Tag Archive for: coach

Walk your talk

I’m back with the fourth tool inside #30daystorise.

This month-long experience was created to arm you with the knowledge and skills necessary to become the industry leader and dominant force you say you want to be as a woman entrepreneur.

Today’s tool comes down to one thing: The truth is you know how to lead, you are an expert and your bullshit fear is holding you back.

Now let’s get into it. Here’s the difference between a poser and a leader…

Tool #4: Walk your talk

For every 100 self-proclaimed leaders in this industry, 98 are full of shit.

They preach one way to live, but do not actually practice it in their day-to-day lives. In essence, they tell you to do a bunch of shit they don’t do.

If you’re going to be a true leader, instead of a preacher, your edge must come from leading first by example.

This doesn’t mean you’re perfect. No one is, and pretending to be perfect is the antithesis of what I’m talking about.

Your ability to be a flawed human who still tries to improve every day – and who chooses to show that publicly – makes the difference. That gives you an edge. Because precious few are willing or able to pull that off.

The buzzwords here are authenticity and commitment.

Let’s face it: In a world where everyone pretends to be someone they aren’t in order to fit in, it can be fucking exhausting to actually choose to be yourself and feel good about it.

Your commitment to excellence, your standards, your relentless drive toward being better than you were yesterday has to be tangible. Raw and real.

You have to be a living, breathing example of what you stand for.

This is what sets you apart.

And people feel, see, and sense it when they are around you.

How to know if you have this tool:

  • How closely do you monitor your emotions and habits for patterns that don’t serve you as a leader?
  • How often do you coach yourself? Are you choosing thoughts and feelings that inspire you to take action toward your vision?
  • Do you set daily intentions?

How to implement this tool:

  • Spend at least one hour per day on yourself. What’s your morning and/or evening mindset routine? Where’s the commitment to improving?
  • Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses regularly. Call yourself on your own shit. (Self-judgement and self-doubt are weaknesses. I’ll be talking about this on today’s live stream.)
  • Decide what you intend, your vision or dream. And then choose – moment to moment – to be the woman who has those things NOW. How would she handle this? What does she focus on each day?

Feel the pressure of being leader? It’s real.

Leadership is not always glamorous and sexy. It comes to people who do the work and align to the goal.

You want followers? Give them something – BE someone – to follow.

Start by being yourself and then consistently evaluate. It’s hard to trust (even respect) people who are full of shit.

Luckily, you know better.

Inside GAME-CHANGER, my new three-month program, I give you the blueprint for how to live like a true leader: The woman with the highest standards, best practices and bulletproof mindset, who gets results on her terms.

Because once you master yourself, and commit to showing up as you 100% of the time, you can’t lose.

We start April 8. Go check it out.

– Becky

P.S. Game-Changer will show you how to release excuses, build sustainable habits to take ownership of your life, your business, your money and much more. Plus I’ll show you how to master your mindset, maximize flow and performance and FEEL LIKE A FUCKING BOSS. Seats are limited and there is an application process.

Don’t be full of sh*t

It’s time for the third tool is the arsenal that is #30daystorise. This series was created to arm you with the skills necessary to become the industry leader you say you want to be.

At the end of today’s email, I share details about how to join me to learn how to implement all these tools to build a bulletproof mindset, and stake your claim in your industry.

Today, we’re talking about honesty and weakness.

Tool #3: Don’t be full of shit

Coaches are always talking about how we are the only things in our way.

Here’s what that actually means…

We all have a collection of weaknesses, limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are liabilities and perceived inadequacies. Most people ignore their own “weaknesses” because it feels too painful or scary to reveal them. We pretend they don’t exist.

The truth is the only thing standing in your way of greatness is your inability to face that crap.

None of us are as good as we could be. We’re nowhere near as good as we want to be. We know it takes time and effort to improve.

BUT if we aren’t radically honest about our weaknesses, ways of self-sabotage and negative patterns, they aren’t going to go away. Ever.

You cannot heal what you refuse to reveal.

As long as we sweep weaknesses under the carpet, we never, ever look at them, get objective and choose to improve. We never, ever grow into the industry leader we say we want to be.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, “invincibility is a matter of defense.”

That means, in order to be unstoppable, you need to have zero weaknesses to exploit.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re worried about visibility, but push through the fear and show up anyway. And then someone points out that the background or lighting wasn’t good, or you could have been more clear, or what you said was boring.

You’re may be triggered. You may spin out in shitty thoughts for days. You may vow to never live stream again. You may obsess before every live stream from that moment on, constantly worried about more negative feedback.

Why? That weakness you have about being visible was never healed.

On the other hand, someone who live streams all the time and is perfectly comfortable on camera could get the same feedback and not even notice. More likely, the confidence live streamer would think there is something wrong with the person doing the negative commenting. Because the person comfortable with visibility has no wound around this issue.

When you admit your weaknesses and actively work on them, you’re unstoppable.

With no weaknesses to exploit, you are in the ultimate position of power.

The key is being aware of your weaknesses, and being all in on improving yourself and your mindset, until the weakness isn’t a factor any longer.

Few people actually follow-through and do this. It requires mental endurance and high-level commitment.

And if you aren’t doing it, there’s an excellent chance you’re not walking your talk.

Ergo, you’re full of shit.

How can anyone claim to help other people improve their lives without first choosing to do the work to improve their own? There’s no integrity there.

How to know if you are using this tool:

  • Do you know what your weaknesses are?
  • How often do you do the work to eliminate these weaknesses and heal the wounds?
  • Do you have a plan?

How to implement this tool:

  • List all the ways you could be triggered in life and business.
  • Use this awareness to create a working list of your weaknesses.
  • Systematically eliminate them by choosing to heal wounds, removing shitty beliefs and reprogramming your mind.

We’re only up to tool #3 in the series.

Can you already see how choosing to ditch the negativity, owning your shit, and working on your weaknesses EVERY DAY makes you a better human rapidly?

This is about self-awareness, self-control and emotional intelligence. The stronger your skills in these areas, the faster you create business results and personal transformation.

My new program, GAME-CHANGER, shows you how to do this from the ground up. I breakdown exactly what it takes to craft and then embody a bulletproof success mindset. We talk ambition, staking a claim, demanding what you deserve, boundaries, and divorcing yourself from others’ opinions, and much more.

I literally give you the blueprint for how to BE a true leader: The woman with the highest standards and best practices, and who gets results on her terms.

Because once you master yourself, and commit to showing up as you 100% of the time, you can’t lose.

We start April 8. Go check it out.

– Becky

P.S. I’ll be back soon with tool #4 – and it’s going to trigger the fuck out of some people. I can’t wait.