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Intention Setting Rituals

An intention setting ritual can be done just after the New Moon to focus energy into your intentions. (The next new moon as of this writing is May 30, 2022, at 7:29 am EDT.)

An intention is a guiding principle with which to live by. Your intentions should define how you want to feel, the things you would like to experience and the personal qualities and strengths you want to develop. 

Think about your core values and the kind of life you want to live. Intentions should be written in the present tense and in a positive form. 

For example, instead of saying, “I want to stop eating so much junk food,” you could say, “I feel healthy and vital.” The first one is a goal, but the second is the intention (the why) behind the goal.

This is just a suggestion. It’s important to always be open to your own intuition to create a variation that feels right for you.

Begin by cleansing your sacred space – this can be done by smoke purification or lightly spraying with moon water or smudge spray

Center yourself in any way that feels comfortable – deep breathing, free drawing, chanting, meditating or using singing bowls.

Focus on formulating your intentions. What do you truly want from your life? Keep your intentions positive and motivating. You can also use oracle cards to get insight into what it is you truly desire.

Light a candle, then write each of your intentions on a separate piece of paper. Say each one aloud, then spend a few minutes visualizing that it has already manifested. 

Hold the intention in your mind and do any any of the following:

– Create a crystal grid around it

– Burn it in a fireproof container

– Bury it in soil (write your intention on seeded paper)

– Place it in a bowl of water

When you are done with all of them, blow out the candle and thank the universe in advance for manifesting your intentions.

Witchy Women Magic Shoppe is a woman-owned, ethical, sustainable and philanthropic metaphysical supply shoppe. Our mission is to support healing, growth and restoration of people and the planet.

All our handmade products are infused with frequency 528Hz – the frequency of miracles and love – thought to resonate at the core of everything. It connects the heart and spirit with Divine Harmony.

This sound has been used since ancient civilizations to manifest miracles, bring blessings, and harness a healing property. It is now available to you in every candle, oil, potion, herbal blend, spray, soap or salt.

How to Dress a Candle

Candle magic is one of the easiest and powerful methods to use. Whether it’s to call in money, love, protection or health, candles give us an extra boost to be successful.

Prepping or charging candles can be as simple or intricate as you want. Here’s my step-by-step guide on how to dress your candles.

1- Set Your Intentions

This is the most overlooked, yet the most important step. When setting your intention, be very clear about what you want. Don’t say, “I want a new job.” Do say, “I will get a job in accounting by year’s end and I will make $65k with benefits, and a great vacation package.”

2 – Pick Your Candle

The candle you choose is just as important as the spell itself. Different colors bring different energy to your rituals. For example,  red candles are typically used for love and sex spells. Green candles are used for money rituals.

3 – Cleanse Your Candle

DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. A candle, like any object, absorbs energy it comes in contact with. Cleansing helps remove all energies the candle has picked up. While you are cleansing the candle, focus on your end goal and ask for guidance.

There are many ways to cleanse a candle. All methods clean effectively so pick the one that works for you. You can:

  • Wave sage or incense smoke over your candle with a feather or by hand.
  • Bury it in sea salt and wait 24 hours.
  • Leave it outside at night (any moon phase is fine).
  • Rub alcohol or holy water on it.

4 – Dress Your Candle

Anointing, or dressing, your candle in oil will help your spell align with your goal. To increase your magic, make sure you clearly state your intention again while anointing your candle.

  • If you want to BRING in something new into your life, rub oil from top to middle then from bottom to middle.
  • If you want to LET GO of something, rub oil from the middle outward to the top and bottom.

Using a combination of oils and herbs will only increase the success of your spells. Our Money Drawing Powder and Rich B*tch Oil, for example, will help with prosperity spells. Banishing Oil and Powder help with explain negativity, and keeping it away.

5 – Carving Your Candle (optional)

This can be a fun and creative way to personalize your candle. There’s no wrong or right way to do this, so trust your instincts and go for it. Think about symbols, mantras, drawings or names that correspond with your goal. For example, if you are looking to attract a new lover, inscribe the qualities you are looking for onto the candle. If you are doing a money spell, carve a dollar sign or how much you want to earn.

If you don’t feel comfortable carving your candle, you can write all of the above onto a parchment paper and place it under the candle.

6 – Sprinkle Your Candle

In addition to using powders on a candle, you can create a circle around your candle. Just pick a powder that matches your goal.

If you haven’t checked out the Witchy Women Magic Shoppe yet, what are you waiting for? Whether you are just beginning your journey into witchery or are already a seasoned pro, we’re sure you’ll love what we have to offer.

In addition, you can also work with Becky directly for spell candles and tarot readings.