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Here’s a freebie that’ll work for you all year long
Sick of struggling to gain traction in your business? You, my friend, are not the only one. Many would-be, wannabe and soon-to-be empire builders are currently fighting to merely BE entrepreneurs. These women dream of having an impact and lapping up luxury, passionately slanging fist pumps when they see their dream lifestyle is achievable (because […]
On Gratitude (Yeah, thank YOU)
If swallowing a magic elixir meant you’d be happier, get visible in business and have an assembly line amount of get-shit-done, would you need a chaser to shoot that concoction back? Yeah, I didn’t think so. We so often look for the easy fix in every stressful situation. We hope and pray and want for […]
Don’t believe you can manifest the life you deserve?
The only block keeping you from a “Is this life real?” moment is lack of confidence. Maybe you don’t know how to start manifesting anything. You’ve tried to woo-woo approach part-time but you haven’t given it everything you’ve got. You believe it can work but your partner is a hater, so you’ve put off learning. […]
Now Hiring. Yes, really.
Dun, dun, dun. You heard it here second this time. Dani is leaving us, guys. Yep, sometimes great partnerships come to an end. This, of course, is mucho amazing for her, but it leaves a gaping hole in my business entourage (and Paul Bunyan-size shoes to fill). Since Dani watched me give birth to my […]
Every once in a while, you just need to take a stand
Biz bomb? Igniting. After an amazing year as a full-time business consultant, I’m streamlining my services and losing one. As you know, I’m a huge believer in being your own best advocate. Nowhere is this more important than when you’re a coach. You must do what feels best. Otherwise, your service doesn’t benefit anyone. Hating […]
The winners of my Hobbit-like birthday surprise
I promised to announce the winners of my Hobbit-like birthday surprise today, and so it shall be. In all, more than 7,000 of you participated. Humbling, to say the least. Your submissions were awe-inspiring and many made me cry. But this is precisely why I do the work I do – to inspire YOU to […]
Welcome to the annual RTD giveaway. This year? $50K!
October is almost half over, but I’m not one to let a single day go by without celebrating my favorite month of the year: with gobs of Halloween décor and a birthday giveaway fantastic enough to have you screaming, “Hell yes, Beck,” in the new Minnetonka boots you just bought yourself (you fashion connoisseur, you). […]
Fuck Mercury Retrograde
Natal astrology tells us Mercury goes retrograde again on the 17th. Instead of buckling down and preparing for the worst, maybe we should – instead – use the next two weeks to eradicate any and all insane It’s now or after the equinox thoughts. I’ve been selling discounted versions of all of my services (because […]