is: What if the answer to helping […]
Screwing up makes you better
You can think about something for days on end. That new idea can be mulled over, viewed from different angles and perspectives ad infinitum. None of that will help you do it better. Whether it’s showing up online, creating a new offering, coaching for the first time or tying your damn shoes, we must do […]
“I want to be happier. I just don’t know how.”
Sound familiar? We live complex, stressful and often VERY disconnected lives. We are bombarded by media that convinces us that buying stuff will make us happy, beautiful, successful, prestigious, even more lovable. Women in particular are over-exposed to perfection. And it makes us miserable. It’s a never-ending game of comparison where the finish line is […]
Set yourself on fire
Let’s talk about motivation. It’s a simple concept on the surface. But there are a couple myths I’d like to bust today. #1 – You don’t lack it. In fact, it’s in your DNA. Every human is motivated by either pleasure or pain. And most people are motivated by the latter. Understand this first and self-motivation becomes infinitely easier. Every circumstance […]