The best version
The best version
of you wants
to arrive.
Your superhero is inside your journal right now.
She’s actually inside your head, but she will come out as you fill these pages.
The best version of you wants to arrive. She has things to say, ideas to share and love for life.
But most times, we stuff her down, saying we don’t have time, energy or space for something like writing in a journal.
It’s a sad fact of our culture that many women simply regard self-care as not only selfish, but a waste of time.
The truth is that the single most powerful thing we can do for ourselves is TAKE time to see ourselves, figure out what we want and how to feel good.
Drawing on happiness research and her own personal philosophy, Rebecca T. Dickson offers an inspiring tool for women everywhere to discover the keys to their own joy and love for life.
Journals from around the world
“Rebecca Dickson has created a perfect way to make sure I hit the important points of every day ( I don’t want to give away too much ) and allowed plenty of space for me to free-style after each days beautiful prompts. She makes it easy to reflect on the day, plant the seeds for more intentional tomorrows, and commune with our soul. We are all here for a purpose and to be the truest version of ourselves. Too often we get lost in the hustle and bustle and forget that. I didn’t want to live that way anymore, and that’s why I started journaling. I wish the benefits on more women. This is going to be my go-to and heartfelt gift for my girlfriends, without a doubt.”
“The journal is amazing. There is some spectacular guidance at the beginning of the book and plenty of pages to fill in and help you through the journey of finding out what is important to you. Becky also has an amazing course to guide you through the process for those of us who have struggled with journaling in the past.”
“I have had my journal for almost a week now, and I LOVE it. The writing prompts are so helpful to break the ice and help me get into the flow of journaling. Then the blank pages that follow allow me to play with whatever thoughts come up. I like that it is not dated so I don’t feel guilty if I miss a day, or feel like I have to start at a special point in the year. The cover is beautiful, the pages feel good to write on, and they don’t show the writing through to the other side of the page. I also love that the journal is large enough to write and doodle while holding it on my lap.”
Get it now at Amazon:
The Companion Course
Writing is never just writing.
When you think a thought, that’s step one of creation.
When you speak, that’s step two.
When you write it down, that’s step three — the first level of turning your vision into reality.
The process of journaling is about much more than self-awareness. This is a tool that actually helps you reveal your inner wisdom, gain clarity and focus, and bring it into the world.
In This Is How You Find Her, the Journaling Course, you will understand how to do this for yourself, for healing, inspiration, creation and manifesting.