Tag Archive for: entrepreneur

The most powerful thing you’re not doing for your business

Why is something so seemingly simple – believing in yourself – the most difficult for most of us?

Because we live in a world where we’re taught to be humble, to be appreciative of others and value ourselves for what we’ve done — but not what we’re destined to do.

All of that can hinder our ability to truly tap into our potential. Instead, we end up avoiding the limelight, in fear we’ll be seen as selfish or boastful.

I don’t exactly know where the line is between being too proud and being proud enough, but most of us never get close to it.

We don’t give ourselves the chance to celebrate our own successes.

And because of that, we don’t believe in ourselves enough.

  • Staying in a job you hate because you’re not sure you can hack it as an entrepreneur.
  • Feeling bad about taking time to do something for yourself, instead of only devoting time to your family. It’s not really that big of a deal to take a shower instead of that bath you’ve been dreaming of for weeks. It can wait, right?
  • Wearing cheap shoes to avoid judgment from people in your life who knew you before your income increased.

These are ways we show we’re uncomfortable with earning, with our potential and ourselves.

It’s really fucking hard to do well in business when you carry these negative beliefs. If you don’t believe you’re special – that you can do something no one else can – why the hell would anyone want to do business with you?

So let’s get comfortable with success and dreams.

Once you do, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of reaching in your career and your personal life.

Start by making a list of times you were stronger than you imagined you could be. On the same page, write when you were more successful than you ever dreamed. When did you reach your goals?

Next, write two times you failed, and then picked your sweet ass up and carried on.

Detail the biggest compliment you’ve ever received. What three skills are you most proud of?

On a second sheet of paper, write every self-doubt you have.

Once you’re done, hang the positive moments somewhere you will see them daily.

Read them. Every. Damn. Day.

And burn the page with all the negative beliefs. Really. Burn it.

Release your fears, your sadness, your insecurities and self-doubt. Giving yourself permission to rid yourself of negativity will set you free to focus on what you’re doing well.

And when you know what you’re worth, so will your clients.

• • •

Did you know we designed a 12-week program that tackles mindset issues for entrepreneurs and shows you how to bust through blocks, get clients and make money?

Check out Clarity, Clients & Cash. You can’t even buy it yet. But I wanted you to see what’s coming so you’re not surprised when we open and close the doors at the end of the month. It always fills up super fast.

How to Make your Mindset Matter

It’s easy to get bogged down in the daily bullshit of entrepreneurship.

Yes, I’ve had many days when I felt giantly annoyed by bits of my business. Working alone can be – well – lonely, and having nobody to bounce ideas off of made my passion feel like work.

Nobody who works for themselves wants that.

That is, of course, until I started actively noticing my mindset: the way I’ve trained my brain to make me feel.

The good news?

You always have a choice. In it, your outlook can shift immediately: from half of your vodka tonic gone to a celebration of the second half of your cocktail.

If you’re wondering why you went into business for yourself at all, it’s time to start asking yourself some questions…

Do you love what you do?

What are you willing to give up to be a success?

Can you identify and then immediately stop mind-fucking yourself?

It’s all about attitude, ladies, and I’m here to be your fairy godmother of perspective.

If this business you’ve already invested time, money and heart into is the only one you see in your future, then you MUST stop talking about it like it’s your annoying sister. Because, as we’ve all seen, the power of our self-talk, and our beliefs in potential and progress, are what get us through those days when you just want to quit.

Ready to choose happiness, fulfillment and ease?

Use the right words.

Statements like, “I have the solution,” instead of “I have a problem,” or “Money flows to me freely,” to replace, “Money is the devil,” need to be added to your daily conversations. Simply changing your language helps you get over a lot of the crap on your own. Crazily enough, you’ll notice that the more positive your language, the more puppy-dogs and ice cream your life becomes.

Unsure about this? It’s not going to hurt to try, right? Change your language for a week. If your mood doesn’t change, if life doesn’t seem easier, then you can always go back to being blah.

Be warned, those around you will notice this shift and get a mojo boost. If you decide to move backwards after, be prepared for a shit-storm of people leaving you behind because – suddenly – you’re killing their vibe (which leads me to tip #2).

Keep good company.

If your friends have a shitty outlook, you’re going to have one too. We take on the energy and habits of those around us, so if your bestie from high school has been a real buzz-kill for the last five years, she’s probably bringing you down.

Gossip whores? Don’t even get me started.

I’m not implying you need to drop every friend you think could use an attitude adjustment. But I am cautioning you to watch how your mood changes around people and then choose very wisely who you spend most of your time with.

If you can create a positive, successful clan to keep up with, you’re giving yourself a dose of positivity without doing much else. Of course, if you know there is someone you need to cut loose, there’s no reason not to.

Do what makes you happy.

When you can identify what activities and situations alter your mood (for good or bad), you’ll be able to decide which to invest in. This becomes particularly important as your business grows. If you hate keeping track of your books or think sending autoresponders is a time suck, you can absolutely hire someone else to take over those tasks for you.

But this also applies to daily life. Love yoga? Cool, do it more. Hate showering in the morning? Who says you have to?

Then when the funk of work seeps in (I hope you’ve showered at some point), you’ll know what’s instantly going to alter your mood. It’s not rocket science, ladies: if you do more of what you love, you’re going to be happier. This means that you make the choice to do it more, even on the shitty days.

Me? I buy animals. My house has rabbits, dogs, cats, and – now – a handsome horse named Joseph. Being around and taking care of them is my therapy, and I have the space for them, so why not?

Appreciate what you have.

Start a gratitude practice, whether that be writing in a journal or meditating. Every day, think of what you are grateful for: your family, friends, career, etc. Then think of what made you appreciative that day whether it’s an early burst of energy to get the job done or a message from the Universe.

By thinking of what you appreciate, you’re shifting your mindset to the positive things happening in your life. And, yes, you can do this on the worst day you’ve ever had, even if you say you’re thankful you were able to inhale and exhale.

Shifting your mindset takes practice, but it doesn’t have to be hard (again, it’s all about perspective). If you don’t want the negativity birds to nest, don’t give ‘em the scraps and weeds to build.


– Becky

P.S. If you are struggling to build a new online business, or have been in business for a year or two but aren’t getting the traction you hoped for, I’ve put together several free masterclasses for you.

In this special series of trainings, we’re going to cover things like pricing, packaging, social media, confidence, creating opt-ins, finding clients, copywriting — and MINDSET.

Need some help with any of that? Then click here to add yourself to the list. We start TOMORROW!