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11 Magical Correspondences That Actually Work

Magical Correspondences are used in practice to add to magical powers and create symbolic magical links. They must be used as extras to your supremacy.

The traditional magical practitioners use correspondence to help you choose which magical tool, crystal, stone or herb to use in the rite.

Magical Correspondences such as the four magical elements, planets in the universe and zodiac signs act as a signature, of sorts, that connects to various symbols and meanings. These are;

  1. Herbs
  2. Colors
  3. Flowers
  4. Numbers
  5. Animals
  6. Elements
  7. Metals
  8. Woods
  9. Moon Phases
  10. Crystals and Gemstones
  11. Celtic Tree Calendar

Table of Magical Correspondences

Make note of this table of correspondences and practice them while working on your rite or spell.

Pay close attention to the subtle difference between various elements, the more you identify them the faster you will learn.

Video: Magical Correspondences Working With Herbs, Oils and Crystals In Ritual


In some traditional books, you will find that using a singular zodiac sign or a celestial body works best while the other’s might suggest combining a little bit of everything.

With daily practice and proper understanding of all the symbols, you will be able to relate more to what is working best for you and what is not.

1. The Herbal Magical Correspondences

Many herbs have been used for thousands of years because of their remedial and magical powers.

The Herbal Magic Correspondences
The Herbal Magic Correspondences


The Wiccan and the Pagans have been using them for centuries as a regular spiritual tradition.

Different herbs have different properties; however, we have listed the most common types of magical herbs for correspondences i.e.

  • Hawthorn
  • Sandalwood
  • Basil
  • Frankincense
  • Bay Leaf
  • Bergamot
  • Pecan
  • Chamomile
  • Clover
  • Tonka bean

All these herb types solve different life purposes and therefore must be used very carefully.

Consequently, many Wiccans and Pagans use herbs as part of their steady customary exercise.

These have various medicinal properties as well as they help to release uneasiness and anxiety, bring back love and happiness to life, provide safety and help you achieve your dreams.

2. The Table of Color Correspondence

In the ancient magical culture, colors have always been used because of their unique symbolism and certain associations with various gems and planets.

The Table of Color Correspondence
The Table of Color Correspondence

However, some people prefer using their own set of magical color correspondences.

You may use your fabric, ribbons, colored papers and ink for differential magical rituals. Some of the common color associations are;


Color Correspondences Elemental Correspondences Planetary Correspondences
Red Fire Aries, Scorpio, Mars, etc.
Orange Fire Sun, Leo, Sagittarius, etc.
Yellow Air Mercury, Taurus, Libra
Gold Fire Sun
Green Earth Venus, Mercury, Aquarius, etc.
Blue Water Jupiter, Moon, Virgo, etc.
Black Earth Saturn
Brown Earth Scorpio, Capricorn

The Table of Color Magical Correspondences

3. The Magical Flower Correspondences

For centuries, the plants especially their flower that we grow have found its way in the magical rituals and ceremonies.

The Magical Flower Correspondences
The Magical Flower Correspondences

Magical Correspondences have often used flowers to enhance the magical powers of others.

Select the flower when it begins to bloom, keeping in mind the usage of the flower for the correspondences as different flowers have different properties.

Some of the common flowers that are used for magic are listed below;

  • Violet
  • Tulip
  • Narcissus
  • Lily
  • Hyacinth
  • Hibiscus
  • Goldenseal
  • Echinacea
  • Dandelion
  • Daffodil
  • Crocus

4. The Number Correspondences

Numerology has been a part of many Wiccan and Pagan spiritual practices and customs.

The Number Correspondences
The Number Correspondences


The basic rule of the Number Magical Correspondences is that they have a great amount of ritual and ceremonial importance.

Various numerological numbers hold different powers and strength and sometimes an amalgamation of two numbers can also yield great results.

Apart from there super magical correspondences, numbers have planetary significance as well.

