Here’s what I know…
- There is not a single, solitary moment left in your life when you need to hustle, push, grind or claw your way forward.
- Continuing to do so, while mimicking others’ so-called success formulas will only confuse you, sidetrack you and, ultimately, defeat you if you don’t wise up.
- Listening to YOURSELF will get you further, faster, than anything else. You may have seen the shiny pennies online and mistakenly believed you are supposed to be like them.
- You emphatically are NOT like them, and therein lies your superpower.
- You can make a damn good living while doing a damn good job at whatever it is that makes you want to scream, “HELL YES,” all while standing on a roof and wielding a very large and impressive megaphone.
- There is magic in you. Call it intuition, a sixth sense, your mission, core belief, or mystical priestess power. It’s there, period, even if you don’t know it yet. Trust me.
- Tuning back into yourself, your wisdom, your truth, can be the most difficult journey a woman ever takes. BUT IT PAYS OFF IN EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE.
- Your soul already knows HOW and WHY and WHEN. Your only job is to fucking listen to it.
- If you are a healer, coach, mentor, psychic, mystic, intuitive, therapist, or any combination thereof, you have a special mission on this planet at this time. Do not fuck around with those gifts.
- I’m going to teach you exactly how to remember who you are and light up the world with your power — while helping you tear off decades’ old masks and veils, layers of duct tape, mountains of can’ts and shouldn’ts and the rest of the bullshit you picked up as you grew into the mighty fine woman you are today.

I’m Becky.
The original Bullshit Slayer, decked out with either Chanel or a bathrobe and muck boots (depending on the day), and a deep, unyielding L-O-V-E for helping you remember who the fuck you are in the most painless, pure, and powerful way possible.
Consider me your own Personal Witch, Healer and Mystic, assuming said witch was an F- and truth bomb-dropping mentor who turns your fear and uncertainty into undeniable life satisfaction.
Money? Yes.
Clients? Yes.
Ease and flow? Fuck yes.
Let’s help your business feel less like someone twisting out each one of your molars with a rusty pair of pliers and more like today’s work refueled me and tomorrow’s going to be even better.
What you can expect from our time together…
A business (and life) where you have a veritable cornucopia of clients, biting at the bit to empty their pockets and scribble their name on any line of every check.
When you are YOU, you appeal to YOUR PEOPLE easily. You zero in on those juuuuust right customers (Goldilocks style), getting ’em lined up, locked and loaded for your Next Big Thing. (There will be celebratory chocolate-covered cherries.)
Our work together is about cultivating the confidence to run your business like a boss. (Spoiler alert: You are the boss.)
It’s about patching those huge holes where you’ve worn yourself thin, making room for you to fucking breathe, and—if we’re being honest—bathe.
And then there’s the (most important) part where you’ll see the balance of your bank account growing day by day like the happiest damn plant ever. (And they say money doesn’t grow on trees.)
You’re smart enough. You’re capable enough. You have a right to make (a metric shit ton of) money doing what you do best.
It’s time to stop just scraping by and start being paid for the magic you give the world.
You can barely survive, or you can thrive.
The choice, as always, is yours.