Horse Medicine Sessions
What if your healing isn’t an obsession with “fixing” what’s wrong, but a self-loving curiosity to allow all of you and excavate buried treasure?
Horses possess a profound wisdom, empathy and intuitive ability.
In medicine sessions, they reflect to us what we are embodying – who we are being – by responding to their environment with us in it.
Horses are prey, not predator. As such, they constantly scan their environment for energetic shifts, potential threats and danger. This also makes them incredible sensitive and reflective to humans.
Their wisdom is rooted in their ability to be present. They MUST be here and now and aware of their surroundings.
That presence and sensitivity, or body wisdom, shows up in every move they make, every breath, every twitch of an ear.
We can interpret their body language, noises, and interactions with each other and us to get a picture of what we are holding inside. More often than not, people don’t realize what that is or how it’s affecting their lives.
We learn by observing and spending time in connection with horses, seeing up close how they interpret us and our energy.
There’s something about a 1500-pound animal communicating to you that gives the lesson a much more lasting impact than a conversation with another human.
We learn by observing and spending time in connection with horses, seeing up close how they interpret us and our energy.
There’s something about a 1500-pound animal communicating to you that gives the lesson a much more lasting impact than a conversation with another human.
Horses show us things that we are often not aware we are carrying.
Fears, burdens, limits, blocks, judgements and so on. And they do it in a way that is so direct, it’s unmistakeable.
Susan wants to stop feeling so much. When she visits the herd, she might experience how the horses take time and space for themselves without apology or worrying about hurt feelings.
Jamie wants to stop being so codependent and enmeshed with her children. And Tracy wants to step up her leadership skills, but struggles with micromanaging her team. They might see how the lead horse doesn’t get involved in petty arguments among herd-mates. Instead, he allows them to work it out among themselves, conserving his energy for any potential true threat. He saves his time and attention for what matters most to the collective.
Georgia wants to stop feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. She may see how the horses play with each other and with her, knocking hats off, asking for butt scratches, harassing other herd mates and more. They may even invite her to play by doing things that require she not take herself so seriously.
All of those are real life examples of experiences with my horses. Show up with your worries and leave with a clarity you won’t find elsewhere. There’s something about a 1500-pound animal communicating to you that gives the lesson a much more lasting impact than a conversation with another human.
That’s the gift of horse medicine.
The herd itself has a hierarchy and we can learn a lot just watching them interact with each other. But even beyond that, each horse has its own unique medicine.
A horse will process and reflect back what you are putting out energetically. It will show you where you need more boundaries, an alternative leadership strategy, more compassion, more backbone, the list is endless.
I once had a client who – unbeknownst to me – struggled with abandonment. When we got to the upper pasture, the entire herd left and went to the lower pasture. It wasn’t until she broke down and explained how triggering the herd departure was that the horses came back and sat with her. They felt her anxiousness and left, assuming something was wrong in the environment. Once she was honest about it, and therefore emotionally congruent, the horses felt it was safe to come back. My client learned a powerful lesson that day about asking to have needs met.
Horse medicine sessions are completely customized to YOU and vary in length from 90 minutes to two hours.
Horses have so much wisdom and guidance to offer. We only need to remain open and willing to receive.
Horses can help you reconnect to yourself in ways you may have long forgotten. And just as the horse will always be only a horse, it invites you to be exactly who you are, without apology.
This is an invitation to come home to yourself, to remember who you are, to welcome all parts of you – especially the pieces you may not like.
It is only through self-acceptance that we truly heal.
Join me and the herd at our private location in Vermont for a transformational healing experience, OR book a virtual session.
Allow the horses to mirror for you the guidance you need most. They are masters are reconnecting us with ourselves and our intuition.
Come and be held by the land and the horses. Allow them to show you what is at the root of your worries.
$900 (Save $150)
SMALL GROUP SESSION (MAX 3 PEOPLE) – inquire for pricing and availability. Becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com
What others say:
The full-bodied emotional release I experienced was so powerful, I can’t put it into words. There were tears and so much tension melted out of my heart space, back, neck, and shoulders – horses have a way of getting you out of your thinking mind and into our bodies, like yoga.
