Tag Archive for: business coach

It’s here (Doors are open)


As you heard earlier this year, my signature program, Clarity, Clients and Cash® is like Steve Perry — it’s back and better than ever.

Who’s stepping in the ring?

Until Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, at 11:59 p.m. ET, you can get a seat in the hottest and most comprehensive women’s online business-building program in existence.

Here’s where you can grab your slot: https://rebeccatdickson.com/clarity-clients-cash/

This is for the women who’ve patiently waited for the classroom to reopen, or who have finally claimed their power and want to make next year their bitch.

A new batch of entrepreneurs, a new wave of fierce and a community that continues to grow ever more powerful makes me a very happy.

Oh, and not only are the doors open, but I’ve also included a SLEW of bonuses that total more than $4600 — including 1:1 coaching.

Like mind-blowing action?

Here’s the list of additional bonuses:

  • Three 1:1 coaching sessions with your own personal coach from Becky’s team (Value: $3,000)
  • 90 days inside Becky’s membership community, MORE, for powerful mindset shifts, plus monthly live calls with Becky (Value: $600)
  • Manifest NOW 2.0 This BRAND NEW class was only taught live once, in September 2018 (Value: $597)
  • The Doer’s Guide, how to execute anything 90 days at a time (Value: $197)
  • Unshakable Confidence workbook (Value: $197)
  • A Woman’s Voice, month-long audio training on how to SHOW UP and sell (Value: $197)
  • How to quick start your email list workbook (Value: $47)

→ That’s almost $4700 in bonuses. ←

PLUS, you have the option of joining as a VIP, which means you also receive an IN-PERSON IMPLEMENTATION DAY in Boston this spring.

(**Travel + Accommodations NOT Included.) Please note that this event is limited to the first 20 women.


This offer is way too good to ignore and seats fill fast with freebies this awesome.

Go claim your spot. https://rebeccatdickson.com/clarity-clients-cash/

Talk soon,


P.S. Doors close THIS Friday, Nov. 30, at 11:59 p.m. EST. If you’d like to get the revolutionary business mastery course that so many of your colleagues are raving about then go here now: https://rebeccatdickson.com/clarity-clients-cash/

The most powerful thing you’re not doing for your business

Why is something so seemingly simple – believing in yourself – the most difficult for most of us?

Because we live in a world where we’re taught to be humble, to be appreciative of others and value ourselves for what we’ve done — but not what we’re destined to do.

All of that can hinder our ability to truly tap into our potential. Instead, we end up avoiding the limelight, in fear we’ll be seen as selfish or boastful.

I don’t exactly know where the line is between being too proud and being proud enough, but most of us never get close to it.

We don’t give ourselves the chance to celebrate our own successes.

And because of that, we don’t believe in ourselves enough.

  • Staying in a job you hate because you’re not sure you can hack it as an entrepreneur.
  • Feeling bad about taking time to do something for yourself, instead of only devoting time to your family. It’s not really that big of a deal to take a shower instead of that bath you’ve been dreaming of for weeks. It can wait, right?
  • Wearing cheap shoes to avoid judgment from people in your life who knew you before your income increased.

These are ways we show we’re uncomfortable with earning, with our potential and ourselves.

It’s really fucking hard to do well in business when you carry these negative beliefs. If you don’t believe you’re special – that you can do something no one else can – why the hell would anyone want to do business with you?

So let’s get comfortable with success and dreams.

Once you do, you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of reaching in your career and your personal life.

Start by making a list of times you were stronger than you imagined you could be. On the same page, write when you were more successful than you ever dreamed. When did you reach your goals?

Next, write two times you failed, and then picked your sweet ass up and carried on.

Detail the biggest compliment you’ve ever received. What three skills are you most proud of?

On a second sheet of paper, write every self-doubt you have.

Once you’re done, hang the positive moments somewhere you will see them daily.

Read them. Every. Damn. Day.

And burn the page with all the negative beliefs. Really. Burn it.

Release your fears, your sadness, your insecurities and self-doubt. Giving yourself permission to rid yourself of negativity will set you free to focus on what you’re doing well.

And when you know what you’re worth, so will your clients.

• • •

Did you know we designed a 12-week program that tackles mindset issues for entrepreneurs and shows you how to bust through blocks, get clients and make money?

Check out Clarity, Clients & Cash. You can’t even buy it yet. But I wanted you to see what’s coming so you’re not surprised when we open and close the doors at the end of the month. It always fills up super fast.