Tag Archive for: business mentor

So uninspiring

Dear Diary,

Today, I am gearing up for a month-long free series I’m teaching. I love teaching. I love helping people.

I fucking hate video.



I lose concentration. I get distracted by whatever is going on in the background at my house. The noise, the dogs in my lap, the cat who always, ALWAYS sits on my arm when I go live. And I hate having to look a certain way.

Life was so much easier when I just used the telephone or audio recordings.

Makeup makes my face itch and I have no trendy clothes because I live in my bathrobe.

That’s by design – because successful people really don’t dress up for anyone. There’s an old adage about how the men in suits work for the people in pajamas. But I digress…

Obligatory duckface

For these new classes, in our shitty-ass culture that always comments on a woman’s appearance, I have to put on clothes. Fuck.

So I’m doing it because these women need the knowledge. But god help the first person who says one thing about how I look. People don’t do that to men, BTW. No one goes on Jack Canfield’s lives and compliments his suit or hair. They actually listen to what he says.

What a concept.

Anyway, the material I wrote up is incredibly powerful and I’m proud of myself for putting it together and choosing to show up. Someday, my granddaughters will be teaching in their pajamas and celebrated for it. I’m two generations too early.

Face it. Feel it. Let it the F* go.

Excuse me. *taps glass*

I think it’s time for a chat about spiritual bypassing.

This is coming up more and more in our industry and, frankly, it’s f*cking horrible.

For those not acquainted, spiritual bypassing prevents people from acknowledging what they feel and distances them from both themselves and others.

An example might be avoiding feeling angry, or overemphasizing the positive AND avoiding the negative.

I also see it where people are super detached, overly idealistic, feel entitled or simply aren’t focusing on the here and now.

It’s similar to emotional bypassing in that we don’t allow ourselves to fully process our negative feelings. Which breeds a toxic cesspool inside of us and creates more problems as we try to expand and grow.

You can NEVER get better by ignoring what’s bothering you.

Granted, we may not be aware that we’ve closed our hearts or we’re avoiding a particularly heavy feeling. In an effort to protect ourselves from trauma, we shut down, avoid, withdraw, dissociate — and sometimes convince ourselves that we have to just “STAY POSITIVE.”

I have no judgment about any of it.

HOWEVER, if you’re working with a coach who encourages this, it’s a big, fat, hairy problem.

I don’t care who you are, you’re human.

As long as you’re inside this bag of flesh and bones, you will have feelings. All kinds of them. And you may not like them very much.

But the process of true growth means FEELING THEM TO RELEASE THEM. There is no way to skip this step. None. And anyone who says otherwise is straight out lying to you.

Growth never means pretending emotions don’t exist. We’re never just “fine.” We have real shit to face and it’s your job to do just that.

In fact, stuffing emotion long-term has been proven time and again to cause physical illness, like cancers and autoimmune diseases, as well as mental illness.

We are NOT built to avoid what is uncomfortable. We are built to deal with it head on so we can then go further, faster, with a lighter load.

Face it. Feel it. Let it the f*ck go.

But it begins by acknowledging you are not a robot and you have things to release.

Please take the time to honor your body and mind and do this work.

Some refer to this as shadow work. I don’t care what you call it. Just deal with your feelings so you can excel in the areas you want.

If you feel held back, there’s a 99.9% chance it’s because of what I talked about here.

I made my first 6 figures in 2008, after 3 months of intense personal work on trauma.

I made my first 7 figures in 2012, after 6 months of transformational coaching that involved facing my deepest fears, loving my limits and choosing compassion for ALL OF ME.

I had my first multiple 7-figure year in 2015, after the deepest, scariest healing journey of my life. I called it the year of my soul retrieval.

Never once did I pretend life was fine.

Never once did I pretend I had it all together.

Never once did I avoid difficult emotions.

What you suppress festers.

One of the main reasons I now have a reputation for top-notch mindset and business coaching is because of my own journey.

I know what it’s like to be scared but have a dream.

I know what it’s like to desperately want to overcome fear and rise to the occasion.

And I know what it’s like to not have a clue where to begin.

If that’s you, it starts by emailing me at becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com.

Your light comes from your shadow.

We need the darkness to see the contrast.

P.S. Tick-Tock. Right now, there’s a kickass bundle sale going on with my top 3 bestselling courses on mindset and business-building for women. Go here to check it out.

But don’t wait. The deal is gone in days…on 8/3/22 Midnight ET.

Want to WORK WITH ME? Get in touch. Let’s see what type of magic we can make.