Number Magical Correspondences Significance
1 or One Connected to the universal life force that binds us all.
2 or Two Related to polarity and duality.
3 or Three Connected to the triple goddess.
4 or Four Corresponds to the 4 elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
5 or Five Four elements plus the addition of spirit as a 5th element.
6 or Six Related to solar energy.
7 or Seven Related to lunar energy, connected to the moon.
8 or Eight Related to the eight NeoWiccan sabbat dates.
9 or Nine Indicates change and growth.
0 or Zero It is seen as representative of the beginning.

Number Magical Correspondences

5. The Animal Correspondences

In the new-era Wiccan and Pagan culture, magical correspondences of animals have been incorporated in the practices and beliefs.

The Animal Correspondences
The Animal Correspondences

Through ages, people have welcomed the animals as a part of the ritual practices.

Below are some animals with their folklore and legends that date back to centuries.

  • The Bear Legends
  • The Lore of Tortoise and Turtle Legends
  • The Cat Magic
  • The Superstation and Magic of Frogs
  • The Dog Legends and Folklore
  • The Horse Magic
  • The Bee Lore and Legends
  • The Wolf Folklore and Legends
  • The Rabbit magic
  • The Spider Lore and Magic
  • The Black Cats
  • The Owl Magic
  • The Ravens and Crows Lore
  • The Serpent magic

6. The Elements & Magical Correspondences

The modern Wiccan and Paganism traditions and beliefs give a lot of significance to the 4 elements of nature i.e. earth, air, water and fire.

Elements & Magical Correspondences
Elements & Magical Correspondences

The modern traditions, however, suggest including the 5th Element of Nature i.e. The Spirit.

Each element of nature is associated with different symbolism and meanings like compass directions.

People from different geographical areas can use different correspondences tables.

7. The Metal Magical Correspondences

Metals have been used since ages as magical correspondences, with their reference found in many ancient books and texts.

The Metal Magical Correspondences
The Metal Magical Correspondences

This is also related to the seven noble metals or the seven antiquity metals.

Various metals have been correlated to different terrestrial correspondences based on its properties by Alchemists. Let us have a look at the 7 magical metals;

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Copper
  • Tin
  • Iron
  • Led
  • Mercury

8. The Wood Correspondences

The ancient Wiccan and Pagan Tradition believe that the wood has various properties associated with it that can be used for magic and ceremonial spells.

The Wood Correspondences
The Wood Correspondences

By using the Wood Magical Correspondences, you can conduct various magical ceremonies with different wood types.

The Nine Sacred Woods of the Bonfire are listed below for your reference;

  • Birch
  • Rowan
  • Ash
  • Alder
  • Willow
  • Hawthorn
  • Oak
  • Holly
  • Hazel

9. Moon Phases and Magical Correspondences

The Wiccan and Pagan tradition says that the moon cycles are crucial for magical workings and it believes that all the phases have special magical properties that should be planned properly.

Moon Phases
Moon Phases

The different moon phases are;

  1. The Waxing Moon
  2. The Full Moon
  3. The Waning Moon
  4. The New Moon

Every moon night is surrounded by its folklore and legends; thus it is extremely important to learn about the correspondences of moon phases.

10. Magical Crystals and Gemstones

Many crystals and gemstones have been used as Magical correspondences by the people of the Pagan and Wiccan tradition.

Magical Crystals and Gemstones
Magical Crystals and Gemstones

Various ancient customs and traditions allocate different healing and magical powers to each stone. Some of the commonly used stones are;

Zircon Turquoise
Sapphire Tiger’s Eye
Opal Quartz
Obsidian Moonstone
Lapis Lazuli Jasper
Jade Hematite
Garnet Diamond
Carnelian Bloodstone
Amethyst Amber

Magical Crystals and Gemstones

11. The Magic of the Celtic Tree Calendar

The Magic of the Celtic Tress is associated with the thirteen lunar divisions of the calendar.

The Magic of the Celtic Tree Calendar
The Magic of the Celtic Tree Calendar

Many Wiccans do not follow the waning and waxing lunar cycles, rather they assign fixed dates for each month.

