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Everyone has questions. Which of yours can I answer?
Get on Facebook on Tuesday, November 18th at 4 p.m. EST. Be on time, because I’m only giving away FREE answers for an hour. Yep, free. Want in? It’s going to be an epic online par-tay. You don’t have to RSVP. You don’t have to dress up, unless you’re into that kind of thing. Just […]
6 Money Mindset Changes You Need to Make Now
When it comes to making money, it’s more about what’s in your head. To be clear, you cannot sit on your ass and manifest $1 million. But you can be doing all the right things and still not make the cash because of a belief. I see it all the time. So what can you […]
Ch-ch-ch-changes and why you should ALWAYS go with your gut
You know that feeling in your gut I always tell you to listen to no matter how unpopular the response? The whomp that wakes you up at night, leaving you sweaty and out of breath? As entrepreneurs, opinions abound on how we should run our businesses. They come from family, industry leaders, clients and – […]
Everyone starts somewhere, and it’s never where we want
We’re talking about switching gears, making money and valuing yourself. When I started coaching writers, I was afraid people wouldn’t buy into my passion or expertise. What if I sucked? What if I didn’t earn enough to support myself? Sure I was a long-time journalist and editor, but what if I couldn’t teach? My doubt […]
Confessions of a Dirty Blonde :: Forever is a good word
When I’m sitting in front of my laptop and the words won’t come, I try to remember the things my writing coach told me. Funny how we strangle our minds enough that the helpful bits get lost in the chaos of our fear and frustration. When I was in Write Raw – a rookie in […]
And the winners are . . .
Yes, I’m a rule-breaker. *shocking* I’m announcing the winner of our video contest a day early. Because I can. So who’s going to work with me for the next three months in a private $5,500 editing and coaching program? Well, TWO writers. Plus everyone who submitted a video will have a shot at working with […]
Pictures of Success in 1,000 Words or Less
This month’s installment of a column brought to you by . . . YOU. This is where we give up control of what’s said and hand it over to the people who matter most: our clients. Your words appear in this space, once a month. Why? Oodles of ah-ha moments. Some of the writers who […]
What can you do without excuses?
Can you imagine life without holding yourself back? If you’ve been dreaming of entering our Write Raw Gold coaching and editing giveaway – a chance at $5,500 in writing support – it’s time to wake up. The deadline fast approaches. So far we’ve received entries for science fiction and fantasy, self-help and memoir, but every […]