Pictures of Success in 1,000 Words or Less

This month’s installment of a column brought to you by . . . YOU.

This is where we give up control of what’s said and hand it over to the people who matter most: our clients. Your words appear in this space, once a month.


Oodles of ah-ha moments.

Some of the writers who appear here didn’t have a clue where to start and subsequently transformed into writing machines. Some started right where you sit today, confused and needing guidance or maybe a little inspiration. And some were seasoned authors who needed a boost.

ALL of them figured it out and wrote epic shit.

This week, meet Ellen.


In July of 2013, I joined Becky’s writing camp looking for help staying focused. I didn’t want another ten-year novel. After I completed a first draft, Becky and I worked together twice more to bring the novel to completion. As the one-year anniversary of the writing camp approaches, my second novel is set to release. It’s hard to believe that in a single year, I went from a strong concept to finished product.

What did I learn from Becky?

Do you have a few hours?

Most issues – commas, formatting, dialogue tags – were known to me. I wanted an editor to fix them, but I was confident in my voice and style. I knew I could write my sophomore novel if someone nipped at my heels. Call me naive, but I couldn’t wait to strut naked in high heels across the page, shouting, “Look at me! Look at me!”

Showing the reader is a problem all writers confront. Show more leg, show less boob, show how perfect porridge sticks to a spoon with a honeyed thickness of creamed corn flakes.

We all work on the craft of showing and we all have techniques. What we don’t know about are the nasty habits that invade like toe fungus.

Becky peeled back my snoozing writer-eyes when she poked at my use of cliches. The text wasn’t littered with them, and I knew they existed, so I bristled and grumbled. “I was planning on fixing that,” I said to myself. My teeth may or may not have ground pencils.

Then Becky smacked me and asked if I was crazy. “Tell me what you mean.”

I sputtered because it was so obvious.

“Use your words.”

What do you think those groupings of symbols ARE? I wanted to ask.

“Make it yours.”

Oh. Mine?

My words.


Push the place holder out of the way and let my voice fill in like creamy porridge that sticks to the readers ribs.

Oh. Okay.

I’d love to say it only took one cliche, but Becky poked my draft until something unknown bit. I used cliches as spot savers, return-to-later markers that I didn’t always remember to fix. In lazy moments, I thought my carefully borrowed image (read: auto-cliche) spoke directly to the reader. They’ll understand perfectly, I thought, while ignoring my imagination stuck in the bog of my story’s first half.

See, the cliches I left to laze around in my prose slowed the tenor of my voice. Even just a few mired my creativity, instead of freeing me to write more. The solution was such a simple thing. “Write what you mean in your own, unique way.” But discovery meant trusting more than just me.

Now when a cliche offers to help out, I set it down and pose it before grabbing my pencil and sketching my own interpretation. This works for fiction, blog posts and even tweets.

I came to Becky with my voice clutched in my hands, looking for cuddles. I was timid and insecure. She taught me to trust me, my voice.

Thank you, Beckster. (No exclamation point)


Come back next month for another addition of “Pictures of Success in 1,000 Words or Less.” Ellen writes about broken condoms, unhappy marriages and women’s issues. Her first novel Strong Enough was released February 2013. Her sophomore work, The Anonymous Blog of Mrs. Jones, debuted this July. You can find her at

P.S. You have 24 days left to enter the contest for your shot at $5,500 to write your book.

Want $5,500 to write your book?

We’re settling in here, finding our favorite hangouts, and apparently you’re finding them too. The last four days have been our busiest ever. It feels like a celebration. And we haven’t even announced our biggest surprise yet.


We’re giving away a full-ride into Write Raw Gold – our $5,500 coaching and editing program that helps you get out of your own way and write your book. If you missed your shot at free money in college or you never had the opportunity, do not miss this.

The winner receives

  • $5,500 worth of writer coaching and editing. For zero cost. (90 days with moi)
  • Six 45-minute purpose-filled, get-off-your-ass phone sessions each month. (18 total)
  • A personalized writing plan
  • Up to 15,000 words per month edited
  • Unlimited email access
  • A copy of The Guide

This opportunity is absolutely for those of you who said:

I need help getting focused.

I’ve finally decided my dreams are worth chasing.

I’m ready for the next step. Help me, Becky!

Or you missed out on summer writing camp. (Yeah, I know you’re kicking yourself.)

Don’t allow another amazing opportunity to escape. Take a chance and make your dreams come true. When you start realizing you ARE worth it, you’ll be amazed at what you can manifest. This contest is where you start.

Get on it now.

But Becky, how do I win?

I’m so glad you asked.

1) Create a video of yourself telling me the following information about your writing project:

  • What it is about. Pitch me.
  • How long you’ve been working on it.
  • Why you are finally ready to complete it NOW.

2) Upload your video submission to Vimeo or YouTube and send the link to becky(at)rebeccatdickson(dot)com with the subject line, “Pick me, Becky.”

3) Videos must be emailed by Friday, August 29, 2014 at 10 p.m. EST

That means you have twenty-five days to decide how you’re going to prove to yourself – and me – that you should win. That you believe in yourself, your goals and dreams.

I’ll email the winner with the next steps and announce his/her awesomeness to the rest of the interwebs via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

There’s only one exclusion and that’s poetry. Sorry, poets, this is for my prose people.

For a full list of rules and the legal yawn-fest, click here.

Oh, and tell your friends. Just use the share buttons below this post.


P.S. The awesome cell phone app, Write Raw is out on Google Play for your Droid or the App Store for iPhone. It’s like having power cards delivered to you every day – FREE. And don’t forget to leave an app review.

P.P.S. The entire app image collection also lives on Pinterest. (We’ll add more as they are released.)