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How to NOT rip people off
The world would be a much nicer place if people didn’t steal other people’s shit. But that’s not the world we live in. Today, we’re talking about what to do when someone else’s awesome idea sparks your own “F*ck Yeah” moment. i.e. How to NOT rip people off. I started blogging under a pseudonym in […]
How to get your writing unstuck NOW
Fact: You can write whatever the hell you want. Fact: It doesn’t matter what your mother, neighbor, spouse, teacher, kids, hairdresser or goddamned postman thinks of it. Fact: Until you believe the two sentences above, you will not get out of your own way and just write. I’ve lost count of the number of writers […]
15 posts to get your ass in gear – and writing
I don’t know a writer alive who doesn’t need inspiration. Here’s a roundup of epic writerly shit to get your ass in gear. Go. Show. Don’t tell. 9 Ways to Make Your Editor Love You Feeling like a failure is normal How to write when you don’t have time No Fuckery Allowed. Write on your […]
Writing is f*cking fabulous. So are you.
How about a little fanfare? Drum roll. Applause. Oohs and ahhs. Welcome to the all new It’s fucking fabulous. And orange. I could have thrown in some green to make it retro and trendy. But frankly, you know I’m not interested in what’s popular. Anyway, here’s what we got: Social media icons are at […]
How to write when you don’t have time
He says: “I have no time to myself. I’m too tired to write after working all day and spending time with my family. But I’ve been writing this book for almost two years and I really want to get it done. How can I find time to write when there just isn’t any?” She says: […]
Why writing is like Duck Dynasty
Sort of… I want my novel in the top 100 Amazon. I want to be a famous author. I want everyone to love me and my book. Things we hear and see every day from writers all over the world. What we don’t see is the follow-up. We don’t hear about the work they are […]
A book for all you rule-breakers (like me)
Today, I am surrounded by the vortex of awesomeness that only comes when you completely kick ass. Which I did yesterday, when I finished The Definitive Guide to Writing on Your Terms, Using Your Own, Honest-to-God, Gut-Wrenching Voice. Huge. Project. Massive. Happy. Dance. In case you’ve been under a rock for the last month or […]
Kill writer’s block now
If you’re a writer who is sick of the self-doubt, procrastination and paralyzation, you have no valid excuse not to buy this book. Period. I realize that sounds pretty bold. I realize I better be able to back it up. I also realize that no matter what, someone will always say, “That might work for […]