Receive the tools to
MAGIC to every part of your your life.

  • MANIFEST hopes into reality
  • CONJURE in all areas of your life
  • Recalibrate your MINDSET
  • Use your own ENERGY to cast spells

Receive the tools to
MAGIC to every part of your your life.

  • MANIFEST hopes into reality
  • CONJURE in all areas of your life
  • Recalibrate your MINDSET
  • Use your own ENERGY to cast spells

This isn’t just about magic. It’s about who you believe you are in the world.

Centuries ago, women were regaled for their inner knowing. They were sought out to heal, advise, mentor and guide. Those cultures understood that  a woman’s intuition is her superpower.

Today, we are living in a different world. We are taught that  if there is no physical evidence, it mustn’t be true. If others cannot see or feel what you feel, then your feelings are false.

That we are “wrong”, and need to sit down and shut up.  NO.

We are conditioned to ignore, disconnect, stuff down and repress our intuition – the intuition that is the very seat of our power.

Inside Witchy Women I, I’m going to show you how to bring all of that back, use it for the good of the world, and for YOUR own good.

Inside Witchy Women I, I’m going to show you how to bring all of that back, use it for the good of the world, and for YOUR own good.

You are far more powerful than you realize and they KNOW IT. That’s why they work so hard to get you to ignore it.

This On-Demand, 6-lesson program will show you how to undo centuries of bullshit and put yourself firmly back on the throne.

What You’ll get:

        6 online lessons and printable worksheets

        Spell casting

        Cord Magic

        Circle Casting

        Altar Preparation

        Energy Powering



What You’ll Learn:

        How witchcraft improves your confidence and sense of self-mastery

        Why mindset is the core of witchcraft – and how to increase your ability to improve your finances, physical health, and emotional well-being

        How to tap into your Divine Power

        How to effectively cast intentions and spells

        How to create your own Book of Shadows

        How to work with the elements

        How to tap into, strengthen and use your intuition


Start Immediately – On-Demand.


$997 – Installments Available

It’s a remembering… As if I used to have this power and silently it slipped away without me understanding that it was leaving me. This course has me coming back to me and this inner power of self. Thank you Becky

– Denise Hansard

You are a blessing and your teachings are incredible. It’s helping me get back to my true self… I am connecting to source and it’s fucking powerful… Thank you Becky and every beautiful soul here that’s making this experience that much greater.

– Ashley Omar

This course moved me through some big resistance and fears around witchcraft while giving me the tools I need to begin creating my own spells. All of the herbal products I sell now have super amplified healing energy. It is so incredible!!

I look back now and I’ve always been a witch. There are so many memories and moments where I knew this but held it within. I am officially out of the closet thanks to Becky in this amazing class!!!

-Diana Gonsalves Hansen

Refine your gifts. Hone your skills.

Take what you have inside and share it for the good.

Ancient Greeks and Romans cast spells daily and carried tiny amulets with binding spells on them. Magic was once a very prominent part of several cultures. Your ancestors likely practiced magic and passed down these gifts to you. To fully embrace who you are, examine your whole self and re-establish what has been lost over the years.

Witchy Women I is your chance to do just that.

Dive in, open your mind and heart to your ancient calling.

Refine your gifts. Hone your skills.

Take what you have inside and share it for the good.

Ancient Greeks and Romans cast spells daily and carried tiny amulets with binding spells on them. Magic was once a very prominent part of several cultures. Your ancestors likely practiced magic and passed down these gifts to you. To fully embrace who you are, examine your whole self and re-establish what has been lost over the years.

Witchy Women I is your chance to do just that.

Dive in, open your mind and heart to your ancient calling.

Here’s the breakdown in each module:

Lesson One

The power lies within you. The mindset, vision and stirring of you as a witch. Hermeticism and its guiding principles for witchcraft.

Lesson Two

Developing, testing and trusting your intuition, grounding and clearing, circle casting, the basics of spellwork, how to develop your own energy source and release it into a spell. Starting your own Book of Shadows.

