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The first sentence is a promise
The first sentence of a book is like the air between mouths just before a first kiss. It’s a promise. It fills you up, yet makes you want more. It’s the precise combination of slight humidity and warmth that takes your hand and invites you in for tea. Readers open your book, glance at page […]
I said yes
For a species who wants so badly to feel empowered and inspired, we humans spend a lot of time telling ourselves no. No, I’ll pass on girls’ night. I have to get up early. No, I can’t lock myself in my office to write for an hour a day. I have too much to do. […]
Don’t Pick Your Platform. Build it.
A guest post by Desiree Wolfe As authors, it’s easy to think your book will be your platform. You’ll maybe have a website and a fancy page on Amazon and you’ll be all set. Newsflash: you’re wrong. Really fucking wrong. So much more goes into getting your book the fame it deserves. Your author platform […]
Impaling FIFTY SHADES OF GREY – because we can
by Guy Bergstrom As is my custom and habit, and my Bobby Brown prerogative, I’m going to go with the first page – as printed. You know, printed with ink at these places we used to call “stores of books,” where you handed the nice folks who live there paper decorated with dead presidents and […]
5 Brutal Truths About Book Marketing
A guest post by Desiree Wolfe Unless you wrote your book just for a copy on your own shelf, you’re going to need to do some marketing. Yes, marketing. That scary word most writers think they understand but really have absolutely no clue about. It doesn’t have to be scary if you’re prepared. I’ve compiled […]
Top 10 Evil Tips for Authors, Actors and Artists
by Guy Bergstrom So, you’re a creative type – a writer of epic literary novels, an actor schlepping tables in Hollywood or a great artist in a black turtleneck who paints canvasses black because that’s HOW YOU FEEL about global hegemony. How can you bust through and make it? Oh, I’ve written all sorts of […]
9 Ways to Make Your Editor Love You
Let’s make this quick and dirty. The way I like it. 1 – Respect the deadline. You’re busy. Your editor is busy. If you agree on a start date, or a date you’ll be ready for round two of your edits, BE READY. 2 – ‘s is not plural. I’ll say it again another way: […]
On nickel and diming, giving anxiety the finger and WRITING
So yesterday, I announced my editing rates will double on March 1st. Today, we talk about what that means. As your editor, I perform a developmental edit, a copy edit AND a proofread on your manuscript. It’s all included in one package. Don’t know the difference? Go here and read. It’s the same editing process […]