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Confessions of a Dirty Blonde :: Four tips for better writing
Here we are, a hundred and four years after Mark Twain’s death and he can still teach us a thing or two about writing. Why do I love him so? Because he didn’t shy away from saying what he felt. He was honest and straightforward, two endearing characteristics that modern readers still enjoy. And I’m […]
Where is your courage? The truth about writing.
Are you hiding your writing or reveling in your passion? I believe anything worth doing takes guts. It takes guts to do something you know everyone won’t love. It takes guts to keep going when people around you don’t or can’t understand. It takes guts to look them in the eye and say what you […]
What would you write if you knew you could not fail?
I’ve spent the better part of the last two years talking to writers all over the world just like you. I’ve learned about you. What you want, crave – and what you hate. Every one of you has a different definition of success. How it looks and feels. How your perfect day unfolds. But one […]
3 writing tips from a crazy boss :: Confessions of A Dirty Blonde
I once had a crazy boss who taught me about editing. He went on to become a millionaire by designing pizza boxes. I am not kidding. The man did this to fund his writing habit. And just like all twenty-somethings with far too much money, he blew through it and filed bankruptcy later. Then he […]
Pictures of Success in 1,000 Words or Less
This month’s installment of a column brought to you by . . . YOU. This is where we give up control of what’s said and hand it over to the people who matter most: our clients. Your words appear in this space, once a month. Why? Oodles of ah-ha moments. Some of the writers who […]
Want $5,500 to write your book?
We’re settling in here, finding our favorite hangouts, and apparently you’re finding them too. The last four days have been our busiest ever. It feels like a celebration. And we haven’t even announced our biggest surprise yet. Ready? We’re giving away a full-ride into Write Raw Gold – our $5,500 coaching and editing program that […]
Surprises, I love ‘em
Sexy as fuck. That’s what this site is. You’re looking at the product of five months’ worth of blood and sweat from a team you’ll only find in your dreams. (Yeah, we left the filter behind with the other trash. You thought we were irreverent before? Ha.) Welcome to the biggest shit-show we’ve ever started. […]
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Let’s write.
It’s Tuesday. That means you have a little less than 72 hours to decide whether or not your dream of writing a book or website content is something you want to do – versus something you just want to think about. (Over and over, for days, weeks, years on end…) Summer Writing Camp starts Saturday, […]