Lesson Three

Intention setting, the Rule of Three, when to cast a spell (and when not to), the timing of spells, moon cycles, color correspondence, the end-to-end process of casting a spell, why spells sometimes don’t work (and what to do about it), ingredients, and an empowerment spell.

Lesson Four

Things witches cannot do if they want their spells to work. The different types of spells. The science of candle magic. The most common herbs and crystals in spellwork and what they mean. Oil blends. What to do with supplies when your spell is complete. A spell to increase personal power, and more.

Lesson Five

Spell jars and kits, powders, potions, oils and sprays, prosperity spell, love spell, protection spell, 7-day candle interpretation.

Lesson Six

Tweaking spells, what feels good and what doesn’t, where you need work, and your vows/promises/commitments as a witch.

Plus, inside each lesson, I share recipes, spells and meanings for you to add to your own book of shadows.

I like the witchy vibes and also that this brings back the awareness of our ancestors. And it shows me how much knowledge we have lost. I am also in love with you! I like your way of thinking. I like your way of transferring the knowledge to us. I like your down to earth manner… I learned a lot and right now I am as well reading a lot. Thank you as well for the recommendations on Amazon, especially the books. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

– Becky Basic

So far, it’s the best way I can describe what’s happening: An elites mindset and manifesting intensive.

– Karen Malone

This began a huge awakening and shift in my entire being and my business…I’m in awe.

– Renee Martin

About Becky

More than 14 years ago, Becky, a born witch, began a crazy, sexy, exciting, and dark AF journey when she read a book called Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. The shift was simple: She began believing in the idea presented, that your thoughts shape your reality. With that, she changed her life, fully and completely investing in herself and then unveiling herself AS SHE IS, without apology, living fully in her gifts.

Today, not only does Becky lead a massively successful business that helps women from around the globe, she also has gifted us with her intuitive talents and teachings: horse medicine, mindset and energy work, conjuring, spellcasting, crystal healing and more. Witchy Women I combines all of these gifts into a neat package for you to consume.

You will glow after this course, because as Becky teaches us, everything is connected.

You are stardust, baby.

Let’s fucking go.

About Becky

More than 14 years ago, Becky, a born witch, began a crazy, sexy, exciting, and dark AF journey when she read a book called Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. The shift was simple: She began believing in the idea presented, that your thoughts shape your reality. With that, she changed her life, fully and completely investing in herself and then unveiling herself AS SHE IS, without apology, living fully in her gifts.

Today, not only does Becky lead a massively successful business that helps women from around the globe, she also has gifted us with her intuitive talents and teachings: horse medicine, mindset and energy work, conjuring, spellcasting, crystal healing and more. Witchy Women I combines all of these gifts into a neat package for you to consume.

You will glow after this course, because as Becky teaches us, everything is connected.

You are stardust, baby.

Let’s fucking go.


Becky ripped me open. She didn’t stitch me up. She handed me a first-aid kit and taught me how to use the tools to heal myself. Fuck it hurt -but it’s so worth it.

Becky then held a mirror so I could find me – that wasn’t a walk in the park either.

Becky is brutal. Becky is brilliant. She slices to the bone allowing your soul to shine.

Becky helps you to cut cords and release your anchors – when you let go and allow yourself to be vulnerable she holds you in her hands and welcomes you into her community of incredible women.

– Sancha

Becky is the type of coach that understands you before you even know yourself… especially with these niggly little blocks that just won’t seem to go away. With this course, she is able to bring you through the seeds of thought that are keeping you stuck all while teaching you the magic of spells. Y those spells you’ve been doing all your life and called them something different…affirmations, manifesting, journaling, etc. She has a way of putting it all into a way that has you firmly believing in your own power. Don’t hesitate to take this course!

– Denise Hansard

Become a force of nature. Tap into your own divine power.

Become a force of nature. Tap into your own divine power.

Start Immediately – On-Demand.

Investment: $997 (Installments Available)

NOTE: Dark Magic is not taught here and will not be tolerated. If you’re interested in those modalities, please go elsewhere. If we discover you are using our methods to perform Dark Magic, you will be removed from all of our programs. No refunds.