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How To Fast Track Your Business This Year
Being ready to make changes is one thing, but transformations take movement. If you promised to make 2018 your best year in business, but you’re still in the same place you were before the ball dropped in January, it’s time to get off your ass. Maybe you’ve dreamt of leaving behind your bridge job and […]
How Networking Brings You Bank
Are your Facebook posts hearing crickets? You put you and your company out there, attempting visibility through vulnerable posts asking for business, but nobody – literally zero people — respond to your magic. Damn that feels like rejection. But, more importantly, for entrepreneurs who are surviving on sales, it means your lifeline just got cut. […]
Boss? Bet your a$$
The verdict is in from Thursday’s email. Not only are each of you – beyond reasonable doubt – creating your own magic in 2018, but you’re also guilty of wanting the details on what’s new and noteworthy in RTD land. So prepare, my darlings, for a sneak peek. As many of you know, my 12-week […]
Recharge, reflect, regenerate – tackle the shit out of the year’s end
As the last quarter of the year settles in, I hope you’re taking time to recharge and reflect. Giving yourself permission to reinvent everything is powerful. And you never have to wait for a new year to do that. Setting an intention. Activating inspiration. Igniting creation. 2018 was a whirlwind for me and my business. […]
Everything improves over time
In 2014, I created a program called Clarity, Clients and Cash® and brought more than 500 women inside for a magical 12-week journey. It was a smashing success, a thriving community of like-minded women lifting one another. Inside, women learned the power of language, inner knowing and self-belief in order to manifest businesses they loved. […]
It’s a thing, I’m just not saying what thing
You know, my trajectory throughout this crazy biz-building journey has been singular: Empower women to do what they love and make bank. Financial independence. Complete autonomy. I’m about reaching women and helping them find FREEDOM. And now I want to jack that up. Sky high. I remember all too well what it was like to […]
Here’s what’s up…
I’ve worked with thousands of women entrepreneurs all over the world. My goal, my mission, was, is and always will be to empower and give you the skills to explode your online businesses. For years, I did this in a variety of ways, from one-on-one coaching to courses, from free advice in my Facebook communities […]
Stuck? Read on.
Getting shit done is a mental game. And if you don’t pay attention, your mind will try to run the show. In more than a decade working with women all over the world, I’ve noticed some themes. Here are the big players when it comes to self-sabotage… Procrastination It doesn’t matter how long you’ve wanted […]