(Because your clients deserve more than “just think positive” bullshit)
Let me tell you a story that might sound familiar…
I used to be that coach who did everything by the book.
Vision boards? Check.
Goal setting? You bet.
Mindset work? All day long.
But my clients kept hitting the same damn walls. They’d make progress then backslide. Move forward then get stuck. And I felt like I was failing them.
Then I discovered what was really going on: We weren’t just dealing with mindset. We were dealing with trauma.
All that “good vibes only” stuff was making things worse.
The raw truth is most coaching programs don’t teach you how to handle the heavy stuff. They offer surface-level crap that leaves you and your clients wanting more.
But what if you could actually help your clients break through those walls?
That’s why I created Trauma Healing with Shadow Work.
I get it. Shadow work sounds intense and maybe even a bit dark. But stick with me here. This shit works. And I’m going to show you exactly how.
What You’re Stepping Into:
- 8 weeks of no-bullshit training on trauma healing with shadow work
- Real tools that go way beyond “just breathe through it”
- A framework that actually helps your clients get unstuck
- Skills to handle the tough stuff with confidence
When Carl Jung said the Shadow is 99% gold, he didn’t just mean working on your trauma and shame.
The Shadow is where we put what our society says isn’t “normal.”
Things we may not like about ourselves, such as being “too loud” or “shy.” For girls, it can be as simple as wanting to play in the trees instead of with dolls. For boys, wanting to write in a journal instead of playing with cars or plastic guns.
One small problem…
We also shove good things deemed “not normal” into the Shadow.
We end up hiding that we’re great writers or master arborists. We’re afraid to show the world we have incredible gifts, like a woman flying hot air balloons around the world or a man who loves being a stay-at-home dad.
And pissing on your talents is as bad as shoving aside shame and guilt.
The Good News
When we work on our Shadow, we free IT ALL. Which is the point. Your clients will love you for reminding them they have permission to bethemselves the moment they stop judging themselves.
Week by Week, Here’s What We’re Tackling:
Week 1: Shadow Work 101
Real talk about Jung’s ideas without the academic BS. Plus why buried feelings are like zombies. They don’t stay dead, and they will come back to bite you.
Week 2: Why We Run from Our Shit
Let’s talk about avoidance and why it’s making everything worse. (Spoiler: Running from your feelings is like trying to outrun your shadow. It’s always going to be there.)
Week 3: Creating Safe Space for Shadow Work
Ever try to open up to someone and felt them get weird about it? Yeah, that’s exactly what we’re NOT doing. Learn how to hold space like a boss. We’ll cover the art of making clients feel safe enough to get real (without making it feel like a therapy session).
Week 4: Getting Real About Anger
Time to stop pretending anger is “bad.” Your clients have rage for a reason, and this lesson is about how to work with it. I’ll show you exactly how trauma messes with anger and why “just let it go” is garbage. You’ll see how to help clients channel their anger into power.
Week 5: Tackling the Shame Monster
Let’s talk about shame, the thing nobody wants to talk about. You know those clients who can’t take a compliment? Or the ones who self-sabotage every time things get good? Yeah, that’s shame at work. You’ll see how to spot it, name it and help your clients work through it. (Without making them want to crawl under a rock.)
Week 6: The Truth About Vulnerability
Remember that time you tried to get vulnerable and someone made you regret it? We all have those stories. This week is about creating the right conditions for real vulnerability – both yours and your clients’. No trust falls required. I promise.
Week 7: Shadow Work in the Real World
Because this shit doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We’re talking relationships, work, family – all the places where shadow work gets real. Learn how to help clients spot their projections (you know, when “everyone” is an asshole…except them) and actually use that insight for growth.
Week 8: Putting It All Together
This is where the magic happens. We’re taking everything you’ve learned and turning it into a practical, powerful coaching approach. Drawing from Dan Siegel’s work on integration (without the academic jargon), you’ll learn how to help clients actually accept themselves – shadow and all.
What Makes This Different?
I’ve been where you are. I’ve taken all the trainings that promise to make you a “master coach.” Most of them are surface level garbage.
This is different because:
- We actually deal with the real stuff
- You’ll learn by doing, not just listening
- Everything is practical, tested and proven
- No toxic positivity allowed
You’ll love this if:
- You’re tired of scratching the surface with clients
- You know there’s deeper work to be done
- You’re ready to get real about trauma
- You want tools that actually work
This is NOT for you if:
- You believe in “good vibes only”
- You’re not ready to face your own shadows
- You want a quick-fix certification
The Investment: $2997
Why this price? Because transformation ain’t cheap. And let’s be honest: you’ll make this back with just a few clients once you know how to do this work.
Payment plans? Yeah, we got those.
A Personal Note
Here’s something most trainers won’t tell you: This work is hard. It’s messy. Sometimes it makes you uncomfortable. But that’s exactly why it works.
I remember my first shadow work session. I was terrified. Now? It’s the most powerful tool in my coaching toolkit. And it can be yours too.
Ready to Get Real?
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Accredited Certification by a Trusted Professional
Becky is a proud accredited trainer via the International Association of Therapists. She has also completed multiple trauma-based courses, as well as those in neurobiology, abandonment, rejection and anxiety, from the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. She holds a master’s degree in psychology, and is currently undergoing a rigorous 8-month certified training on Traumatic Stress Studies with Bessel van der Kolk, author of the NYT Bestseller The Body Keeps The Score and president of the Trauma Research Foundation. All that before we list her many coaching certifications. Rest assured, you receive a quality education with practical, tested methods with Becky.
“This program scared the shit out of me. Then it changed everything. My clients are getting better results than ever.” – Sarah M
“Finally, someone teaching the real deal instead of fluffy coaching concepts.” – Mike R
Real-World Applications for Your Coaching Practice
This isn’t about theoretical concepts. You’ll receive practical, hands-on training to ensure you feel empowered to use your new skills from Day One.
Flexible Payment Options
We understand that an investment in yourself is meaningful, and we’re here to support you with flexible installment options to make this life-changing certification accessible.
P.S. Still reading?
That means you know in your gut this is what your practice needs. Trust that instinct. Join us.
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