If this was done, finally the calendar would fall out of sync with the Gregorian year, because some calendar years have 12 full moons and others have 13.

The contemporary tree calendar is based on a notion that each letter in the ancient Celtic script resembled a tree. Here it goes;

Name of the Calendar
Division Months
Birch Moon
December 24 – January 20
Rowan Moon
January 21 – February 17
Ash Moon
February 18 – March 17
Alder Moon
March 18 – April 14
Willow Moon
April 15 – May 12
Hawthorn Moon
May 13 – June 9
Oak Moon
June 10 – July 7
Holly Moon
July 8 – August 4
Hazel Moon
August 5 – September 1
Vine Moon
September 2 – September 29
Ivy Moon
September 30 – October 27
Reed Moon
October 28 – November 23
Elder Moon
November 24 – December 23

The Celtic Tree Calendar


The Table of Magical Correspondences can help you select the best tool to conduct your magical rituals or ceremonies.

The basic theory behind it is that everything has an identity of some sort that connects to its symbolism and meaning.

We hope that you must have enjoyed the exhaustive list of 11 magical correspondences that you can use on your magical spell construction.

This article is reposted here courtesy of wikireligions.com.

Powerful Rituals for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. You know what that means…

Like it or not, the world turns its attention to love. People focus on making themselves more attractive, deepening their relationships, or attracting new partners.

Looking for some easy, powerful rituals to get you in the Valentine’s Day mood?

Here are a couple perfect for this holiday:

A Ritual for Self-Love

It’s often said that you cannot love someone else if you do not love yourself. What that actually means is if you don’t care about yourself, you’re more likely to attract partners who don’t care either.

Self-love is the foundation for a healthy relationship. What better time to practice self-love than Valentine’s Day?

Self Love Spell

For this spell, you will need:

  • Pink candle
  • Rose quartz
  • Oil (even olive oil is fine)

Dress the candle with oil. As you do this, think about what it is you are calling in for yourself. Place the candle on a fire-safe surface, with the rose quartz in front of it. Light the candle, and say…

Fire warm, and fire bright,
Warm my heart with love tonight.
Not love for others, but for me,
Show me the beauty I cannot see.

Sit in front of the candle, slow your breathing and relax. Take the rose quartz in your hands, and picture its energy connecting to your heart. Visualize yourself happy and at peace. When you are ready, snuff the candle. Keep the rose quartz beside your bed. Repeat this ritual whenever you feel your confidence dipping.

Love Spell

If you are single, Valentine’s Day can be challenging. Nobody likes to see happy couples everywhere if they are feeling lonely. But you can use the energy of this season to draw in a lover.

You will need:

  • Any tarot deck
  • Oil (even lie oil is fine)
  • Paper or parchment
  • A pen
  • A clear quartz crystal
  • Pink or red candle

This spell works by sympathetic magic, which relies on symbolism. First, look through the tarot deck for a symbol of love — The Lovers card or Two of Cups. Place that card in front of you.

Meditate on this card for a moment. What characteristics do you want your ideal lover have? Get specific. Use the pen and paper to make a list. Place the paper under the tarot card, and set the clear quartz on top of it. This allows the quartz to amplify the energy of your desires and send them out to the world.

Next, dress your candle with oil and write your name on the base. (I use a paperclip to carve my name in.) Place the candle in or on a fire-safe container.

Light the candle and say…

Perfect love, come and see.
Perfect love, be drawn to me.

Allow the candle to burn completely. (If you need to leave it unattended, snuff it and relight it when you come back.) Return the tarot card to the deck, save the quartz crystal, and bury the paper and candle remains near your front door.

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love of all types.

Whether you need more self-love, want a new lover, or need to enhance the passion between you and your partner, now is the best time to put these energies to work for you.

Need some supplies?

Check out these – all on sale too!

Love Potion Candle
Self Love Crystal Kit
Twin Flame Candle
Passion Candles
Love Spell Kits