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5 Things Every Woman in Business Wants for Christmas
Women entrepreneurs are badasses. We have singular focus. We know what we want. We spend (almost) every waking moment plotting to get it, too. This can make it difficult for people to buy us gifts. After all, we just go get whatever we want. Hence my handy gift guide for Christmas. What women entrepreneurs REALLY want How […]
Fight Club Syndrome: When Your Biz Blows Up Your World
So you’re in business. Go you. You made a plan, chose a niche, know who you want to serve. You show up, show off, meet your deadlines and, in general, kick ass. And then shit happens. The kids need cupcakes for school, help with homework or, say, clean clothes. The dog eats your socks and needs surgery. […]
My simplest advice for business success
I lost count of the number of emails I receive each day asking how to make money as a coach. The answer is surprisingly simple. If you want to make money as a coach… How about you don’t suck? How about you stop worrying about how to make money and start focusing on how to […]
Your only task is to tell the truth
You know that thing you can’t stop thinking about? The idea that wakes you up breathless and sweaty? THAT’S what you pursue. Because the shit that gets your blood pumping also keeps you motivated – fuck, it burns you up – when business gets difficult. At no time is this more important than when you […]
Welcome to the annual RTD giveaway
October is almost half over, but I’m not one to let a single day go by without celebrating my favorite month of the year: with gobs of Halloween décor and a birthday giveaway fantastic enough to have you screaming, “Hell yes, Beck.” You can have your spice lattes, pie candles and colored sweaters. I’ll turn […]
It’s a beautiful thing
I’ve been thinking a lot about abundance lately. Between my own manifestation mindset and practices, and my serious obsession with helping other entrepreneurs bulk up their own belief system, I know creating an abundance lifestyle is easy… …but I don’t think I can say the same for maintaining it. So much of the world, especially […]
Hear that? It’s a call to own your magic. To test your limits. And set fire to your excuses. To face your fear and own your faith. To decide, for good, you are done with average. That you are meant for more. Far more than anyone ever expected. This is the line. Will you believe […]
Stop holding your breath and move your a$$
Do you have any idea how easy it is to resist your calling? To ignore what comes easily to you because we’re so programmed to work HARD? To come up with a million reasons/excuses/limiting beliefs to NOT DO what you were born to do? I’ve been doing that for more than a year now and […]