“My session with Becky and her beautiful horses was truly incredible. The energy, empathy, and intuition of the horses created an instant calm and sense of safety. Through the horse’s innate power, they helped me understand and confirm a few unconscious fears I have been experiencing as I continue to expand and uplevel in my impact and business.
My body had been aware that something was lying beneath, and this session confirmed exactly what I was struggling with. And now that I’m aware, I can shift it. Becky horse’s are truth tellers. Becky is the bullshit slayer. Together it’s an unparalleled match. If you get the opportunity to do this, DO IT. Oh, and did I mention it was virtual?!” – Tracy Litt
“I had a 1:1 session with Becky and her beautiful herd of horses via zoom, and it has taken me a full week to even begin to grasp how to share this experience. This session was so quick to get to an issue I have been struggling with for years. Boundaries are a seemingly never learning experience, but working with Becky and her horses leaves zero space for bullshit. The message was so clear and acute that it penetrated deep into the subconscious….
Working with horses is a game changer, their wisdom, intuition, telepathy, and insight is like no other. Please do not wait to experience a session with Becky and her herd. We all need this so damn much. Especially now. Ready to open the gates of your own power?” – Diana Gonsalves
“Yesterday, I had the opportunity to spend some time with Becky and her herd. The connection was immediate and over the course of our time together, there were many insights and confirmations for me, as well as a very big release. If you have the opportunity to work with Becky and these beautiful creatures, DO IT! I promise you will love it.” – Krista Marie
“I am still buzzing inside after our session a few days ago. Results are instantaneous, and horses don’t lie… if you are still fighting for your limitations, they will keep working with you until you “get it.” Each horse in Becky’s herd has its own medicine, and will show up just for the lesson you need. And after you get it, your block is gone – GONE. It’s cleared… it’s no longer there. Reach out to Becky and book your session. It’s truly life-changing.” – Katya McEwen
“Working with horses is magic. This work uncovered blocks and limits I had no idea I was holding. It’s the next layer beyond consciousness… There were times when I was shocked at what came up. There were times where I made huge internal progress in my own growth and development. And the process taught me the incredible value in learning how animals can support me in resetting my nervous system.” – Corrina Snow
In coaching with horses, it is not about using the horse to learn something. It is about allowing their presence and naturalness to illuminate what’s inside of me.
My learning with the horses, individually and as a herd, was not about aggressively facing down fears.
It was the recognition that I can choose not to worry about getting hurt, or feeling stupid, or doing the wrong thing. I have my purpose and I am well equipped to fulfill my purpose. Get over myself!
No drama, no trauma, no judgment, especially self-judgment.
The learning was fast, clean, clear, and took me places my conditioned mind would never have ventured. It was amazing how the horse would confirm what I was thinking or saying, or walk away when I was caught in my own bullshit.
I recommend this coaching for profound life and leadership breakthroughs.
– Carla Sanders
With a weekend of Becky’s horse work, it was made clear to me – almost instantly – how much internal chaos I’ve been creating that’s keeping me from real peace. The clarity here was more powerful than anything I’ve ever experienced. The peace that comes with boundaries, my true lack of boundaries everywhere, and how I continue to allow & create chaos in every area of my life.
This is something I’ve been trying to unravel for years – always looking externally to manufacture it with money, accomplishments, relationships, whatever… And I finally saw exactly where I was holding myself back. Puzzle pieces clicked into place, and now I get to be an active creator in my own peace.
To be honest, I didn’t really get it going in. I didn’t understand the energy at play. I just know whatever Becky does, it works. And being curious and willing to open up to possibilities gave me a massive amount of understanding in an area of my life that has been a struggle. I can’t wait to do this again. If you have the chance to get into the horse healing space with Becky, do it as fast as possible. Expedite answers for yourself.
– Erin Monaghan
– Denise Hansard
$900 (Save $150)
SMALL GROUP SESSION (MAX 3 PEOPLE) – inquire for pricing and availability. Becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com
$900 (Save $150)
SMALL GROUP SESSION (MAX 3 PEOPLE) – inquire for pricing and availability. Becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com